
To Have You Back

Aira lives a typical college life. Her life takes a turn when she encounters a handsome yet mischievous guy, Ashton. Love beings to blossom yet there are secrets that can change their lives forever. But then again, he suddenly disappeared. Where is he? Thus begins Aira's search. How will Aira be able to cope up with the new changes in her life? Did Ashton purposely left her? Will she be able to find him? If so, will she accept Ash along with his secret or is it the end? What decision will Aira take? Read in to find out.

Bobaholic_girl · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

Sofia takes the driver's seat. I take a seat next to the driver's and Alice in the back seat. Alice shouts out, "Guys I think I know why."

We turn back to her and gave a questioning look "Yesterday she called Jack home since her parents were about to leave for a few days. But how come they are still here?" "Wait, what?" Sofia questions.

"Yea, she told me later that they will be taking their relationship to the next level when her parents will be out." "Whoa! I can guess what might have happened. The way her mom was asking me about Jack, I think she was caught maybe…" I tell them. They both shrug.

In no time we reach at Karen's place. We knock on the door and press the button of the doorbell. Ding dong... The bell chimes. Karen's Mom opens the door and lets us in.

We greet her and she does the same. "Hello to you three, Karen is in her room" She looks at us suspiciously and "by the way girls, did you know that your best friend got engaged to some guy called Jack without her parents knowledge?" She questions.

"Engaged?" We burst out simultaneously. We all look at each other. Wait. Engaged? What exactly happened?

It's like standing on a thin rope high above the flowing river with a pole in hand.

If we tell Karen's mom that we knew she was in relationship with that guy, Karen will not be allowed to go anywhere let alone go to college itself and if we support Karen, her mom will not trust us anymore with Karen. Oh great! We are doomed.

Alice nervously chuckles, "No Aunty we don't know. Who is the guy anyway?" Karen's mom looks at us and questions, "Do you'll know?" We nod our heads to say no. We are dumbstruck. Both me and Sofia are blank at the moment when unexpectedly Alice jerks our hands and make a rush to Karen's room.

Karen's room is a big room with a bed for one. Her room walls are painted with baby pink color. There's a study table near the window on the left side. She is sitting on her bed reading something. Her eyes look swollen and red. I bet it's from crying for too long. We all go and sit next to her on her bed. "What happened?" Sofia questions. Karen looks up at us and starts to cry her heart out.

We make a group hug. It's comforting when you know that your friends are always by your side when you need them. She sniffles, "I am sorry guys. I...I did something that I shouldn't have done" Now that I think about it, I think it is beyond our expectation.

"Mom and dad were heading out and I was alone at home. I texted Jack to come over. I was so turned on after mom and dad left that I almost tackled Jack on the floor without even locking the door and ...." She sniffs "Mom suddenly came inside and saw us in compromising position on the floor. She asked me who he was when Jack suddenly opened his mouth and said that I was his fiancée. He didn't know that it was my mom. To that Mom got really angry and locked me in here."

That was…. Unexpected. I look at Alice and Sofia. Their mouths are hanging open, I guess mine too. So, that's how she came to know about Jack. I need to say something to her but what? I keep looking down the floor admiring the floor patterns as if they are something extraordinary. I look up again to Karen, "You shouldn't have called him home, at least not so soon!" I kick myself. Damn this foot in mouth syndrome of mine.

They stare at me hard. I feel their intense glare as if boring into my skin. Karen looks at me "Aira please go. Right now the last thing I want to do is fight with you. Please, it's a request" She says it warily.

I look into her eyes and nod "I am sorry" I apologize for what I exclaimed and go out of there. Alice and Sofia give a look at me as if meaning to say" you shouldn't have said that."