
To Grant a Wish, No Holds Barred

After crossing into another world, I woke up as the unfortunate owner of a bankrupt martial arts gym, ready to sell and flee. But fate had other plans. Before I could escape, a challenge arrived. As if life wasn't hard enough. Then, something extraordinary happened—I could see people's wishes. Fulfilling these wishes granted me wish points, usable for anything from improving martial skills to acquiring mystical weapons. Among the first wishes was Jin Ray's, hoping for my recovery, rewarding me with a wish point. Suddenly, Leon Wei understood his new power. Moving forward, he became known as the one who truly knew what people needed, fulfilling desires and earning his place in their hearts.

Daoist4RUqu4 · Eastern
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30 Chs

Chapter 17

Mo Wangnian left.

He's really gone.

No hurry? Can I help you?

Once those words were spoken, there was no turning back. What to do next? What else to think about? Definitely going out to fulfill wishes diligently; only by diligently fulfilling wishes can one become stronger.

The tofu seller at the door is still there, wishes forever simple, like a fixed NPC.

At night, the moon is full. After a day of fulfilling wishes, he gained a total of four wish points.

Not many, but at least there's some progress.

In the lottery, watching the proficiency of the Wave and Dragon Elephant Fist increase, he felt quite pleased.

"I still have twenty Blood Tiger Pills left."

In these days, some of the martial arts apprentices have already absorbed the medicinal power of the pills, so he can only give them Blood Tiger Pills. Currently, apart from him, only Jin Ray has reached the Qi and Blood Realm.

This level of strength is not enough.

There's a significant gap.

His requirements are not high; he just hopes that all sixteen apprentices in the martial arts school can enter the Qi and Blood Realm so that he can show off properly.


There was a commotion outside. Thinking of Mo Wangnian's warning during the day, could it be that the people from the Three Elements Society have really come? Thinking of this, a smile crept onto his lips.

Opening the door and stepping into the courtyard, he looked up at the sky, sighing. The moon tonight is truly full.

"Come out, stop skulking around."

Leon Wei said softly.

He was quite impressed by these sixth-rate assassins who wanted to kill him. If they wanted to kill, why be so sneaky about it? If he were to assassinate someone, he'd kick the door open, charge in with a knife, chop the target to pieces, and then leave calmly.

That's true assassination.

Dominant and mighty.


A silver needle, illuminated by the moonlight, swept towards him. Leon Wei caught it between his fingers. Seeing the liquid on the tip of the needle, he knew it was poisoned. Truly despicable; not only hiding and ambushing but also poisoning.

Too much, really too much.

He then counterattacked with the needle, a strong man wielding a hammer emerged from the darkness.

"Just you?"

Leon Wei looked at the man, not hearing any other movements. He sighed inwardly; this was quite undignified. They only sent one person; usually, there should be four, five, six, seven, or eight.

"You've offended the wrong person. Die."

The burly man didn't waste words, swinging his hammer, a fierce look in his eyes as he aimed to smash Leon Wei. He had received orders to kill the target, to smash him to pieces with the hammer.

Leon Wei felt the man's strength; it was good, definitely not at the Qi and Blood Realm level. With exposed skin, he looked sturdy. Without a doubt, he had entered the Skin and Flesh Realm.

It seemed they knew I was at the Qi and Blood Realm, so they sent someone from the Skin and Flesh Realm to assassinate me.

Playing it safe, without any surprises, with one high and one low, the lower one would surely die.

But unfortunately, circumstances often unexpectedly change.



When masters clash, it's intense.

Leon Wei kept evading, using his martial arts skills, striking the man. Each blow felt like hitting a metal plate, but it still had an effect.

Every time the hammer-wielding man suffered a heavy blow, he couldn't help but step back, showing that Leon Wei's strikes were effective and could harm him.

On the other hand, the burly man was not in a good mood. The opponent was as agile as a monkey, always out of reach.

"Damn you, you damn bastard, stop right there." The burly man slammed the hammer down, creating a deep pit in the ground.

Leon Wei was somewhat astonished by this scene. Damn, this guy doesn't care about repairing the ground, does he?

Thinking this, he unleashed his Wave and Dragon Fist technique, a powerful force pouring out like a tidal wave towards the man's chest. The burly man's face changed drastically, but by the time he reacted, it was too late.


The burly man was sent flying, the force continuously striking his body, blood already trickling from his mouth.


The burly man stared at Leon Wei in disbelief, clearly not expecting him to break through his physical defenses.

"What 'you'? Just because you've entered the Skin and Flesh Realm, you think you can handle me? That's just wishful thinking."

Leon Wei didn't give the man a chance to speak, swiftly taking action.

Secret technique, Long Sky Thunder Concealment.

His arms suddenly swelled up, gathering Qi and blood in his arms. Several steps away, he thrust both palms forward, covering the man with an unimaginable force.

"What the hell?"

The burly man exclaimed, feeling as if his chest was about to split open.

Bang! He was slammed hard against the wall, which couldn't withstand the force, denting and cracking as the impact spread.


The iron hammer fell weakly to the ground.

The burly man's eyes bulged, bloodshot, his chest wound looking gruesome, almost revealing his internal organs.

Secret technique, Long Sky Thunder Concealment.

Secret technique, Long Sky Thunder Concealment.

He wasn't sure if the burly man was dead, but just to be safe, he unleashed two more powerful attacks from a distance. After all, people on the brink of death can still be terrifying when they explode.

"He should be dead."

Leon Wei observed closely, noting the lack of pulse in the man's neck and the absence of breath from his nostrils. He was definitely dead.

Trying to kill me?

Take a look at what you're made of.

The commotion attracted Jin Ray, who ran over. "Master, what's going on?"

When he saw the figure embedded in the wall, he was completely stunned. "That looks terrible. Those injuries must be painful."

"It's nothing. Someone tried to assassinate me, but their skills weren't up to par, so I took care of it. Oh, and don't rush to report to the authorities. Wait until all the apprentices are here tomorrow, then inform the Inspectorate," Leon Wei said.

He wanted to toughen up the apprentices. They must have seen dead bodies before, but they probably hadn't seen a dead body with such injuries.

Such good material right in front of them.

How exciting.

"Oh," Jin Ray was a bit dazed, but he still followed his master's instructions.

"Disperse, go back to sleep."

Leon Wei waved his hand, quite satisfied with the eruption of his secret technique just now. The first strike should have been fatal, but he delivered two more just to be safe.

The next day.

Early morning.

The apprentices started arriving one by one. Some of them were puzzled when they saw a group of people gathered there. What's going on? What's so interesting? But when they saw the master there, they approached with curiosity.

Soon, they heard a voice.

"Take a good look at his wounds. Do you not find them pitiful? Let me tell you, this is the result of my Thunder Wind Palm secret technique. So, the Thunder Wind Palm you're learning now is quite powerful."


"The master is amazing."

As they approached, they too were stunned.

Oh my god!

A... a corpse.

But soon, they were also drawn to the man's wounds.

Is this caused by the martial arts we're practicing?

Is it this powerful?