
To Grant a Wish, No Holds Barred

After crossing into another world, I woke up as the unfortunate owner of a bankrupt martial arts gym, ready to sell and flee. But fate had other plans. Before I could escape, a challenge arrived. As if life wasn't hard enough. Then, something extraordinary happened—I could see people's wishes. Fulfilling these wishes granted me wish points, usable for anything from improving martial skills to acquiring mystical weapons. Among the first wishes was Jin Ray's, hoping for my recovery, rewarding me with a wish point. Suddenly, Leon Wei understood his new power. Moving forward, he became known as the one who truly knew what people needed, fulfilling desires and earning his place in their hearts.

Daoist4RUqu4 · Eastern
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30 Chs

Chapter 11

"I seem to have quite a talent for drawing symbols."

Watching the talisman upgrade to the novice interface, a newfound confidence surged within him.

The jump from a proficiency of one hundred to one thousand was so drastic that it made his gums ache.

Glancing at the messy pile of failed talismans on the table, he felt no heartache. Instead, he felt a sense of pride. These were all proofs of his hard work in drawing symbols.

If he were to cross over to a world of immortals and martial arts, even without a system, he believed he could make a living by drawing talismans.

Pen in hand, focused, his gaze locked on the yellow paper.


As he started drawing, a divine presence seemed to guide his hand, dragons and serpents rising as the brush fell on the talisman... and failed.

Without hesitation, he casually tossed the failed talisman aside. Failures did not deserve his attention.

Regardless of success or failure, drawing symbols consumed a tremendous amount of energy. It felt as if his vitality was being drawn from his fingertips to the brush, finally landing on the talisman.

Continuing on, failure is the mother of success. With this thought in mind, the pile of discarded talismans grew, the number of blank talisman papers dwindled rapidly. As sweat dripped down his forehead and his energy nearly depleted, a faint light appeared on a talisman, then dissipated.



Leon Wei slumped in his chair, wiping the sweat from his forehead, panting heavily, exhausted like a dog. He had finally succeeded in creating a talisman.

Simultaneously, the proficiency of the talisman increased by two points.

A fruitful harvest indeed.

Examining the novice Vajra talisman carefully, he saw no difference. If thrown on the street, others would likely mistake it for a gimmick used by a charlatan.

The Vajra talisman he drew before reaching the novice level could withstand five seconds. What would be the effect of this talisman?

With this thought in mind, he felt it necessary to thoroughly and scientifically verify the effectiveness of the talisman. It concerned his safety.

During the day, he used two talismans on Xiang Shuang, leaving three novice Vajra talismans and one novice Vajra talisman remaining.

Originally, he could have saved four, but fearing Xiang Shuang might have some last resort, he used an extra one just in case. Now it seemed he was overly cautious.

Well, caution was a good thing. There were quite a few cunning individuals out there.

Now, to conduct the experiment, he needed a living creature. Late at night... he found one.

Hurriedly stepping out, he returned holding a chicken in one hand and a rope in the other. The chicken looked bewildered, having just been sleeping soundly in its coop, dreaming of pecking at grains on the ground, and then... the dream ended.

Soon, Leon Wei securely bound the chicken to the chair back, aiming to ensure better experimentation.

Taking the Vajra talisman and a dagger, he had previously tested the dagger's force by stabbing his own back, leaving white marks. The defense was indeed impressive, but his skill level at that time was not high enough to be conclusive.

"Chicken, don't be afraid. Tonight, I'll turn you into the first Vajra chicken."

Leon Wei knew the chicken wouldn't understand, but reassurance was necessary. Without giving the chicken a chance to hesitate, he slapped the novice talisman on the chicken, swiftly stabbed with the dagger. A crisp, dull sound echoed.

The chicken cried out twice.

The Vajra talisman could only last for five seconds, so time was of the essence.

With fifty percent force not piercing through, he continued with a full-force stab. The blade entered the chicken's body, but the force dissipated abruptly, only penetrating half a finger's length.

"The effect of the novice Vajra talisman is indeed remarkable."

During the daylight ambush, apart from Xiang Shuang's knife strikes, none of the other accomplices could break his defense.

As the effect of the novice Vajra talisman faded, he slapped the novice Vajra talisman on the chicken, let out a low growl, and swung the dagger with full force. A clang, a spark, the dagger shattered, but the chicken remained unharmed.

Staring intently at the chicken, he observed silently.

Ten seconds.

The novice Vajra talisman lasted for ten seconds.

As the effect of the talisman faded, the chicken struggled, squawked, and was quieted with a swift neck cut.

"Not bad. The novice Vajra talisman can last for ten seconds. With my current strength, I can't break through the defense. Significant progress."

Leon Wei looked pleased. As proficiency increased, even at the novice level, the effectiveness of the Vajra talisman continued to improve.

Late at night, feeling slightly weary, he disposed of the dead chicken and went back to his room to rest.

Since his arrival in this world, the overt conflicts at the San Dao Martial Hall had long ended, and Xiang Shuang, the hidden threat, had been dealt with. His life should now be stable.

The only remaining trouble was Steward You.

He wondered what Steward You was thinking.

Would he hold a grudge for killing Xiang Shuang? Pondering these thoughts, drowsiness crept in. Well, he thought, when the time comes, whatever will happen will happen. There was no stopping it.

The next day, in the courtyard.

Hei ya! Hei ya!

The sounds of martial arts practice continued incessantly. The apprentices each focused on their training, some building strength, others practicing water techniques.

After drinking a bowl of medicinal soup, Jin Ray stood on the Floating Clouds Post, waiting for his qi and blood to boil, his body gradually heating up before starting palm techniques. Despite being a novice, his techniques were not yet fluent, but this did not hinder his progress in qi and blood cultivation.

"Not bad."

Leon Wei sat steadily on the master's chair, sipping tea, observing the scene. By now, he had the demeanor of a martial hall master.

With Jin Ray's diligence and the support of the Accelerated Training Room, he was bound to become a notable figure in Ankang County.

Wang Haizhu was also doing well. He arrived early every day, immediately started stretching his muscles, then immersed himself in the monotonous training. However, without Leon Wei's permission, Jin Ray had not yet taught Wang Haizhu the Floating Clouds Post technique.

Looking at the other apprentices, some were training diligently, while others seemed to be putting in effort but were actually slacking off.

Martial arts training was a personal affair. No one would be there to whip them into shape. If they ended up learning nothing in the end, it was just a waste of their time and money.


"Get back to training properly. If you want to slack off, go home and slack off. Once you've entered the martial hall, you must give it your all. You, and you, what are you doing? Did your parents spend money to send you here to daydream?"

In the end, he had a kind heart.

After being reprimanded, the lazy individuals, who were among the first to enter the martial hall, immediately blushed and intensified their training.

"Hai Zhu, come here."

Leon Wei spoke.

Wang Haizhu, with a red face, walked to Leon Wei, arms hugging his legs, and loudly declared, "Master, I'm here."

Seeing the makeshift bandage on the kid's head, he felt like laughing, but to maintain the dignity of a hall master, he held back.

"Well, your efforts in recent days have not gone unnoticed by me. Martial arts training requires perseverance. You can't fish for three days and dry the nets for two. Today, I am making an exception and accepting you as my disciple. Are you willing?"

Leon Wei asked solemnly.


"I'm willing, thank you, Master." Wang Haizhu knelt down, trembling with excitement, repeatedly bowing his head, fists clenched tightly on the ground.

Happiness came too quickly.

The other apprentices stopped their activities, mouths agape, looking at Wang Haizhu with envy and astonishment.

Especially those who entered at the same time.

They were so envious they could cry.

"Alright, stop bowing. Get up, you've damaged the floor with your head, and it'll cost money to fix."

Leon Wei quickly intervened, as Haizhu had a tendency to bow excessively.

"Yes, Master." Wang Haizhu stood up, looking back at the eldest senior brother, who smiled and nodded at him.

Jin Ray was also pleased that Haizhu had caught the master's eye.

Hard work and diligence always pay off.

"From now on, you will follow your eldest senior brother. Start with the post training, and when you can feel the qi and blood in your body, move on to palm techniques. Understand?"

"I understand, Master." Wang Haizhu nodded vigorously.

Finally, he could learn real martial arts.

[White Wish Points +1]

Taking Wang Haizhu as a disciple was not solely for the sake of wish points but rather a recognition of his hard work. Those who work hard should not be let down.

He then added him to the Accelerated Training Room.

Enjoy the accelerated training experience.

"Leon Wei, I've come to bring good news."

Suddenly, a joyful voice rang out.

Han Wei entered with a beaming smile.

"Han, my friend."

Leon Wei stood up to greet him, now one of the few people he considered a friend in Ankang County.

Living Room.

Han Wei held a teacup, scraping the rim with the lid, not drinking, always smiling.

"Han, I assume everything went well," Leon Wei had long figured out Han Wei's temperament, enjoying keeping things hidden, waiting for others to ask.

"You noticed?" Han Wei chuckled.

"Of course, the flush on your face, it's a clear sign of success."

"Haha, alright, I won't keep it from you. After you gave me the promissory note yesterday, I immediately went to Yong'an Pawnshop to find that Manager Chen. The old guy tried to play tough with me, but after a good scare from me, he quickly fell in line."

As Han Wei spoke, he took out the profits, not in silver but in two deeds.

One was for the Red Fist Martial Arts Gym, the other for the inn.


Leon Wei was surprised that Han Wei managed to reclaim both mortgaged properties. It exceeded his expectations, showing Han Wei's dominance.

Han Wei said, "It's not that I'm impressive. Although my intimidation worked, its effect wasn't that significant. The real key is that old guy's dirty dealings. If I expose this, he'll have to run for his life."

"I see," Leon Wei understood.

In a place like Ankang County, managed jointly by the Six Gates and the County Office, no one's hands were clean if they managed to build a career.

Perhaps Manager Chen thought Han Wei, as the overseer of the Long Ying Martial Arts Gym, would prefer to avoid trouble. Anything that could be settled with silver coins wasn't considered a big deal.

"Come, share the joy. The gym is yours, and the inn is mine. Any objections, Leon Wei?"


Acquiring both properties with just two promissory notes was a rare deal. If there were any objections, it would be absurd.

"Well, truth be told, Leon Wei, your gym's location isn't ideal, too small to match your current status. But this Red Fist Martial Arts Gym is different. It's twice the size and fully furnished. You can just move in without buying anything," Han Wei explained.

"You've thought this through, Han," Leon Wei smiled.

Taking a sip of tea, Han Wei continued, "With a larger space comes higher expenses. If you want to earn silver coins, focusing on recruiting disciples rather than managing the gym tasks would be more profitable. Wealthy merchants in the city prefer sending their children to affiliated gyms. Regular gyms might not attract them, but an affiliated gym is different. You could charge as much as you want."

"Can you keep up with that?"

Leon Wei knew that recruiting disciples was a shortcut to wealth, but managing too many might be overwhelming.

"It doesn't require much effort. Recruiting them for the silver coins is enough. Those rich kids are pampered and won't endure hardship. They'll run off after a bit of training. No need to micromanage."

Han Wei waved off the wealthy kids with disdain.

"That makes sense."

Leon Wei understood this as a lesson in making money and accepted it calmly.

Suddenly, Han Wei's expression turned serious and solemn.

"Leon Wei, you need to train diligently in the coming days."


Leon Wei didn't understand why Han Wei would say this. Was something about to happen? Such statements often hinted at impending events.

Oh no, he was getting nervous about Xiang Shuang's situation.

"In a month, there will be a competition among the three affiliated gyms, including yours. The winner will become the external manager of the gym and receive a portion of the tile market territory."

Han Wei's serious expression indicated the importance of this event.

"Han, I've just joined the gym, my foundation isn't stable. Isn't this too rushed, especially considering my cultivation..."

"No, Leon Wei, you must compete. A warrior who doesn't compete loses their edge. Even if you can't win, you must show them your strength. Let them know you're not someone to be trifled with, or they'll bully you."

"A warrior must compete..."

Leon Wei murmured to himself, conflicted with his previous thoughts. He had intended to develop quietly, based on his aspirations, gradually improving.

"Yes, you must compete. Only through competition can you get closer to the core of the gym. By then, you'll have access to the best resources and martial arts, even things you never knew existed."

Things he never knew existed?

Leon Wei looked at Han Wei, who remained serious.

"I understand," Leon Wei nodded.

Seeing Leon Wei finally agree, Han Wei relaxed. "Leon Wei, give it your all. I have high hopes for you. If you didn't become part of the affiliated gym before, you were like a frog at the bottom of a well, unable to see the outside world. When you become the external manager, everything will change for you."

For some reason, at that moment, he felt like Han Wei was a guide sent by someone.

Naturally, he didn't believe Han Wei's words. Becoming part of the affiliated gym was due to his own merits.

It was complete nonsense.

Even a pig wouldn't believe it.

Looking at the aspiration above Han Wei's head.

[Hope he can defeat the other two affiliated gyms, become the first, and become the external manager (0/1), reward: one golden aspiration point]

A golden aspiration point...

It had been a long time since he had seen such an aspiration. Most of the things obtained with white aspiration points were skills, making it hard to get something good.

Only the golden aspiration points could bring about miraculous changes.

This might be his only hope for now. Giving up was not an option; he had to try.

"Han, rest assured, I will do my best," Leon Wei said.

"With those words, I can rest easy."

Han Wei was satisfied. If a young person didn't strive for success, they might as well be a salted fish.

"Han, do you like roast chicken?"

"Roast... chicken?"

Han Wei was a bit puzzled. Why would he eat roast chicken so early in the morning? Was he crazy? But...

"I hired two cooks yesterday to prepare meals for the gym apprentices. How about we see how good they are?"

"Cooks... sounds good."

Han Wei was intrigued by the mention of "cooks," and as for the roast chicken, he probably didn't mishear it.

Soon enough, two slightly plump, older cooks brought in the roast chicken and left respectfully after placing it down.

Watching the two cooks leave, Han Wei shook his head with regret, "Leon Wei, how did you find these shabby cooks?"

"They're just cooks, as long as the food tastes good, no need for high standards."

"If they were more attractive, they could cook during the day, and you could cook them at night."


Leon Wei continued to smile. It seemed that he was discovering Han Wei's somewhat reserved nature as they interacted.

"Taste it."

"Alright. Hey, why does this chicken's breast look like it has a dagger wound?"

"Han, you don't understand. It's a special preparation method that enhances the taste of the chicken. Look, it's crispy on the outside and tender inside, absolutely delicious."

Leon Wei spun a web of lies effortlessly, one after another, without batting an eye.

"That makes sense. I'll dig in then."

Han Wei grabbed the roast chicken and devoured it hungrily, as warriors at a certain level could absorb anything quickly.

Leon Wei silently watched. This chicken had value even in death.

Contributing to talismans in life, it could still be used to entertain guests in death.

A chicken with so many uses.

Truly worth its value.

After a moment, the tea table was left with an empty plate, not even a chicken bone remained. Han Wei patted his stomach, "Hmm, the taste was indeed excellent. These two cooks are skilled."

With that, he got up to leave.

"Han, tonight, I'll treat you. Let's have a good meal at the restaurant?" Leon Wei invited.

Han Wei waved his hand, "No, you need to focus on training in the coming days and not get distracted by external matters."

"Alright then."

After seeing Han Wei off at the door, Leon Wei walked back into the living room, storing away the deeds.

Life was full of surprises.

Another unexpected windfall.

As for the competition Han Wei mentioned, since it was happening, he would give it a try.

Although he was currently at the Eighth Level of the Qi and Blood Realm, compared to some, his Eighth Level could be considered equivalent to perfection.

However, there was still a gap between levels in the Qi and Blood Realm.

If he was going to do it, he had to do it well.

He must elevate his Qi and Blood to the utmost.

While others might want to do it but lacked the time, he could do it much faster by drawing lots.

The Fishing Wharf

Qiu Cai's spirits seemed much better than yesterday, walking with his head held high, attracting curious looks from some fishermen.

Just beaten up, his face still showing signs of injury, how could he be so cheerful?

"Wang Lao Tou, this fish tail is huge, at least forty catties."

He was quite concerned about sending fish and shrimp to Leon Wei, so he was very selective in his choices, naturally not being able to be casual about it.

Wang Lao Tou puffed on his pipe, proudly saying, "Forty-five catties, it took a lot of effort to haul it up."

Just as Qiu Cai was about to state his request, a cry came from not far away.

"Red Scale Fish, Chen San caught a lot of Red Scale Fish."

Upon hearing this, Qiu Cai was suddenly startled and hurried over. Red Scale Fish was a rare species that could swim through rivers. These fish grew less than three inches in three years and barely reached a foot in fifteen years.

Apart from their delicious meat, the key was their nourishing effects, which could enhance brain function, clarify the mind, boost vitality, and promote longevity.

Not to mention, these were wild fish from a river that could swim through, making them extremely hard to find.

Squeezing into the crowd, he saw Chen San smiling as he guarded the fish.

Qiu Cai looked closely and saw at least ten fish, most of them around four to five inches, with one exceeding a foot.

"Chen San, you've hit the jackpot this time. The smallest Red Scale Fish is worth more than one tael, not to mention the Red Scale Fish King at the tail, worth at least five taels or more, not something you can buy with just a few silver coins."

"Yeah, in all these years, I've only caught two or three, and you've caught ten in one go."

"Chen San, do you have some secret technique to share with everyone?"

The fishermen's eyes were burning with envy, almost to the point of spitting blood.

"Luck, just luck." Chen San smiled and waved his hand. He never expected to catch so many Red Scale Fish. It was truly a windfall. Ordinary fish and shrimp were nowhere near as valuable, not even worth mentioning.

"Chen San, I'll take all these fish." Qiu Cai's voice boomed.

Silence fell, and the previously noisy environment became quiet.

Everyone looked at Qiu Cai in unison.


"A-Cai, are you not talking nonsense? You can't even afford to buy these fish, let alone you and your brother selling them."

"Ah, it seems like Zhao Quan really messed up your head yesterday."

Faced with the mockery, Qiu Cai remained unfazed.

He knew that what he said sounded like nonsense to others.

"Don't make fun of me. I'm serious. These fish are for Leon Wei. From now on, I'll be the one delivering fish to the Lin Martial Arts Hall." Qiu Cai revealed the true situation.

Suddenly, everyone stared at Qiu Cai in astonishment.

"Is it true?"

"It's true."

"A-Cai, are you working for Leon Wei now?"

In the past, the Lin Martial Arts Hall was a joke, but now, no one dared to laugh.

As an affiliated martial arts hall of the Changying Martial Arts Hall, their status had risen significantly, far beyond the reach of ordinary folks like them.

"Yes, I'm delivering fish to Leon Wei now."

Qiu Cai was proud, but he didn't say he was working for him; delivering fish and working were two different things.

At that moment, everyone's gaze towards Qiu Cai changed.

Delivering fish was indeed enviable, but what was even more enviable was Qiu Cai's proximity to Leon Wei. With this relationship, he would have protection in the future. With Leon Wei's reputation, who would dare to bully Qiu Cai?

"Chen San, I'll take these fish, okay?"

"Sure, no problem." Chen San knew Qiu Cai was trustworthy and wouldn't deceive him. He then said, "Ten Red Scale Fish, nine of them are considered small, priced at one and a half taels each, and the largest one at five taels. Brother Qiu Cai, does that sound good to you?"

See, the way he addressed him had changed.

From A-Cai, Qiu Cai, to Brother Qiu Cai.

Qiu Cai noticed this change and buried his joy in his heart. He knew that the respect others showed him was all because of Leon Wei.

"Alright, but you have to deliver these fish to Leon Wei for me. I don't have the silver coins right now." Qiu Cai said.

"No problem, I trust you on this."

Chen San knew that Red Scale Fish was a must-have for the other party, nourishing and enriching the blood. For martial artists, it was a valuable supplement. Whenever Red Scale Fish appeared on the market, it would be quickly snatched up.

"Make way, get the hell out of my way, where are the Red Scale Fish? We, from the Kongming Martial Arts Hall, want them." A rough voice rang out.

The skinny and dark-skinned fishermen were pushed aside by palm-sized slaps.

Their shoulders ached from the slaps, but they could only look on with anger at the other party.

Qiu Cai saw the newcomer and felt a knot in his heart. Having mingled here for years, he naturally recognized who the person was.

It was Liang Song, a disciple of the Kongming Martial Arts Hall.

Liang Song, accompanied by two junior disciples, swaggered up to Chen San, picked up a Red Scale Fish, and nodded in satisfaction, "Pack up these fish for me, I'm taking them."

Chen San looked at Liang Song, then at Qiu Cai.

Selling to Qiu Cai would fetch a fair price.

Selling to Liang Song would mean a loss; getting half the silver coins would be considered good.

Qiu Cai, say something.

You're working for Leon Wei, you have someone backing you up, but I, Chen San, am just a smelly fisherman with no one to support me.

At this moment, Qiu Cai was equally nervous and afraid, sweating in his palms, his heart beating fast. He thought about agreeing to work for Leon Wei and deliver fish. Moreover, Red Scale Fish was a valuable commodity. Besides, he was buying fish for Leon Wei now. If he gave them to the other party, wouldn't that imply that Leon Wei was inferior to them?

Even if he didn't practice martial arts, he knew that martial artists were all about saving face. If you lost face once, you would lose it forever.

"I've already bought these fish." Qiu Cai stepped forward and said.

Liang Song looked at Qiu Cai with disdain, sneered, "Who do you think you are? Get lost."

He didn't give an ounce of respect, not even bothering to look at him.

"These fish were bought on behalf of Leon Wei." Qiu Cai spoke again, this time mentioning 'Leon Wei' with a straightened posture and a burst of confidence.


Liang Song raised his hand and slapped Qiu Cai, making him spin in place, half of his face instantly swollen, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

The surrounding fishermen were shocked and terrified.

"What's all this about Leon Wei or not? Even cats and dogs dare to act like masters. Let me tell you, I'm from the Kongming Martial Arts Hall. If you don't know about us, go find out."

Liang Song scolded angrily.

The Kongming Martial Arts Hall was quite domineering, being an affiliated martial arts hall of the Changying Martial Arts Hall.

Qiu Cai covered his face, his eyes red, feeling deeply humiliated. Instead of being scared, he felt a surge of anger rising within him, glaring fiercely at Liang Song.

Seeing this kind of gaze, Liang Song felt the urge to slap him again.

"Oh? Is the Kongming Martial Arts Hall this arrogant? Calling Leon Wei a cat or dog, that's quite interesting."

A playful voice rang out.

Instantly, the fishermen turned to look at the source of the voice.

"Leon Wei is here."

"Leon Wei is really here."

The fishermen were astonished.

They were angry at Liang Song, but more concerned about how Qiu Cai would fare. Now, it seemed that Qiu Cai's backer had arrived.

At that moment, Qiu Cai's eyes sparkled, his anger dissipated, his legs trembling. He then walked up to Leon Wei, bowing respectfully.

"Leon Wei."

"Mm." Leon Wei lightly patted Qiu Cai's shoulder. "Watch."