
To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)

Once upon time I was a normal guy. Now, I am Kakarot, the clone of Son Goku created by Kami. There isn't much time, but I'll use it wisely, and go even further beyond. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Plans Forming 4

Beep beep - 3,276

I let the compressed ki, crackling red ki held between my hands disappear and felt a grin come across my face. "Exactly double my power!" I exclaimed with glee, pumping a fist up into the air in victory and opening my palm up just in time for my space pod to land in it and smack heavily. I winced at the loud ringing noise it made, my ears were a lot sharper than a normal human's was now. Or rather always were? My hearing is much better than Jordan's ever was, yeah, I'll leave it at that.

Super senses for the win. Natsu Dragneel, eat your heart out.

On the way to West City and Bulma, I may have gotten a little bored. And with the wide open space all around me in the sky, I decided what better place to test out a little theory of mine. A standard charged Kamehameha had given a battle power reading of, 2,457 on my scouter. Where as one of Jordan's favorite ki blasts, the Kamehameha X10, had reached 3,276 when charged with the same amount of time. Quite a big difference.

The Kamehameha didn't pack as much power into it, but it was slightly quicker and much easier to control. When I started charging up the ten times version, and the blue ki blast had trembled before shifting to a sparking crimson the same as my normal aura color, the thing had almost bucked right out of my hands.

"Better keep that on the back burner for now," I mused to myself. It's way too powerful to play around with when there's anyone within hundreds of miles, and I'm not that far off of West City. It's a major boon that I can use it no doubt, but I probably terrified all the other guys that were busy training right now. I mean, that blast right now was more than double the strength of Raditz. Right now, Piccolo the strongest besides me and my pet Saibamen wouldn't even be able to survive a second under that amount of power.

Kamehameha X10 is my strongest ki blast and my second strongest attack overall. I'm not surprised that the Dragon Fist is stronger. For one, the Dragon Fist has a separate pool of energy to draw on, one that lurks in the shadow of ki and very few people have access to. Magic - heck, neither myself nor Goku originally had the talent for magic itself. Actually we still don't. It's just not possible for us, you're either born with the talent or your not. And we weren't. The only reason we could use the Dragon Fist was because Kami had more or less bestowed the power on to Goku. And at the time I was made to mirror him, so I ended up receiving the blessing as well.

That was something Jordan hadn't known.

Goku had once been offered the position of Guardian of the Earth by Kami. He refused, but Kami had after that bestowed some of the energy from the dragon balls upon him, giving him the limited ability to draw on the magic that grew in the shadow of his ki. He may not have had the talent to use it himself, but a Namekian Kami who created the Dragon Balls was another story. Goku, and I by extension are connected to the Earth's Dragon Balls. Shenron will continue to exist so long as we do.

I can only think Kami thought it up as a last resort when he planned on killing Piccolo during the World Martial Art's Tournament, and thus dying himself. The dragon balls would only become inert if he died so long as Shenron was connected to Goku's magic and ki. All in all, the Dragon Fist is basically using our power to summon Shenron himself as an ethereal yet corporeal body dependent on our own strength. And because he becomes a body, the Dragon Fist can even be combined with Ki blasts at the same time.

I remember from Jordan's memories, that Goku used this combination of Dragon Fist and Kamehameha X10 against Omega Shenron in the Gt timeline and very nearly defeated him. That is how powerful a technique it is. if I used it myself right now in combination with Kamehameha X10, I could possibly break seven or eight thousand on the battle power scale.

It's a wonder Goku never used it more in canon. There really aren't many draw backs to it besides it using up all of our magic reserves in one shot and thus we couldn't use it again till our reserves filled up again. I mean, it drew on a decent bit of ki as well, but only a bit more than that Kamehameha X10 had taken me to fire just a few moments ago and I still have plenty of gas in the tank. Although, if Super is anything to go by, he might have just had the kill option a few times and chose not to finish his opponent's off, instead letting fight's continue because he was enjoying them so much.

I skidded to a halt mid air, my crimson aura disappearing from around my body, "Oh god, if he's anything like he is in Super I might just kill him myself," I groaned. As if my image of the original couldn't be distorted anymore. At least if I could content myself with him being exactly like he is up until the end of GT, I won't feel a seething hatred for him. Because at the end of the day, I know, form Jordan's memory that the original is far form perfect, but he's a great person, kind, loyal and brave. But his Super counterpart? The asshat who risked the lives of the entire universe he lived in because he wanted a good fight? His wife, two son's, daughter in law and even grandaughter, all for a measly fight he could get out of Beerus?

Fuck that guy. Seriously, I'll kill him if he ever becomes like that, I really will.

Uh, just thew thought of Super sent a shiver down my spine. Especially because I can remember being sent off by Bardock and Gine the exact same way the Broly retcon movie showed. That means the freaking even more op hax Broly than the original is a thing in this universe. Seriously, screw that noise. I don't wanna deal with asshats like Goku Black. The only thing Super ever showed that piqued Jordan's interest at all was Caulifla for a bit, and that was only because she was basically the next Bulma with how much fan service she gave. And the only good thing about having retcon Broly in the same unvierse as me is that Cheelai will be in this universe as well. Green or not, she was a babe and Jordan had a thing for anime girls with silver or white hair.

Damn you Jordan.....!