
To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)

Once upon time I was a normal guy. Now, I am Kakarot, the clone of Son Goku created by Kami. There isn't much time, but I'll use it wisely, and go even further beyond. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Plans Forming 1

It's interesting to note, that Scouter's have quite a few handy dandy little kind of apps and they aren't just mere communicators or used for scouting battle power. I mean, those are the main uses they have, but not the entirety. For one, they somehow know the universal calendar and even somehow automatically convert to the standard planet time zone. Talk about convenient. Also, why does the entire universe share the same calendar?


Although, sadly it seems like I won't be making any quick cash through the World Martial Art's Tournament. It takes place every three years, that I know, and Goku won it in Age 756, on May 7. And it's currently, Age 761, October 22nd, 6:37 PM. That means Hercule became the world champion just two years ago or so. If it takes place on May 7 again, I'll be able to compete in about seven months or so. I'm definitely doing that. It's gonna be before Vegeta and Nappa arrive, and it'll be a quick and easy way to make money. Nobody else who can compete will be any trouble to beat by then, except maybe as a tiny possibility Piccolo, but he won't compete, he'll be too busy training Gohan.

And I plan to be way stronger than Piccolo ever was around that point in the timeline. In fact, I'm hoping to reach around Vegeta's level. It shouldn't be too hard. If I train at the same intensity as the original, who after six months with King Kai jumped from around four hundred, to eight thousand. Then surely, myself with twelve months and starting at over a thousand should be able to at least reach double what he did? And then I can use the Ultra Divine Water and my remaining sensu bean for another quick, cheating zenkai like I did with Tien.

..Actually, there's no reason why I shouldn't be quite a bit stronger than Vegeta when he arrives. And I don't really care to keep canon as canon now that I think about it. Thanks to the knowledge provided by Jordan, I know so many ways to cheat to get stronger that it isn't even funny. The only real problem will be becoming A Super Saiyan. I've already checked, I don't have a tingly back.

Fucking hacker Caulifla. Your boobs are amazing, but you are so hax lady!

But anyway, why did the date and time matter? It didn't really. It just gave me a timeline in which to get stronger in and to move up in living arrangements. I could probably have went to Bulma and she would have been able to give me a dino cap house or something, but in the end I didn't really want to bother with any of the original's gang right now. So instead, I grabbed my pod and with my two green cabbage headed pets, I...flew over to Grandpa's house.

The original hadn't been here in a while, so it had been a bit dusty. But I knew all the best places to hunt for food around here and there was even a bed! Taking a shit in the woods was a pain though. Jordan's leisurely life style had really soured me to living in the woods, but for the last week or so, I've been dealing with it.

"Hah!" Compressing my red aura around my fist, I physically punched the large incoming purple beam of energy that raced towards me back towards the one who fired it, Niji. With a squawk, the plant monster jumped out of the way in a panic. But I had no time to rest I sensed the other coming at me at a raging pace from behind. I used a burst of my power from my feet to fire off enough momentum to spin me around, narrowly missing the claw strike aimed for my back and at the same time, cloaking my knee in a compressed red aura just as I had done before with my fist.

As soon as I came around after narrowly avoiding the claw strike, I buried my knee into the base of Ichiji's spin and sent him spiraling downwards with enough force to plow through the ground and leave a decently large crater. Niji was quick to hurry to his side and dig out the downed saibamen. Looking them over, I noted they were scuffed up pretty badly. They were born to fight, but I was kind of fond of these guys so I didn't really want to continue beating them up like nobodies buisness. They took it without complaint, but I felt like an abusive pet owner after I got used to the weight on my body and started to rapidly over take them in fights the past week.

"All right guys!" I called down to them, descending towards the ground in the direction of Grandpa's house. "Let's call it a day for sparring and get some grub." I already caught a bunch of giant fish earlier and left them cooking while we sparred. I tended to only spar wit these guys for about an hour, twice three times a day. Once before breakfast, once before lunch and once before dinner, which was about now.

Ichiji and Niji followed me along. Albeit, a bit more gingerly than I did myself. The extra weight on me made my hits all the harder after all.

It took but a few moments for us to reach the cooking pit outside our base of operations, where four giant fish were cooking over a fire. The two Saibamen didn't wait for my approval to start eating, instead landing beside one giant fish and splitting it between them. I wasn't sure what Saibamen ate, or even their life span, but they didn't seem to mind fish, or any other kind of meat, or fruit..or anything I found really. They pretty much ate anything. Although, in nowhere near the quantities I had to eat. I ate three of these giant fish at least on more than one occasion and still felt like I could go ten more without problem.

It was actually quite disconcerting.

Still, this week has shown rather remarkable results. For one, it's possible for Saibamen to get stronger and they've grown steadily. I looked towards Ichiji, whom I had painted a red line down below his right eye to make him differ from his brother and tapped my scouter.

Beep Beep - 1,267

Then I done the same with Niji, who like his brother had a colored line painted below his right eye, although for him, it was blue.

Beep Beep - 1,254

Ichiji was more of an aggressive kind of guy I'd learned quickly, while Niji was more conservative and submissive. More more cautious as well, and he took to sensing and manipulating his ki much faster than Ichiji whom had trouble sitting around for long without fidgeting about and finding something physical to do. Honestly, I wish I could give him a fidget spinner or something. But he'd probably just break it even if he had one. Still, they were both very talented in any aspect of fighting. they'd even quickly learned to mimic my stances and use them to their own advantage, though they still favored claw strikes with their clawed hands and feet regardless. And it only took a few days for them to get basic Ki sensing and manipulation down. But then, they were born only to fight and instinctively knew how to use their power from birth, so I shouldn't be too surprised.

Lamentably, they can't talk either, so I'm a bit hard up for some conversation right now.

My own power and fighting style had exploded rapidly. While fighting, I'd noticed I had a tendency to favor my knee's and elbows after attacking for a continuous attack. It felt like the muscle memory of Jordan seeping through into my fighting, and my style had turned into a mish mash of the Turtle Style and Muay Thai. One awesome little thing I've learned is that, compressing ki to a fine point and attacking the same way as a muay thai user was great for breaking through ki defenses. It was like a physical spear, along the same lines of compressed beams like the Special Beam Cannon or Death Beam, only layered over my physical body and much quicker to use.

My power exploded though. I honestly didn't expect such a massive increase already. But then, this is basically just training at 10 times gravity all day long for a week straight isn't it? Well, actually ten times earth's gravity, on the weights Goku used when training with King Kai. And with my saiyan body I really shouldn't be surprised.

In a week, my power had risen to a staggering - 1,632