
To get him

Tu Siyi is a popular idol who have a hidden girlfriend named Lin Zhener. They had a misunderstanding which led to a breakup. The same night Tu siyi was called to test a video game which was just developed and was now at the testing stage. Tu Siyu then got stucked up in the game and his ex-girlfriend was called to save him by entering the game. Will Lin Zhener succeed in saving her boyfriend or will she also get stuck in the game.

abosede_ajagbe · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Fake Emperor

Tu Siyi, it is better you learn how to control your wife, the emperor said with rage.

I am so sorry, Father. I will be sure to discipline her, "Tu Siyi said with his head bowed.

The emperor was very annoyed that Lin Zhener had messed up the black sesame feast, so he left.


Facing the scolding of everyone, Lin Zhener was very depressed, hiding in her room and not willing to come out.

Then Tu Siyi was invited by the Eldest Princess to the palace, who asked him to play music.

Tu Siya found Lin Zhener to duel again the next day, but Lin Zhener refused.

At this time, the second prince and the second princess came to the house to find TuSiyi.

After that, Tu Siya was humiliated for always behaving and dressing like a boy. Lin Zhener helped her to retaliate against the second prince.

Both the Second Prince and his concubine were eating, when they saw the third prince returning, they said that he studied the rhythm in order to capture the hearts of the concubines in the palace and get the corresponding support, but he was beaten back by Lin Zhen'er.

Afterwards, Tu Siya also thanked Lin Zhener for maintaining her own way.

Lin Zhener then pulled Tu Siya to help her put on makeup, which also aroused Tu Siya to soften up and gradually warmed up, Tu Siyi called Lin Zhener to move to his room which makes Lin Zhen'er particularly happy.

The second prince and Lin Zhener attended the assassin's party again.

The second prince thought that Lin Zhener angered the emperor to make the emperor scold Tu Siyi.

The second prince thought that Lin Zhen'er wanted to cover him and not make their alliance to be exposed.

He thought that was the reason Lin Zhener opposed him in the Third Prince Mansion.

The fact that Tu Sicheng combined made Lin Zhener gain their great trust.

Lin Zhen'er moved back to Tu Siyi's room at night. When he got up in the morning, she saw Tu Siyi's sleeping.

Tu Siyi, Good morning. It has been a while since I woke up in the morning since your face, Lin Zhen'er thought as she adore Tu Siyi.

Tu Siyi felt breath on him and woke up, which startled Lin Zhener.

Good morning, Lin Zhen'er and Tu Siyi chorused.

However, when he was eating breakfast, Tu Siyi and Lin Zhen'er showed extraordinary affection that caused Tu Si Ya to be very unhappy.

However, Tu Siyi was just performing. That is because the Eldest Princess said that if he still have discord with Lin Zhen'er, the emperor will let him divorce Lin Zhen'er and then marry Princess of Yuanri State as his wife hence he would be Involved in political marriage.

The Channelling Festival is the festival that the emperor attaches great importance to each year.

At the memorial service, Lin Zhen'er saw that this was a great time.

She then performed a good show by pretending to be the first emperor.

She walked down the altar, hoping to hint at the future crown prince.

Lin Zhener made gestures to indicate that Tu Siyi was the future crown prince, while Tu Sicheng was not.

Sun Tianshi misinterpreted Lin Zhener gestures.

Your Majesty, the late emperor says both princes are excellent and can both bring peace and harmony to the city, Su Tianshi, the interpreter said.

Su Tianshi was also the second prince's person. No matter how Lin Zhen'er gestures were made, he was always on the positive side of the second prince.

Although the performance was good, Tu Siyi found out it was Lin Zhener's doing as he noticed her bracelet.

After the ceremony came to an end, Tu Siyi grabbed Lin Zhener.

He scolded her and kicked her out of the room. Lin Zhener was badly tempered, so she left the room almost immediately. This made Tu Siyi feel awful and guilty.