
To Find Edward

Marguerite is oblivious as she folds Arthmael's body into beautiful silhouettes. Following the familiar choreography, she dances relentlessly. Grand Jete! Penche! followed by a series of graceful pas de chats. All concatenated in front of the enthralled emperor. When the music reaches the outro in a full stop, Marguerite falls gracefully on the floor in a pose. She stays there and waits for the king to tell her she can leave. She stays on the ground for a long time but hears nothing from him. Wondering if she did anything wrong, she wants to lift her head to look at the king's face, but quickly remembers the warning he gave her. If she disrespects him any further, who knows what he might do to her. She suddenly feels her chin being lifted, her eyes meet the hazels of Demian. She forgets to breathe and falls from her pose onto the floor. She doesn't have time to regain her senses before two strong arms lift her off the floor. She is about to question him on his weird behaviour when her mouth is suddenly covered by his in a kiss. ------------------------------------------------- Marguerite is very talented. She has a beautiful voice, a great passion for music and various talents in the arts. Unfortunately, her bright future gets compromised when she is forced to leave her world to fulfill the wish of someone else. Marguerite wanting to go home as soon as possible, accepts. However things turn out quite unexpected for her. The cover belongs to the rightful owner. If you are the owner of the art and want me to take it down, DM me on discord burlesque_dancer#2837

Burlesque_Dancer · History
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149 Chs


The streets of DaLan are animated as the people start to get in a festive mood. The businesses have already started selling products in regard to the festival and the people are buying en masse. The busy scenery shows off the wealth of the country of DaLan.


A man gets called to attention by someone. The bustling streets are loud and make it hard for people to hear each other so the shouting man waves his arms around in an attempt to catch Jurian's attention.

Jurian walks against the current of people towards the ginger-haired man and hugs him with one arm. They both talk and enter the nearest pub to grab a drink.

They talk and reminisce for a few hours until they decide to head up into their rented rooms. Both are from the flock of caravans that were camping outside the capital's gates to wait for verification. Now that they are in the capital city, they have to pay for their own food and lodging until the festival starts.