
To Every You in 2017

By warping the space through a drive, time travell is actually plausible, specially through a drive that can contract the space in front while expanding the space in the back, theoretically, the travel speed of that drive exceeds the travel speed of time. A group of scientists managed to create a functionable time machine, yet it caused a major chaos in all of the existing timeline causing dilemma after dilemma. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to be with you lover again and again and again? Saving all the existing timeline.

JustDos · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: Dilemma

2 days have passed, and we already arrived in our house.

We lost continuously in the school event, pretty ironic knowing that there are 2 members over there that has an iq that exceeds 170.

Having an IQ above 170 is already considered as genius.

But there are always misconceptions when it comes to IQ. It is only the ability of a person to comprehend a certain matter at ease. It is only a measuremeny of ho easy you can pick up things, it do not define the whole concept of intelligence itself.

I was laying in my bed when my phone suddenly rang.

I quickly got up and checked it, it was a call from Glady.

"We need to meet up real quick, I have found my uncle's location. What should we do?" she asked.

"Meet me at the nearest cafe in your school, I'll be there in 30 minutes"

"Understood, I'll go there now, Ringo" she replied.

What the hell is wrong with the "Ringo" nickname? It sounds so peculiar and funny, but it is not a bad nickname though.

After Glady hanged up the call, I tried my best to quickly go to the location where we are meeting.

I aslo brought some explosives, which can be really helpful, knowing that we might have an enemy.

Though these explosives are really improvised, just tons of lysol and a lighter. I also put some chlorine trifluoride in my bag, though it is stored on a proper container or else I'll be the one to explode.

It is one of the most explosive elements in the periodic table.

Pretty good thing that I used to buy these kinds of stuffs, my father is a licensed chemist, there are times where I'm using his license to buy elements that are not exclusively open for public.

When I was still a kid, I almost burned down our house because of my experimentation, so I guess that's the reason why I'm quite knowledgeable when it comes to these things.

I quickly drove to the cafe as fast as I can, I decided to use my father's spare car, I did not even bothered to ask for permission, it is a do or die situation.

As soon as I arrived at the cafe, I tried to find Glady quickly.

"Hey, Ringo! Over here!" she shouted.

I quickly sat beside her.

"So? Where is he?" I asked.

"I traced his gps, I have found him here"

She showed me her laptop, as soon as I saw the location, I am completely shocked.

It is the location of our lab.

We searched the location on the maps, there is a facility over there.

But it is not plausible, there should be no facility in that place as of now.

I have seen how that place is turned into a facility, there should be nothing over there aside from trees and crops. This is definitely not possibile. How the hell is this happening?

"What the hell? This is impossible" I whsipered.

"Why? What's wrong, Ringo?"

"That place, there should be no facility overthere, that's the location of our lab, there should be no one over there as of now" I replied.

"Let's go there as soon as possible, I have a bad feeling about this" she exclaimed.

"Professor Reginald must be in serious danger, we have to hurry" I said.

"But there is something weird about this. I checked for Professors whereabouts these past few days but he never left this place. It is either he dropped the gps or he's held as hostage" Glady added.

"You're right, those are the only two options, but let's go there to find out" I added.

After that, we quickly left the cafe and then we entered the car.

"Wait, you know how to drive this thing?" she asked.

"What would you expect? I'm in my early 30's, of course I know how to drive this thing" I replied.

"Oh, okay, continue. Sorry, I forgotten about that part" she added.

I drove as fast as I can to the place where Professor Reginald is located.

As we arrived, we saw a huge building in front of us.

"Becareful, we don't know what's over there" I said to Glady.

Glady handed me a dagger, it looks like this dagger originated from Japan just by looking at it's quality.

"Do you know how to use these things?" she asked.

"I do, I have a proper training in martial arts, I secretly trained when I was still in highschool, oh I mean, now"

"That's good to know" she said.

As we tried to enter the facility, the main entrance is locked.

As we're trying to find for another entrance, we suddenly heard a system's voice.

"Access granted"

Glady and I both looked at each other. It is as if that someone is trying to lure us inside.

"Shall we enter?" I asked

"Do you see any other entrance?" she replied.

Well, she does have a point though.

As we entered the facility, we saw numerable soldiers, armed, waiting for us.

"At last, you are here, Amiel" said by a familiar voice.

It was Luke.

Luke is the representative of the UN, more safe to say that he is the face of the UN. We had a couple interaction in the past, and all that I can say is that he's a jerk.

"What's the meaning of this? Luke" I asked.

"Do you seriously think that the UN wouldn't find out about what you guys did?"

"We did what? I'm actually baffled" I asked.

"Don't even try to fool me, the plan of yours is already busted in our original timeline" he said.

"Your plan to bring the blue print here in the past and to also use the time machine to the benefits of you four. You're all messed up!" he added.

"We first thought that the project failed miserably when we saw your unconscious body along with the broken machine, I thought that we wasted our money on a bullshit"

"But too bad for you all, your project created a wormhole. We already speculated and confirmed that only your consciousness are the only thing that is able to time travel. Through some modifications, we, the UN, have successfully created a time machine who can actually bring your physical body to the past, not just the consciousness, but the whole physical body" he said.

"Since we haven't seen each other for quite a long time, I have a gift for you"

"Bring him out!" shouted by Luke.

The two soldiers on the left bring out Professor Reginald

"Professor!" I shouted.

It is glad to see that he's okay, I'm actually relieved that he's still alive.

"The two of you! Get out of here! It is a trap! He's be-"

Luke kicked professor in the face.

"That's enough talk for someone who's about to die" said by Luke

"Luke, common man, what do you want?" I asked.

"We want you, Amiel" he said.

"But why? Why me?" I asked confusedly.

"As you can see, we are only allowed to travel here because of the wormhole that you created. We cannot freely go to any timeline. But through your brain, we can modify the time machine and actually fix it" he said.

"But why do you desperately need the time machine? We are all better off without it!" I answered.

"We, humans, are all made of greed. We want to use the time machine to dominate the whole world. We want to get the time machine to take advantage of the weapons, to dominate the war, to kill those people who'll make a huge hindrance to our goals, to show the world the absolute power" he said.

"Join us, Amiel"

"And if I don't?"

"Then the three of you will die right here, right now" Luke said.

"It is up to you to decide, genius"

Now that I have come this far, this is what going to happen?

Is it the end?

What should I do?

I need to decide right here, right now.