
To Continue Living

I completed every task down to its smallest detail. Acted every scenario with no hesitation. Perfected every line and emotion that existed in this character. Yet, Why has the system abandoned me here? Where exactly had I gone wrong? Where is my promised reward?

_G_Sky_ · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Part 02: The Church of Alia

Seven thought for sure that they were going to die.

'This is it,' he cried, 'This is the end,'

Luckily, the high priestess wasn't too offended by what Rey said.

"Please come this way," Ivory said, leading them out of the large building.

They walked to the left side building and into the healing sector. There weren't many patients, but the ones who were present had little to no injuries. It seems like the priestesses here do take care of even the smallest injuries.

"Tabitha has informed me that your friend is in need of serious help," Ivory said, "What kind of help are you looking for?"

"What kind of help do you offer?" Rey replied, "And at what price?"

Ivory chuckled, "As with all churches of Alia, I assure you that our services are free. We live off of donations from the people and aid from the government," She then eyed Leon closely and said, "As for our services . . . You do understand that your friend is greatly depressed, correct?"

Rey nodded.

"We have gotten many patients like him before, not to this degree, but it should still work all the same. I suggest you leave him with us-"

"-No," Rey glowered.

. . . .

Ivory sighed, "Looking at your clothes, I assume you're adventurers. That kind of environment is not suitable for someone like your friend. If you don't want to part with him, that's fine, you're welcome to stay. But your friend needs a stable and peaceful environment to heal. We can provide remedies and treatments to help calm his mind and accept reality-"

"-Aren't you a high priestess?" Rey interrupted, "Why provide remedies and treatments when you can just ask for help from your goddess?"

"For physical injuries and blessings, just saying a prayer will do the job," Ivory informed, "But for something as intricate as the mind, that is a different matter,"

"Really," Rey asked without looking for an answer.

"Of course, you can always deny our help,"

Rey grabbed Leon's wrist and stood up, "Let's go Seven, we're leaving,"

"W-what?!" Seven stumbled out of his chair and followed Rey outside.

Out in the main courtyard, Seven stepped in front of Rey, stopping him from going any further.

"Don't you think we should at least hear the procedures of healing Leon?" Seven asked.

"There is nothing to hear," Rey coldly replied and walked around Seven.

Seven stopped in front of him again, "Isn't that why you're here, though?! I thought you were asking for help?!"

"I was, and now I'm not," Rey said as he went around on the other side.

Seven stopped him again, "We don't even know how to help Leon! Nothing we do is working!"

"He will come back," Rey glared, "I will find a way, but I'm not leaving him here,"

"The priestess said that you can stay-"

"-In case you forgot, we're being chased down,"

". . . Yeah, but we should still hear what kind of treatments the priestess has in mind-"

"-Have you ever seen a statue of Alia?" Rey suddenly asked.

Seven groaned in frustration. Why must Rey always ask random questions at random times?! And those never end well!

"I've seen many statues of Alia," Seven replied.

"Have you even seen one with their eyes open?"

Seven sighed, "Those don't exist-"

"Well one does now," Rey stated, tilting his head towards the main building.

A shiver ran down Seven's spine.

"And a blessing that can't help Leon?" Rey scoffed, "Alia is a god. Even if she can't heal Leon, she will always offer some sort of guidance. I've also seen my fair share of priests and priestesses, so let me tell you. A high priestess is not only given higher power, but also a deeper connection with their god. As such, their prayers will always be answered, their ailments will always be heard, and they will always be given guidance,"

"Other than Alia's eyes being open . . . uh, don't you think that maybe the treatments and remedies are ways to help Leon?"

"Then I might as well have just gone to a doctor,"

"T-true . . ."

"We're going to a different church," Rey said, "A real one,"

This time, Seven obediently followed behind Rey and Leon.

----In the Healing Sector----

"Is it alright to just let them go like that?" Tabitha asked, "That blond friend of his needs serious help!"

"It's alright," Ivory answered, "Help will only be offered to those who ask,"


"-Besides," Ivory said as she gracefully walked back to the main building, "They will be back tomorrow, we are the safest place in all of Tevalon after all,"

"That blond friend-"

"-I know," Ivory smiled gently, "I know,"


After a whole day of searching, Rey had finally gotten a room for a night at a fancy inn. One room for Seven and one room for him and Leon.

Rey had showered and dressed both himself and Leon up before heading to bed. While the bed at this inn was bigger and softer, with more space to hold two people, Rey still slept right up next to Leon. His arm around Leon's shoulders and his hand resting in blond hair. It was his go-to sleeping position, as it helped Leon sleep throughout the night. Kind of. As long as Rey patted his head from time to time, it would soothe Leon back to sleep. It also brought Rey some sort of peace, a reassurance that Leon was still alive.

"Tomorrow," Rey muttered as he played with Leon's hair, "It's going to be a long day,"

Leon slept peacefully, undisturbed.

Rey watched Leon for a long time, his eyes deep in thought and his mind wandering off.

There were many things that needed to be done. He doesn't know if he can do it alone, but he'll have to try. The injustice that he witnessed today cannot go without blood.

"It's only for a short while," he whispered, assurance not for Leon but for himself, "Just for a short while,"

Then, with one last look at Leon, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Rey knew he was being selfish, but he can't stand by and do nothing with the things he saw today.

(Leon would have laughed at him, all knowing that this is the protagonist. No matter how much the protagonist presents himself as unfriendly and mean, it is in his blood to help people. He is programmed to do so. Other than death, there is nothing that can stop him, not his best friend. Not even his lover.)

In the room next door, Seven had trouble sleeping.

'This is a nightmare!' Seven cried, 'Why must this happen?!'

Earlier today, after they had left the Church of Alia, they went around the city searching for other churches of Alia. Or at least, tried finding normal churches of Alia.

There were none.

Every church of Alia they had visited had the strange statue with open eyes. If Seven didn't have Rey next to him, he would've started believing that Alia's eyes were always meant to be open.

Not only did they check all the churches of Alia, but they even checked the churches of other gods. There was always something slightly wrong with them. A smile in place of a frown, a shield in place of a sword, a rose in place of an orb, etc.

It was terrifying.

He doesn't even know if it was like this the last time he was here. Then again, it has been quite a few years, maybe he just doesn't remember correctly.

However, what he does know is that many things have not changed. As long as you weren't near the main marketplace or the central area, everything was still the same.

There were dead in the streets, slaves openly sold, and cries of pain and suffering at every corner, as if that were normal in daily life.

Still the same as when he was here many years ago.

His worst worry was for tomorrow.

"We're going back to that church of Alia," Seven remembered Rey saying.

Seven didn't even bother asking why. Out of everything they've seen, that church was the safest spot to stay. Not only was it the only church that had a normal looking statue of Alia, but there was a holy blessing placed upon it. Seven only knew, because Rey said that he knew.

And not just that, but it was also where Seven would be proven innocent. How? He doesn't exactly know, but Rey said so. And if Rey said so, then it must be so.

As long as he's proven innocent, he can go back and live a normal, peaceful life.

The main thing that was keeping him awake was the fact that Rey had said that he was going to purge the trash in this city. Even if Seven is proven innocent, he doesn't think he can go back to living a peaceful life if Rey goes around killing everyone he deems as trash. There's no way that's going to come back and bite Seven!

So, here Seven is now, crying himself to sleep.

The next day was even colder than yesterday. Snow had started to fall heavily, covering everything in another layer of white. Luckily, there wasn't any wind, or Seven would have frozen his ears off.

After getting dressed and having breakfast, they set off back to the Church of Alia.

There were many guards out on patrol, but with Rey's amazing skills, it was easy to sneak by without getting noticed. Unfortunately, it ended up with Seven getting thrown around like a rag-doll.

'Abuse!' Seven cried, 'This is abuse!'

"Welcome back," Ivory greeted with the biggest smile, "How may we help you?"

Rey was indifferent, but Seven chuckled nervously.

"I have two things," Rey said.

Ivory raised her eyebrows, interested.

Rey turned towards Leon, eyes in an almost solemn gaze. Leon, of course, didn't return the look. His eyes were always in a daze, staring everlastingly at the ground. Rey tightened his grip around Leon's wrist. If there was a slight tremble, no one noticed.

"I will leave my friend here," Rey muttered, eyes never leaving Leon.

Seven almost lost his eyes because of how much they bulged out.

Ivory smiled, "That's the best choice. Like said before, we have many rem-"

"-No," Rey interrupted and glared at the high priestess, "I don't want any of your treatments or whatever. I only need you to bathe and feed him,"

". . . Don't you want him to get better?"

"Not by you and your false goddess,"

Ivory chuckled, "You offend me,"

Rey took out a piece of paper and a small dagger from his inventory and handed them to Ivory, "It's a contract, I need you to sign it with blood. If you, or anyone of your little workers, harm even a single hair on Leon's head, you won't be seeing your goddess on the other side,"

Ivory's smile disappeared, "Now you really offend me, I've only offered unconditional help, and yet you threaten me and my peers,"

Rey shrugged, "Life as an adventurer is hard,"

"Since it's a contract, what do I get in return?"

"I won't harm you or your church,"

Ivory sighed but nonetheless took the dagger from Rey's hand. She cut the tip of her finger and stamped it on the contract. The contract glowed with a bright light, revealing that the terms had been put in place. If any one of the parties were to break their side of the agreement, the punishment of death would be immediately granted.

Rey has used contracts many times before, and it is something he doesn't think he'll stop using. There is no one in this world you can trust completely. At least, that's what Rey knows now. He couldn't even trust his best friend.

"What's the second?" Ivory asked.

Rey grabbed Seven's cloak and ripped it off of him.

"What are you doing?!" Seven squealed as he covered his fully clothed body, "This is humiliation!"

Rey rolled his eyes and went to take his own cloak off as well.

"AHHHHHH!!!" Seven freaked out and began trying to cover Rey back up, 'This crazy suicidal f*cker! Why are you like this?!'

Everyone who was present couldn't help but turn to see the commotion. They gasped, both in disbelief and awe.

Rey was probably the most handsome being they'd ever seen. His black hair and eyes contrasted against the snow, making his features sharper and more distinct. He was tall and well-built, standing confidently under everyone's gaze.

Though, no matter how many hearts Rey had captured with his beauty, there was no doubt that he was a half-demon.

"DEMON!" a voice yelled in the background, "DEMON!!"

Everyone began scrambling, running around, and looking for help.

Ivory stood in place, unfazed. Well, she was surprised at first, but she already knew Rey was someone suspicious. She could feel it when she first saw him. And when she saw Seven's appearance, she remembered seeing the recent wanted posters that were hanging around. And when she saw how Seven acted towards Rey, she knew exactly what Rey meant by the second thing he needed her help with.

"I'm an escapee who captured a human being and forced him to do my bidding," Rey said as he reluctantly let go of Leon's wrist, "I'm here to confess my wrongdoings,"

Ivory sighed and quickly took a hold of Leon and Seven and hid them behind her.

She knew that Rey spouted such an obvious lie, but she still sharpened her eyes and raised her voice, "Under the eyes of Alia, our holy church has no place for demons like you! For hurting innocent human beings, you deserve to rot away with the rest of your kind! Guards, take him away!"

As if on cue, guards stomped their way into the church and immediately wrestled Rey down, chaining him up tightly.

The guards also tried to take Leon and Seven, but Ivory acted quickly, "They are under the protection of the church, they must be purified of the evil that's been inflicted upon them,"

"They need to be taken into questioning-"

"-the eyes of Alia are watching, I suggest you leave quietly,"

The guards flinched. Suddenly, they realized how quiet everyone was. They could only feel the people's wide and unmoving eyes watching them closely. It was as if the guards were being judged.

The high priestess was someone people didn't want as an enemy. Not only because a god stood by their side, but also because they held the people's trust. Especially this priestess, who openly helped anyone who asked. Everyone in Tevalon knew who she was one way or another, it was undeniable that the people of Tevalon loved her. Even she knew that she was loved by the people of Tevalon. This was the exact reason why her church was the safest and most secure place in all of Tevalon. The only way for someone to attack her was if the king commanded it.

The guards only had two choices:

1. Forcefully take the victims into questioning and be shamed by the public for going against the high priestess, or

2. Leave the victims and save face.

Obviously, 2 was the best answer.

Once the guards had left with Rey in tow, Seven's brain finally managed to catch up with reality. Everything had happened so fast, from the sudden separation of Leon to Rey being put in chains, Seven couldn't process what was happening. He didn't even have time to do anything.

"To think he was a half-demon," Ivory mumbled, snapping Seven out of his thoughts.

"He's not evil!" Seven snapped.

Ivory chuckled, "I know,"

"Then why did you let them take him?! Aren't you a high priestess?! Aren't you supposed to save anyone, even dem-"


Seven was in disbelief, small tears forming at the corners of his eyes, 'the high priestess just slapped me . . . so this is a cult-'

"Let's talk somewhere else," Ivory said with a smile, "the eyes of Alia are watching,"