
To Conquer Love

[Rewriting] The seven kingdoms of the West Continent, a world dominated by power, where the strong ruled and were loved, desired and exalted, the strong were the Gods and the weak, though few, were content to live under the protection of the strong. This was the world Andronika Majeir was born into, a world of strength, a world of power, a world of warriors and powerful bloodlines and special body markings, a world of the strong and Andronika was one of them, one of the strong...No, she was one of the strongest, one of the most powerful. Born into a military family, a lineage of outstanding Generals, Nika was trained from birth to be an excellent warrior, strategist and leader, at a young age, her prowess in battle was unmatched and her power markings never before seen, however along with battle training Nika was raised knowing her duty as a Majeir, a duty to guard, protect and fight for her kingdom and her king. Young , foolish and unwilling to accept her fate to protect, Nika ended up making all the wrong choices in life, betraying her father and her king. Nika died at the hands of her lover, for whom she gave up everything, filled with regret and shame, Nika knew that she who had been an undefeated warrior had been completely deceived and utterly defeated by love, she knew her death was well deserved, but as she welcomed her death with open arms, Nika had one last thought. "I have been such a fool, if there was a second chance, I Andronika Majeir swear on my life and honor that I will right all my wrongs, I will live only for my duty as a Majeir, If there was a second chance, I will conquer love." First book in the Tales of the continents. **I do not own the cover art, all credits go to the artist. It will be taken off upon request**

JHeart · Fantasy
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168 Chs

At Whatever Cost (Ch.68)

~There is none made so great, but he may both need the help and service, and stand in fear of the power and unkindness, even of the meanest of mortals~

-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Crown prince Jaran stared in surprise at the black clothed figure that had appeared out of nowhere, taking a protective stance before him. The crown prince was slightly concerned as this figure struck him with an intense feeling of familiarity yet he could not place who it was, the crown prince did not have much time to dwell on this as the assasins rushed towards them in fury.