
To change your destiny and mine. (BL)

[BL] Zak, a 22-year-old college student who loved reading fantasy fiction, had a particular favorite novel: "Destiny awaits you." Its mind-bending twists and heart-wrenching ending left him angry, seeking the author for answers. As he closed the book, his heart throbbed, plunging him into darkness. The next moment he opened his eyes, he was greeted by an unfamiliar surrounding, along with an unfamiliar body. He already had a feeling he knew what was happening but he had to run to a mirror and confirm, and when he did, his worst fear came to life. "This...is not my body." He had transgressed into someone else's life, and it wasn’t even anyone important, but a mere side character who dies at the second chapter of the novel!

KazTheWriter · LGBT+
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86 Chs

'To Survive The Spirit's Test; The Aurora Veil'

"Your mother told me that you still refuse to play with other kids. Why is that?" The therapist, Harold, asked with a light smile on his face. He looked down at the child who was staring on the ground, his eyes blinked as if he was in a trance. 

"Zak? I think you're lost in thought again." Harold spoke softly as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. 

As soon as he did, Zak jumped a bit from where he was seated, his eyes wide as if he had forgotten where he was. "Oh. Doctor...did I—"

"Yes. You did, but it's fine. The whole point of this is to help gather your thoughts. What were you thinking of just now?"

Zak lets out a small sigh as he anxiously plays with his fingers. "A lot of things..." He muttered under his breath. 


"At first, I was thinking of the answer to your previous question, about how school was doing. Then, I started thinking about how pretty the red flowers are in our school's garden. After that, I was thinking about a specific red flower that I'm not sure I've ever seen but my mind is telling me that I have seen it before..."

Harold raised an eyebrow at Zak's rambling, but he still kept the smile on his face. "A red flower? How interesting. Does this red flower hold any significance to you, Zak?"

"No, not really. I've always just liked any kind of red flower, and I've always wondered what kind is the one that I remember."

"Ah. So, you just want to know the kind of flower it is? It doesn't have any sort of importance?" Zak nods instead of verbally answering. Harold leans back a bit, resting his back on the couch as he hummed. "Alright then....why are you lying?"

"What?" Zak's head snaps up, confusion was written on his face. 

Harold lets out a chuckle as his smile grows. "I said, why are you lying, Azrael?"

"I'm...I'm not lying, and who is Azrael?"

"You. You are Azrael."

As soon as Harold said that, Zak's head began hurting. "I—I'm not...ugh. Doctor, my head hurts."


"Doctor...Doctor, my head hurts so much."


"Doctor, why do you keep calling me Az—"

"Prince Azrael!"

Azrael's eyes opened, and as soon as he did, he was greeted with the sight of Eirian's bright yellow eyes staring down at him with a hint of concern. When Eirian realized that Azrael was awake, he let out a sigh of relief. 

"Your Highness, you're finally awake."


"How long was I out? And...what happen—" Before he could finish his line of questions as he felt a throbbing feeling inside his head. Instinctively, he placed a hand on top of his head and let out a pained groan. 'Fuck.'

"Don't speak, Your Highness. If what happened to me happened to you then you should not speak for a few minutes. The more you try to talk, the more your head will hurt." Eirian explained as he crouched down and sat beside Azrael. 

'I expected no less from the protagonist. He's really perceptive and calm in any situation.'

"I am not sure how long you and I were out exactly but you woke up about ten minutes after I did. As for what happened...well..."

Eirian seemed reluctant to explain which made Azrael a bit confused. The young prince moved his hand a bit to peek at his companion but as soon as he got the chance to actually see their surroundings, he immediately understood why. 

There was nothing around them. 

Nothing at all.

No trees, no flowers, no scenery whatsoever. Everything was just pitch black. As if they were inside some sort of void. 

"Where are w—agh." Azrael tried speaking again due to his surprise but a sharp pain from his head stopped him. Eirian turned to Azrael, his face was stoic as usual but there was a hint of disapproval in his eyes. 

"Your Highness, do not speak for a few minutes. I will answer all the questions in your mind, so please do not speak." His voice was gentle, clearly trying to avoid making Azrael's head hurt even more, which Azrael was thankful for. 

"I do not know where we are. I've tried walking around a bit earlier but the darkness just goes on. When I felt better, I tried calling out but it doesn't seem like anyone or anything could hear me. The spirit seems to have disappeared as well."

'Crap.' Azrael wanted to bury himself alive. 'Does that mean he deceived us? Fuck. This is all my fault.' Due to his desperation for proving himself to Eirian, he ended up settling for the first spirit they spoke to, and that spirit was the master of Deception and Control. 

Why on earth did he think it was a good idea to ask Fraus for help? 

Well, the answer was obvious.

He was being deceived and controlled. 

Azrael covered his face with both his hands this time, he felt so ashamed and disappointed with himself. He couldn't learn to use his magical abilities even after a week of trying, and now he got himself and Eirian into deep trouble. He was a complete and utter failure.

A massive idiot.

"You are correct to feel that way, Prince. But for the wrong reasons."

A voice suddenly spoke, making both Eirian and Azrael's eyes widen. It was a familiar voice, and Azrael knew right away who it was. 

"Fraus." He says as he quickly uncovered his face. It seemed his headache was gone now because he was able to speak without feeling any form of pain. 

"I can't see him anywhere." Eirian whispered beside him, his eyes darting around the dark abyss to look for the spirit. 

"Foolish human, of course you cannot see me, because I am currently not showing myself." Fraus says with a mocking tone followed by chuckling. 

Azrael sat up, he mimicked what Eirian was doing and looked around, trying to look for the source of the voice. "Fraus...where are you? What's going on?"

Fraus's laughter echoed around them, filling the void with its eerie resonance. Eirian's eyebrows furrowed in mild annoyance, while Azrael just frowned, his eyes darting around to locate the source of the mocking voice. Before Azrael could speak, Fraus hushed him by appearing right in front of them, his luminous form casting a bright light that made both Azrael and Eirian wince.

"Foolish humans, can you not tell? This is part of the test," Fraus said with a smirk, his figure hovering in the air. "One would not be called the spirit of deception and control without a little deceit and a show of my control."

Azrael's frown deepened, but along with that, he sighed in relief. Fraus's words meant that he hadn't entirely made the wrong choice, and it seemed the spirit was serious about the test.

"Do not feel relieved just yet, Foolish Prince," Fraus said, his voice ringing with amusement. "I do not plan on making it easy for either of you."

Azrael was a bit surprised that Fraus could discern his feelings so accurately, but then again, Fraus was a spirit, close enough to what his world knew as a God.

Unexpectedly, Eirian also spoke up, his voice calm but firm. "So, what exactly is the test? You've kept us in this abyss and mocked us. You have yet to explain this test of yours."

Fraus's smirk grew wider. "Oh, you're not so foolish after all, and very direct. Then, I shall not dally any further," he said, settling into a sitting position mid-air.

"Listen to my words, and listen carefully," Fraus began, his tone serious. "All you have to do, foolish humans, is quite simple. You need to find a crystal."

Both Azrael and Eirian waited for more, but after a minute of silence, Fraus still did not speak. He just stared down at them, his gaze unwavering.

Azrael spoke up, unable to contain his confusion any longer. "Find a crystal? What does that mean?"

Fraus laughed again, the sound echoing around them like chimes in the wind. "Oh, it slipped my mind. Humans are not like us spirits who know it all. I still actually have to explain."

With a snap of his fingers, figures of light appeared in front of them, as if demonstrating what they had to do. "I will make a few creatures appear in front of you. A creature present will have a crystal inside him, all you have to do is find a crystal."

"That's... it?" Azrael asked, skepticism coloring his voice. Eirian looked equally incredulous.

Fraus grinned mischievously. "How clever." He said in delight. "You have to choose the correct creature, and if you choose wrong, there will be dire consequences."

"How dire?" Eirian's voice was sharp, his eyes narrowing.

"You'll find out when you are there," Fraus replied cryptically. "But there is also an easier solution... Well, for me it is easier."

Azrael felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. "What is it?" he asked, already suspecting there was a catch.

"A crystal will also be inside the two of you, and as long as you get it, you pass the test," Fraus said, his tone sing-song. "But when you take it, you have to cut it out, and there will be permanent physical damage."

'That's not even an option...well, it could be but I need to be the one to take the damage.' Azrael thought, storing that information for when it is needed. 

Azrael and Eirian were a bit quiet, both lost in their own thoughts, but Fraus was not having it. He grew impatient, his luminous form pulsating with restless energy.

"Now, shall we start?" Fraus's voice cut through the silence like a blade. "You had already agreed, so there is no point in hesitating now, Foolish Princes. After all, both of you have your reasons to do this."

Azrael and Eirian exchanged a glance, their expressions a mixture of apprehension and determination. Despite his anxiety about the dire consequences Fraus had mentioned, Azrael didn't want to return empty-handed. Eirian seemed to recognize this, offering a small gesture of trust.

"Do not lose hope now, Your Highness." Eirian said, his tone steady. He then turned his gaze to Fraus. "Let's begin."

Azrael was surprised by Eirian's words, though it didn't fully register right away, as Fraus interrupted with his trademark laughter. With a snap of his fingers, he summoned over a hundred different creatures, each glowing with an ethereal light, unlike anything Azrael or Eirian had ever seen.

The creatures were fantastical, resembling a mix of animals and mythical beings. Some had wings, others horns, and some seemed to shimmer with elemental energies. Azrael's heart raced as he tried to process the sight before him. 

Fraus moved to the side, making room for the creatures, and then conjured an hourglass beside him. "Oh, and before I forget, this is timed. If you do not finish this before all the sand runs out, you have failed."

Both Eirian and Azrael looked at Fraus in disbelief, a mix of frustration and determination in their eyes. "You could not have mentioned that earlier on?" Azrael couldn't help but ask, making Fraus shrug.

"It wouldn't be amusing then. Now, move along. Time is moving."

"Right... how do we figure this out, Your Highness?" Eirian asked, his voice steady despite the tension in the air.

Azrael swallowed hard, feeling the weight of responsibility pressing down on him. "Would it be bad if I said I do not know?"

Eirian glanced at him from the corner of his eye before returning his focus to the creatures. "It would be concerning, yes."

Azrael took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He scanned the creatures before them, searching for any clue that might lead them to the crystal. But they all seemed equally mysterious and enigmatic.

"We'll have to trust our instincts," Azrael said finally, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Let's split up and search. Maybe one of us will find something distinct. Let's meet up here—" His pink eyes flickered towards the hourglass to estimate how much time they have and how much they can waste. 

"—at about five to six minutes. Does that sound good?"

Eirian nodded his head slowly as he kept his gaze forward. "Alright." He mumbled under his breath but it was enough for Azrael to hear. 

"Alright." Azrael repeated, his face determined as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose then took a step forward. "Let's start."


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

'A Frog mixed with a Bull.'

'A Cat with Bat wings.'

'...A Snake with Octopus tentacles?'

Azrael breathes out in frustration as he observes each creature he passes. He has been walking for about two minutes, and yet there were no distinct qualities that would indicate that a creature had a crystal inside them. 

Each creature was unique, there were no similarities except the fact that they all looked like crystals. Their skin was translucent and sparkling, with rainbow hues reflecting on them despite being in a dark abyss.

'Another thing is they don't seem hostile...if anything, they seem quite friendly.' As he thought that, a creature that looked like a fox with horns and four tails approached him with a smile. "Hello there." Azrael whispers a greeting as he crouches down to touch it. 

As he suspected, the creature is hard, like a crystal. It wasn't soft, but it did seem to feel his touch as it purred when Azrael's hand came in contact with it. 

"You're an adorable little thing, aren't you?" Azrael smiles as he continues to inspect the creature carefully and closely. 'There really isn't anything different between them...so we have to do trial and error.'

Azrael was a bit disappointed. As much as possible, he wanted to avoid the 'dire consequences.' 


'All the creatures are harmless. If one of them has a crystal inside, that means we have to take it out' Which meant they somehow had to hurt the creatures. Azrael frowns, the moment he does, the fox-creature cries out in sadness as if he knew that Azrael was upset. 

This just makes Azrael even more reluctant to harm them. 'This is fucked up. Really fucked up. I did not sign up for this but then again, I kind of did as well.' Azrael thinks sadly as he lets out a sigh. "I have to do this. After all, it's for the sake of the—"

"Your Highness?"

Azrael jumps a bit, and the creature runs away in surprise as someone speaks behind them. He turned around and was greeted by the sight of a familiar mop of black hair and a pair of yellow eyes. "Eirian!" He breathes out. "What are you doing here?"

"Our five minutes are up. I was waiting for you at the same spot we were at earlier. When you did not appear, I came here."

The young prince's face heated up a bit in embarrassment as he realized that he got lost in his own thoughts again and lost track of time. He immediately straightened himself up and cleared his throat. "S-Sorry...I got distracted."

Eirian just hummed in response, showing that he wasn't really bothered at all. "Did you find anything?" He asks, tilting his head a bit to the side and placing a hand on his hip. 

"No." Azrael shook his head. "How about you?"

"Nothing as well. It seems like they are just crystalized creatures, not one creature is the same, there are no obvious distinctions."

'It's the same with me.'

"You know what this means." Eirian looks at him, his eyes betraying his emotionless expression. Azrael could tell that Eirian already knew what he was going to say, and that he was just as worried as he was. 

Still, Azrael had to say it. 

"We have to actually choose a few creatures to see what happens and find a distinction between the ones who don't have crystals." He pauses a bit as he looks down anxiously. "Or maybe we can just—"

"No. Out of the question."

Azrael looks up at Eirian, furrowing his eyebrows. "Don't worry, Eirian. I did not mean to get the crystal that's inside you. I meant myself." He assured the black-haired protagonist, in case he assumed that Azrael would force to hurt him just to finish the test. 

Eirian looks at him in complete and utter disbelief as he turns around, probably to go back to where Fraus was, but before he walks away, he turns his head a bit. 

"My concern is not myself, Your Highness." Was all Eirian said then started to move. 

Azrael blinked his eyes, he was in awe. He completely misunderstood Eirian, but then again, he should have expected it. 

Eirian was not one to selfishly think about himself. He was selfless and he would never ask anyone to risk themselves for his sake. Azrael smiles lightly as he follows behind Eirian on the way to Fraus. 

Eirian and Azrael approached Fraus, who was watching them with pure amusement. "Having a difficult time?" Fraus asked with a smile on his face, but Eirian ignored his words and asked directly, "If we choose a creature, what do we need to do to confirm whether or not it has the crystal you need?"

Fraus's smile grew as he rolled in the air, which reminded Azrael of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland from his world. "The answer is already obvious, is it not? You destroy them. Since you foolish humans are powerless and weaponless, I made it less difficult for you. Just touch their head and think that you choose them, and they will get destroyed."

Azrael was bothered. It seemed even more brutal than he expected, and Eirian seemed mildly bothered as well, but without any more words, he took a step back and moved closer to the first creature he saw, which flustered Azrael.

"E-Eirian, are you sure you're going to do it so soon? We're still not sure of the consequences," Azrael protested, his voice trembling with concern.

"We are losing time, Your Highness. We have to do something now," Eirian mentioned, his tone resolute. Without letting Azrael talk him out of it, he touched the head of a huge butterfly with spider legs. Azrael could see that Eirian was hesitating, and his hands were shaking a bit. Azrael felt a pang of guilt for putting Eirian in this spot.

But Eirian did not let his own feelings sway him as he closed his eyes. As soon as he did, the creature began shaking and letting out a pained cry, then it exploded into crystallized dust. Azrael gasped, covering his mouth in shock, but before he could say anything, he noticed that something felt off.

And then Azrael remembered about the dire consequences. Within seconds, there were webs appearing on Eirian's body, sticking to his skin, making Eirian panic a bit.

"What is this?" Eirian asked, looking at Fraus for answers. Fraus just smiled and said, "Dire consequences."

Azrael's heart sank as he realized the severity of their situation. He had brought Eirian into this dangerous test, and now his companion was suffering the consequences.

"We need to do something!" Azrael exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency as he rushed to Eirian's side, trying to brush away the webs. But they seemed to multiply with every touch, entangling Eirian further.

Fraus watched with amusement, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction at the chaos he had caused. "You should have been more careful, Foolish Princes," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

Eirian gritted his teeth, his yellow eyes flashing with determination. "We need to find the crystal quickly," he said through clenched jaws, his voice strained with pain. He was about to touch another creature and destroy it, despite the fact that the webs were still appearing on his body.

So, without thinking, Azrael pushed his hand away and touched the head of the creature Eirian was aiming for and closed his eyes tightly. 'I'm sorry. Please get destroyed.'

"Your Highness—"

Azrael reopens his eyes to check what kind of creature he was holding onto, and what he saw made his eyes widen. The creature was a Porcupine mixed with a Snake. 

As soon as Azrael makes eye-contact with the creature, it disappears into thin hair and he retracts his hand as soon as he does, leaving only its quills present.

Eirian's hand shot out, grabbing Azrael's arm with a firm grip, pulling him back just as the spikes from the porcupine-snake creature surged forward. Azrael stumbled, his heart pounding in his chest as he realized the danger they were in. He looked at Eirian, who was now covered in webs, his expression a mix of anger and concern.

"Why would you do that, Your Highness? Just let me handle this," Eirian's voice was sharp, his tone betraying his frustration.

"I-I didn't want you to be the only one taking damage, Eirian," Azrael stuttered out, panic evident in his voice.

Eirian's eyes narrowed slightly, his grip tightening on Azrael's arm. "I am fine, Your Highness. You are an imperial prince, and I am me. You are much too important to get hurt."

"You're important too!" Azrael exclaimed, his voice trembling with emotion. He could feel the spikes drawing closer, the air thick with tension and impending danger.

Before Eirian could respond, the spikes surrounding Azrael began to shift, pointing directly at him. Confusion washed over Azrael as he realized their trajectory. 'Wait...don't tell me the consequence is—fuck!' Then, a chilling realization dawned on him.

"Oh, that's unfortunate," Fraus interjected casually, his voice echoing in the empty void. Both Azrael and Eirian turned to him, their expressions a mixture of panic and disbelief.

"Why?" Azrael demanded, his eyes darting between the approaching spikes and Fraus.

"Again, dire consequences." Fraus shrugs then explains nonchalantly, a smirk playing on his lips. "Those quills are poisonous. Not deadly but... quite painful,"

'Poisonous? POISONOUS?'

Eirian's glare could have cut through steel, but Azrael knew there was no point in directing their anger at Fraus. They had chosen this path, and now they had to face the consequences.

That's what Azrael initially thought but his facial expression betrayed him. He felt anxious, and deathly afraid of what's about to come. Eirian noticed this as he stared at Azrael's face then he looks at Fraus.

"Tell me... even if I am not the one who destroyed the creature, can I still take the consequence?" Eirian asked, his voice edged with urgency.

'What?' Azrael shook his head, panic rising within him. "No, no, Eirian. You have your own problems. Let me handle this on my own. You cannot get hurt on my behalf."

"With all due respect, Your Highness, but no," Eirian countered, his gaze unwavering. He was about to turn to Fraus again, but realization dawned on him too late. The quills were already too close.

The spikes moved with alarming speed, aimed directly at Azrael. In a desperate attempt to shield him, Eirian pulled Azrael towards him, wrapping his arms tightly around the prince. Azrael tried to protest, to push Eirian away, but the other was steadfast in his determination to protect him.

"No, no, no!" Azrael's voice was filled with panic as he closed his eyes tightly, bracing for the inevitable pain. But before the quills could strike, something unexpected happened.

'He's going to get hurt because of me. He's going to get hurt because of me. He's going to get hurt because of me!'

Azrael felt a surge of energy course through him, a burst of mana unlike anything he had ever experienced. His eyes closed tightly, and he felt like he was about to cry, ignoring the fact that he could hear Fraus snicker with amusement.

'No, no, no, no. This is all my fault. This is all my fault.'

"Interesting," Fraus murmured, his voice tinged with curiosity.

'I dragged him here. It's my fault. Eirian is hurt because of me. I'm so stupid, stupid. I'm so fucking stupid.'

"Your Highness."

'Why did I even think I could help him? I am as useless as they come.'

"Your Highness."

"I'm sorry." Azrael's voice broke as he buried his face on Eirian's chest but then he felt a hand gently touch his back.

"Your Highness." Eirian's voice was barely a whisper, filled with surprise and disbelief. Azrael's eyes widened as he looked around, realizing what had transpired.


An aura, similar to his Celestial core, enveloped both him and Eirian, a colorful shield resembling the Northern Lights. The quills, instead of piercing their bodies, were absorbed by the shimmering barrier, dissipating harmlessly.

Azrael's breath caught in his throat, a mixture of relief and astonishment washing over him. He looked at Eirian, whose expression mirrored his own incredulity.

"I am fine, Your Highness." Eirian spoke, fully-aware that Azrael had been very much worried about him, but now Azrael was in a daze as he stared at the shield...or the veil of light covering them. 

He knew this was not his Celestial core, it looked similar to his Celestial core, which only meant one thing.

'This is Azrael's magical ability.'

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Academy Olympiad concept photo: Valerian