
To change your destiny and mine. (BL)

[BL] Zak, a 22-year-old college student who loved reading fantasy fiction, had a particular favorite novel: "Destiny awaits you." Its mind-bending twists and heart-wrenching ending left him angry, seeking the author for answers. As he closed the book, his heart throbbed, plunging him into darkness. The next moment he opened his eyes, he was greeted by an unfamiliar surrounding, along with an unfamiliar body. He already had a feeling he knew what was happening but he had to run to a mirror and confirm, and when he did, his worst fear came to life. "This...is not my body." He had transgressed into someone else's life, and it wasn’t even anyone important, but a mere side character who dies at the second chapter of the novel!

KazTheWriter · LGBT+
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79 Chs

'The Aurora Glades'

Azrael was fucked

He was royally fucked

Days already passed with him consistently trying to learn how to summon his magical abilities but still...nothing. 

Not even a glimpse of it. 

And it didn't make sense to him or even to Caspian because he can access his Celestial core, and he feels his own mana. 

It was already Celestialday1, and there was no improvement whatsoever with his skills. He's supposed to go to the Aurora Glades with Eirian tomorrow and he'll be as useless as ever, only relying on his knowledge that he isn't even sure if it'd be useful. 

"There's no use. It's almost been a week, and still nothing...I think I should just give up." Azrael said as he plopped down the ground, feeling exhausted. A hand stretched out in front of him holding a canteen of water. 

Azrael looks up and sees Adham giving him a sympathetic smile. He grabs the canteen, muttering a small. "Thank you, Adham." Then drank from it. 

"Don't be hard on yourself, your highness. You're doing your best." 

Adham was reassuring as usual but it did not make Azrael feel any better.

He couldn't shake off the weight of his frustration. Adham's words, though well-intentioned, did little to ease his troubled mind. He was feeling inadequate yet again. 

Adham, sensing Azrael's ongoing despair, sought his mind for a method for diverting his attention away from his problems. Adham wanted to share his week's exploits with Azrael, trying to brighten his mood after reflecting on his recent knight courses.

"Your highness, about my new knight classes this week," Adham began, hoping to catch Azrael's interest.

"Mhm? What is it, Adham?"

"Well, at first I felt a bit out of place but...."

Azrael listened with a distant gaze, his mind drifting as he watched Caspian, his fellow student and friend, practicing his water magic nearby. 'It must be nice...being able to use magic at will. I truly did not think it would be this hard.'

"....things are going really well and"

Despite Adham's efforts to engage him, Azrael seemed lost in his own thoughts, only nodding absentmindedly in response to Adham's words until he mentioned something that caught Azrael off-guard. 

"—but we are not going to be able to see each other anymore," Adham suddenly blurted out, his tone tinged with sadness.

Azrael snapped out of his reverie, looking at Adham with confusion. "What?" he asked, puzzled by Adham's statement.

'What was he saying?'

"Pardon, your highness?"

"Can you repeat what you said, Adham? I am not sure I heard it correctly."

'I must've heard him wrong.'

Adham repeated himself, his voice filled with apprehension. "I was saying, your highness... My professor told me that I have potential, and for my next year, it's likely that I will officially transition from a student servant to a student knight."

'See?' A smile spread across Azrael's face at the news. "That's great!" he exclaimed, genuinely pleased for Adham, after all, in the novel he became the most prominent knight that would assist Eirian, and considering Adham did not become a knight student until months after Azrael's supposed suicide, he was glad that he was able to give Adham a head start.

'If things go really well, Adham would also act as my knight while in the academy. Caelum may be strong, but Adham was able to stand his own against him in the novel..'

Azrael was genuinely pleased with that thought. His mood was slightly getting better considering one thing from his plans were working out well, though something felt off. Very off. It was because Adham's expression remained somber, his eyes downcast. Sensing his unease, Azrael gently prodded,

"Why do you seem upset, Adham?" His eyes widened a bit. "Are your classmates being mean to you? Because if they are, you should not let them. You have every right to be here. If they do not stop, I can—"

"No, your highness." The student servant cuts him off with mild panic from the misunderstanding. "No, no...my classmates are fine. It's just that..."

The young prince sighed in relief, one of his worries before was the possibility of other knight students bullying Adham and making him feel like he does not belong in his course due to his status. "Then what is it?"


Adham hesitated, clearly reluctant to voice his concerns. However, encouraged by Azrael's genuine concern, he finally spoke up. "I know it may be out of line but—It's just...we won't be able to see each other anymore, your highness..."

Confusion furrowed Azrael's brow. "Why is that?" he inquired, genuinely perplexed by Adham's distress. 

"It's... well, it's because I will no longer be your student servant," Adham explained hesitantly.

Azrael's confusion only deepened. "And?" he prompted, failing to see the cause for Adham's distress.

Adham seemed taken aback by Azrael's response, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Not being your student servant, your highness... will restrict me from talking to you?" he replied tentatively, as if expecting Azrael to understand the implications.

Azrael stared at him for a moment. There was a feeling of Déjà vu, as if something like this had happened before then his mind recalled his conversation with Caspian before bursting into laughter, the tension in the air dissipating. Adham's face turned a shade redder, clearly flustered by Azrael's unexpected reaction.

"Your highness? Why are you laughing?" Adham asked, his confusion evident. "Did I say something wrong?"

Azrael quickly composed himself, realizing his friend's discomfort. "I'm sorry, Adham. I didn't mean to laugh at you," he apologized sincerely as he pushed up his glasses a bit to wipe his tears from laughing, and some from his previous frustration.

With a shy smile, Adham replied, "It's alright, your highness." He seemed pleased to see Azrael happy, though he was still very much confused as to why he burst out laughing. 

This just made Azrael's smile soften, his heart feeling lighter than it had in days. He took a deep breath before speaking. "Adham, you're my friend. Just because you won't be my student servant anymore doesn't mean we'll stop talking."

Adham's eyes widened in surprise, his face flushing with disbelief. "I wouldn't dare be friends with your highness. I am but a mere commoner," he stammered, clearly taken aback by Azrael's words.

'I swear, Caspian said the exact same words.' He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "I will say this with all my heart, Adham. Titles mean nothing to me. You've always been more than just a servant to me. You're my friend."


"No buts." Azrael holds out a finger to shush him. "You are in my circle. You've treated me well despite everything. You, me, and Caspian...we're a group now. A team."

Adham's expression slowly softened, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Thank you, your highness."

"No need to thank me, Adham. You've served me well, now it is time for you to let loose and be more comfortable with me, starting with calling me by my name instead of your highness." 

"I—Uhm...I don't uhm"

Azrael watched as Adham stuttered, clearly conflicted about addressing him by his name. Sensing Adham's discomfort, Azrael decided to offer reassurance. "You know, Adham, you can call me the same way Caspian does. He refers to me as 'Prince Azrael'," he suggested gently, hoping to ease Adham's reservations.

Adham's face flushed slightly again, but though he hesitated, he still nodded in agreement. 

The young prince smiled warmly at Adham's acceptance, sensing a growing affinity between them. "Now, I'll be in your and Caspian's care, as your friend," he said, offering his hand for a handshake.

Adham paused for a while, his countenance still apprehensive, before reaching out gently, his hand quivering slightly as it met Azrael's. Azrael sensed Adham's concern, but he kept a soothing grasp, wanting to express his sincerity.

"Yes, Prince Azrael. Of course," he responded, his voice soft but determined.

As their hands separated, both Azrael and Adham smiled widely at each other, a sense of understanding passing between them. They both knew that their relationship had shifted, evolving from master and servant to something deeper, something akin to friendship.

Just then, Caspian's voice broke through their moment of connection. "Prince Azrael? Are you ready to try again?" he called out, his tone laced with encouragement.

Azrael looked at Caspian, then at Adham, and felt a burst of resolve go through him. "Right. Let's try again," he remarked firmly, his confidence bolstered by the company of his friends.

'Right. As long as they're present, I can feel at ease anytime.'

Now, he just hopes this feeling lasts until tomorrow. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Do you have your satchel, Your—Prince Azrael."

"Yes, Adham. It's here."

"Did you bring enough water, Prince Azrael?"

"Yes, Caspian. Adham made sure I had enough for the whole day."

"What about food?"

"Do not worry, Prince Caspian. I also made sure Prince Azrael had plenty of snacks."

"Wow, Adham. I knew you were reliable but you're really prepared."

"Of course. It's Prince Azrael's first time going out of the academy since he came here."

'They're surely getting along.' Azrael internally chuckled as he listened to his two friends talk. It was officially the next day, and all three of them were walking to the gates of Luminara Academy since it was time for his leave. 

As much as Azrael assured them that he'd be fine on his own considering he had to leave at dawn, the two insisted on seeing him off. Adham knocked on his door at the crack of dawn with two canteens of water and a satchel filled with food and other items he may need. 

During the week, he briefly mentioned that he will go on a short excursion in the Aurora Glades to look for some herbs. Azrael wasn't sure how safe the Aurora Glades were, and he was not certain if he would come back without any dirt or even bruises. 

So, he had to think ahead to avoid any suspicions on why he left clean then came back filthy. 

Of course, the moment the two found out about it, they were very concerned and kept insisting that they accompany him but he managed to convince them to just stay put by distracting them with tasks. 

As Azrael, Adham, and Caspian continued walking, Azrael couldn't help but glance around, taking in the sights beyond the main academy. It was his first time seeing what lay beyond, and the view was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. In the distance, he spotted a massive golden gate, flanked by towering walls that guarded the academy grounds.

The sight of the gate sent a shiver down his spine, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his journey.

'This is really happening...'

Azrael instinctively reached for the straps of his satchel, steadying his breath to conceal any signs of anxiety from his friends. He didn't want them to worry, not when they had already been so supportive.

After a few minutes of strolling, they stood in front of the daunting gate. Azrael couldn't help but feel anxious as he looked up at it. "So... this is it," he whispered, his voice filled with both excitement and trepidation.

Adham stepped forward, presenting Azrael with a round, medal-like object. "Here, Prince Azrael. This will help you pass through the gate," he explained, his tone gentle yet solemn.

Azrael took the medal and felt its weight in his hand. He grasped its significance: it was a magical symbol that allowed him to exit the academy grounds. 

Luminara Academy prides not needing any knights or guards surrounding their premises because no outside can go in, and no student can go out without permission. Each student, staff, and professor are blessed with a mark before entering the academy which grants them access to opening the gate. 

Professors and staff can freely go in and out of the academy, but students, on the other hand, are not able to go out unless they are permitted. In any instance that they are allowed to go out, they have to carry the medal, the same medal that Adham had given him. 

"Thank you, Adham," Azrael said gratefully, tucking the medal into his pocket. 'Now...time to make them leave.' As nervous as he was, Azrael did not want to waste any more time, and he was also concerned that Eirian might also be on his way; he didn't want the two to see him. 

So, he had to make them leave before he went out as he planned on crossing the open gates with Eirian.

Turning to his two friends, he offered them a reassuring smile. "I'll be off now. I'll be back tonight, so don't worry," he reassured them, though he could see the concern in their eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come with you?" Caspian asked, his voice laced with concern.

Azrael chuckled at their earnestness, shaking his head. "I'll be fine. Besides, I have a task for you two, remember?" he reminded them, hoping to ease their worries.

Adham and Caspian exchanged a resigned glance before nodding in agreement. "Take care, Prince Azrael," Caspian said softly, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"I'll make sure to prepare everything for your return," Adham added, his expression earnest.

Azrael laughed a bit at their fussing, feeling grateful for their unwavering trust and support. "You two are acting like I'm leaving forever. It's just for a day," he teased lightly before finally mustering the courage to take a step towards the gate. 

"Right. Of course." The young prince could hear Adham say behind him. "Then, take care, Prince Azrael."

"See you later, Prince Azrael."

Azrael did not turn around, he knew deep inside that the two will prolong their conversation if he does not make the initiative to move. So, instead of saying anything, he just hummed joyfully while swallowing his nerves.

Once again, grateful to the fact that he was quite knowledgeable about this world, he knew all he had to do was touch the golden gate. Almost immediately, an unfamiliar mark appeared on the back of his head, the gate shone ever so slightly then slowly it opened for him. 

A small gasp escaped from Azrael's lips when the gate suddenly moved. The concept of magic is still surprising to him despite the fact that he'd already seen a lot for the past few weeks. 

"Here I go..." He mumbled against his breath. Before he walked out the gate, he raised a hand to wave at the two behind him, but still made sure not to turn back in fear of them running after him like lost puppies. 

And then finally, with one final deep breath, he stepped out of Luminara Academy grounds.

As Azrael stepped out of the familiar confines of Luminara Academy, he felt a wave of disorientation wash over him. It was as if his body was recalibrating itself to the unfamiliar magical aura of the outside world.

The transition from the protected grounds of the academy to the enchanted forest known as the Aurora Glades was a stark contrast, and Azrael couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through him.

The Aurora Glades, the mysterious woodland that surrounded Luminara Academy, was a stunning sight. Even from the edge, Azrael could see the forest bursting with life and magic. Glowing flowers of all colors studded the terrain, producing an ethereal glow that brightened the surroundings. The trees, huge and stately, appeared to swing in an invisible breeze, their leaves gleaming with a wonderful luster.

'In the novel, Eirian mentioned that deep inside the Aurora Glades was beautiful, so beautiful that most people who go in never come out. We're only in the middle part of the forest, but it's already this wonderful...'

As Azrael observed his surroundings with wide-eyed wonder, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of it all. This was a far cry from the mundane world he had known before stepping foot into Luminara Academy. Here, in the heart of the Aurora Glades, magic thrived in abundance, and the air was thick with the presence of unseen spirits.

Lost in his thoughts, Azrael didn't notice the approach of another until a voice broke through the tranquility of the forest. "That was quite a show, your highness."

Startled, Azrael turned around to see Eirian leaning casually against a nearby tree, his arms crossed over his chest. Despite the casual pose, there was an air of authority about him, as always. Azrael couldn't help but smile awkwardly as he composed himself.

"Eirian! When did you get here?" Azrael asked, slowly approaching the black-haired prince. "And what do you mean by 'show'?"

Eirian's expression remained impassive as he regarded Azrael with a steady gaze. "I've been here for quite some time now," he replied cryptically. "I arrived earlier than you did, Your Highness. And by 'show,' I mean the exchanges between you and your...companions."


Azrael felt a flush of embarrassment creep up his neck as he realized that Eirian had witnessed his farewell with Adham and Caspian. He hadn't expected his favorite character to be observing their interactions.

"They're... good friends," Azrael said, trying to sound nonchalant despite the embarrassment he felt. 

"Right." Was all Eirian responded as he looked away from Azrael. 

As the uncomfortable silence settled between them, Azrael twisted a strand of his hair, trying to think of anything else to talk about with Eirian. After Eirian offered to accompany him, they talked a few times. Of course, one of those times was Eirian informing him that his leave request was approved, while the other times were about Azrael's plans for their outing. 

Unsurprisingly, their interactions had been somewhat strained with Eirian always keeping his guard up, but he hoped to break through that barrier since the black-haired protagonist did the unexpected and offered to join his small endeavor.

But sometimes, it was hard for Azrael to speak to him, especially since he probably knew everything about him, and he was quite afraid that he'd slip up. Eirian is perceptive. 

As he silently observed Eirian, Azrael noticed that there was something in his hand, a round object with a snowflake symbol on it. 'That's odd.' Curious, he gestured towards it. "What's that you're holding, Eirian?"

Eirian glanced down at the object in his hand, his expression growing slightly distant. "This?" he said, holding it up for Azrael to see. "It's a... Well, it's a kind of emergency tool, Your Highness. My father gave it to me before I came to this academy."

Azrael's curiosity piqued. "An emergency tool? What does it do?"

'This is the first time I've heard of this. No round object given by the Wycliffe king was ever mentioned in the novel, perhaps it's because the novel's contents haven't even started yet...'

Eirian's gaze turned inward as he explained. "It's called a Frostflare Sphere," he said, his voice taking on a monotonous yet oddly warm tone. "If I throw it and break it, it will create a burst of freezing energy, freezing anything in its vicinity."

Azrael's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, I've never heard of anything like that before," he exclaimed. "It sounds incredibly useful."

'His father really thinks ahead. He knew Eirian couldn't use his magical abilities, so he gave him tools for self-defense and even for comfort.' Azrael thought, referring to the Frostflare Sphere and the snowflake walls in Eirian's room that kept him cold. 

Eirian nodded in agreement, his expression distant. "My father, he...he's quite skilled with creating magical objects. It's a hobby of his. Which is quite admirable considering he's running a kingdom while still maintaining his pastimes."

"Quite admirable indeed." 

'In more ways than one. He's probably the only sane parent in this world.'

"But of course, no one can compare to your father, the emperor." Eirian was quick to say, probably assuming that Azrael thought he was boasting. "Though, I have yet to personally meet him, I've heard many positive things."

Azrael smiles sympathetically, there was a hint of bitterness in Eirian's tone, as he was never allowed to formally meet the emperor due to his 'curse

Everyone believed that there was a chance that Eirian could hurt the imperial family, though the Celestrias were well-known to be formidable mages, they were still human. They weren't invincible. 

Azrael knew that considering Caelum had the emperor and empress killed. 

'Honestly, I don't know what to think of Azrael's parents. The emperor and empress did not leave much of an impression in the novel, except when they were about to be killed. Their presence wasn't important except for the fact that they possibly contributed to the scrutiny that Eirian faced, and the fact that it seemed like they highly favored Valerian to the point of forgetting their second son.'

"Well, one would think the emperor—erm...my father, would naturally be talented considering he rules the empire. But I have yet to receive such a thoughtful gift from him." Azrael's words flew out so naturally that he was almost surprised at himself. 

He wasn't sure if it was Azrael's own body speaking for him, or if he was naturally bitter towards the parents of the body he's inhabiting because he is going through a lot due to their negligence of raising their eldest son properly. 

Either way, Azrael couldn't even give them the benefit of the doubt, and just believes they are most definitely terrible parents. 

Eirian seemed to shoot Azrael a look that he did not understand, but instead of continuing their conversation, the black-haired protagonist pushed himself from the tree and began walking closer to Azrael. 

"Well then, since we both seem to be ready now. I believe we shall go, Your Highness."

"Ah. Yes. You're right. 

As Eirian suggested they start moving, Azrael took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. 'Alright, here we go,' he thought to himself. 'Just keep calm. I'm with the protagonist. I'm sure some universal law doesn't allow protagonists to get hurt.'

He noticed Eirian narrow his eyes slightly, as if sensing his unease, but the black-haired protagonist didn't say anything. Instead, he began walking ahead, leading the way into the depths of the Aurora Glades.

Azrael followed behind him, his senses on high alert as they ventured further into the enchanted forest. Fortunately, they did not need a map. As far as Azrael knew, Eirian did not need one in the novel, he just kept walking until the Aurora Glades that he knew started changing and he met a kind spirit.

'Just do the exact same thing he did in the novel and everything will be fine.'

Everything will be fine.


Despite his attempts to quell his anxieties, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

'Why do I feel like something's going to go wrong?' Azrael mused inwardly, his steps careful and measured as he trailed behind Eirian, he shook his head. 'No, no. I'm pessimistic because of everything bad that happened so far. Eirian was able to get his sword with ease in the novel, the same will happen now.'

The forest seemed to close in around them, the vibrant colors of the flora and fauna casting eerie shadows as they moved deeper into the Glades. Azrael ignored the foreboding feeling, and pressed on, determined to fulfill his task to prove to Eirian how serious he was to help. 

And while Azrael walked side by side with Eirian, convincing himself that things were alright. The two failed to notice the invisible presence watching them...

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Academy Olympiad concept photo: Caelum

New chapter! Another one coming tonight.

KazTheWritercreators' thoughts