
To change your destiny and mine. (BL)

[BL] Zak, a 22-year-old college student who loved reading fantasy fiction, had a particular favorite novel: "Destiny awaits you." Its mind-bending twists and heart-wrenching ending left him angry, seeking the author for answers. As he closed the book, his heart throbbed, plunging him into darkness. The next moment he opened his eyes, he was greeted by an unfamiliar surrounding, along with an unfamiliar body. He already had a feeling he knew what was happening but he had to run to a mirror and confirm, and when he did, his worst fear came to life. "This...is not my body." He had transgressed into someone else's life, and it wasn’t even anyone important, but a mere side character who dies at the second chapter of the novel!

KazTheWriter · LGBT+
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79 Chs

'Newfound Interest; Nighttime meetings'

A muted peace descended upon the quiet space of Astra Sanctum, the Prefects' office and lounge at Luminara Academy. There was a noticeable absence of the normal bustle of activity, the echo of Prefects debating topics of magical importance. There was a great quiet, broken only by the faint murmur of enchantments hanging from the walls.

In the silence, a single person occupied the prestigious chair behind the ornately carved desk. The mysterious Prefect of Divine Wing, Caelum Eversly, sat thoughtfully. His silver hair glinted in the ambient light of the room, taking on an ethereal shine.

His normally disinterested and distant gaze was fixed on an apparently innocent flower vase not too far away. But there was a depth to his thinking that was shown by the passion in his eyes. Aura wisped around him in dark tendrils, a faint representation of the violent forces swirling inside.

'Azrael Celestria.'

Arms resting on the tabletop, Caelum's fingers clenched in thought. The formerly pleasant and peaceful setting now revealed the storm of contemplation brewing inside the Prefect.

Beyond the sanctum, where the magical school vibrated with activity, Caelum brooded alone, his shadow hanging over Astra Sanctum's tranquility.

'All these years, I never paid attention to him because he was weak compared to his brother. His magical ability is worse than that of a student servant's, there's nothing notable about him except his obsession with Valerian but...'

Caelum remembers an interesting scene he saw a few days ago. When he'd been asked by the headmaster to oversee a new project for Floral Haven, he caught glimpse of the 'child born with darkness' 

He had debated whether or not he should approach him, to mess with him, reminding him over and over again of his status in this academy compared to Caelum, but then he saw a familiar pink-haired prince following Eirian into the enchanted garden. 

Caelum was unable to follow them because he was still in the presence of the headmaster, so he waited and waited for any of the two he saw to walk out. He tried to give Azrael the benefit of the doubt because why on earth would the crybaby prince who thought about no one else but his brother follow Eirian?

It didn't make any sense, but then Caelum remembered how suspiciously Azrael acted when they first spoke, still he didn't jump into any conclusions and waited patiently. 

After a few minutes, indeed, he saw Azrael walk out from the enchanted forest with a look of determination on his face, to make matters worst, not long after Eirian followed out but instead of having his usual scowl. 

He seemed to look relieved. 

Of course, Caelum wasn't gonna stand idly after seeing such a sight. Eirian was meant to only suffer, he was meant to be alone, and he wasn't meant to be happy or feel any type of relief. Caelum had to investigate. 

So, he started keeping an eye on Azrael. Watching him from afar, and then he confirmed that something was off about him. 

Everyone in the academy knew of the young prince's daily routine. He would wait for Valerian to arrive, look for Valerian during lunch, or cause a scene to get Valerian's attention. 

Valerian made sure that his dormitory was as far away from Azrael's as possible, and that no one would tell his little brother which room he was in to avoid Azrael from knocking on his door constantly. 

But Caelum noticed that ever since that day, Azrael hadn't even done anything to get Valerian's attention nor follow him. No, instead it seems he got closer to his student servant and befriended the illegitimate prince of the Aquarise kingdom. 

'Valerian, that stupid fool, didn't even care when I asked him where Azrael was and why he hasn't followed him lately. It seems like he's relieved about this sudden change of behavior.'

Caelum, however, was no fool. Azrael's sudden change of attitude, and then Caelum sees him possibly talking to Eirian? That's too much to be considered a coincidence. 

And today, he did what he's done for the past few days and watch Azrael, specifically during lunch time. Caelum noticed that the young prince seemed to be deep in thought, he figured today was a good day to approach him, as he planned on speaking to him at some point, to get some information out of him. 

When Caelum noticed that Azrael was looking around, he decided it was the best moment to approach him, perhaps ask if he was looking for Valerian to see his reaction, then use his persuasion skills to find out why he spoke with Eirian in the enchanted garden and what they talked about. 

However, Caelum's goals changed when he overhears something that made his blood boil with rage. 

"Your highness? Prince Azrael? Are you perhaps looking for the crown prince?"

"No, I'm looking for Eirian."

Caelum wanted to end him right then and there. Firstly, no one has ever called that boy by his name in years except for his hard headed father, and a few professors who had to speak to him with respect. 

No one wanted anything to do with Eirian, no one wanted to even look at him. That's how it was meant to be. Caelum was the one who should be loved, not Eirian. Caelum did not spend years of his life trying to make people fear Eirian, just to have Azrael speak about him with much familiarity in his tone. 

It made Caelum wonder.

Why the hell would an imperial prince, let alone someone who is well known to be weak and a coward, ever take interest in a boy who was cursed? It didn't make any sense, so he spoke to him. 

And oh, did Caelum have the surprise of his life. The way the young prince spoke to him, though respectful in form, carried an undercurrent of sarcasm. Azrael's eyes betrayed a flicker of fear, but beneath that fear was a defiance that both intrigued and infuriated Caelum.

As Azrael replied, a calculated restraint held sway over his words, revealing an unexpected strength.

"With all due respect, Prince Caelum, but I believe that's my business and I was taught not to share my business with those whom I'm not that close with."

Caelum placed his forehead on his hands, smiling menacingly to himself. "Hah...What to do with you, young prince. What to do." Normally, Caelum would take immediate action on anyone who goes against him. 

But Azrael was a different case. He seemed to know something. Besides that, he was still an imperial prince, it wasn't easy to touch him. Caelum had to be more calculative when it came to dealing with Azrael, and he's curious as to what the young prince knew exactly. 

After a few minutes of silence, there was a randomly horrific thought that suddenly came into his mind. 'Could it be...?'

'Does he know the truth? No, how could he? Not even that wretched boy, Eirian, knew.'

That's right. No one could possibly know, they'd have to be some sort of God because even the priests and the prophet knew nothing. 'The emperor himself cannot sense anything wrong with my abilities, I wouldn't expect someone as weak as the young prince to—'

Caelum's thoughts were momentarily diverted as the door creaked open, revealing a familiar figure, Valerian entered into Astra Sanctum with his usual blank expression.

The ambient tension between inside Caelum dissipated as he forced himself to don a congenial smile, his true emotions veiled beneath the surface.

"Your imperial highness, what a lovely surprise. I'm guessing your meeting with the head of Sylvanum sorority's headmistress finished early?" Caelum says with his 'usual' charming tone as he stood up and bowed towards Valerian. 

Valerian raises a hand, dismissing his bow as he makes his way to the couch and takes a seat. "Yes. They only wanted me to briefly discuss this year's plans for the academic Olympiad then our headmaster decided to give them a tour of our new facilities."

Caelum chuckles. "That's expected of the headmaster. He strives to impress the headmistress whenever she comes to visit."

"I think it's ridiculous. We should have talked about our joint events with the Sylvanum princesses in more depth considering it's one of the biggest events in the empire." Valerian crossed his arms against his chest, his face slowly turning into a scowl. "This is the first year that we'll be the ones organizing the event, and I do not want any risk of failure."

"Don't worry, Prince Valerian. I am sure there will be another day for that, I am sure the headmaster knows well enough that the emperor is expecting big things for this year considering his heir is the one that's hosting."

Valerian didn't answer. He knew Caelum was right, but he was still pissed off. There was nothing Valerian hated more than not getting things done right away, he'd always been a perfectionist. Caelum knew that well because he grew up with him.

'He's pressured because he's the crown prince. Valerian has been training and working hard to be a great emperor one day but...'

"By the way, your imperial highness. I've been curious."


'Too bad I don't ever plan on letting him or any of his family sit on the throne ever again.'

"Has the young prince approached you at all lately? I don't think I've heard anything about Prince Azrael for quite some days now."

Valerian's mood visibly soured at the mention of his brother, which Caelum expected. He hated speaking about Azrael, and when he did, it was to complain. "No, he has not, why are you asking?"

Caelum shrugs slightly. "Is it not odd? For as long as I've known of the young prince, he'd always follow you every chance he gets. Now I don't think I've heard anything about him in days."

That was, of course, a lie. But he wanted to know what Valerian's response would be or how he'd react. Maybe, he can manipulate Valerian into approaching Azrael and possibly interrogate his odd behavior. 

"I am sure this is just another one of his useless attempts to get my attention. He probably assumed I'd worriedly look for him if he suddenly stopped following me."

'I don't think that's his intention at all, but you're just too blinded by your arrogance to see it. Tsk. How useless.'

Caelum kept forcing a playful smile, he decided to urge further to give Valerian some sort of initiative to check on his brother. "Are you really sure that's the case, your highness? I heard from whispers that he's found himself a friend." 

"Those are just whispers. That boy is incapable of having any form of acquaintances, let alone, a friend. He doesn't even speak to his own student servant." 

'There we go.' 

"Actually, I didn't want to say because I know of your strained relationship with him but...I've seen it myself when I was accompanying the headmaster in Floral Haven."

Valerian, who was initially disinterested, showed some change in his expression as his head raised ever so slightly. "What did you see?"

Caelum feigned a surprised look as he placed his hand on his face. "I saw him eating with the Aquarise illegitimate prince, I forgot his name..." He pretends to think for a bit.

"Caspian Aquarise."

"Ah. You remember his name, I don't expect any less from our future emperor." He grins. "The illegitimate prince was in the company of Prince Azrael, and I also overheard some of their conversation."


"Yes, your highness?"

Valerian was flexing his hand and Caelum already knew what that meant. 'Oh no. It seems he's annoyed.' 

The crown prince finally looks up at Caelum his eyes narrowing a bit as he spoke "Why are you beating around the bush? Just tell me what you heard instead of overexplaining then stopping abruptly." 

"My apologies, your highness." Caelum bows his head. 'Guess he's interested now mhm?' He internally scoffs.

"Apparently, Prince Azrael sent his student servant to speak with Sir Gregory along with a letter of recommendation that his student servant should add knightly courses to his curriculum. Though, it's quite noble...I found it highly unusual and out of the blue especially, since you mentioned, he hasn't spoken to his student servant."

After what Caelum said, there was an unreadable expression on Valerian's face but he seemed to be thinking, meaning Caelum's plan was working. Valerian would definitely think that Azrael was planning something unusual. 

Not only was it highly unorthodox of Azrael, but there has never been a case of a noble ever requesting his student servant to add certain courses for them to take.

Usually, student servants are the ones requesting for themselves when they feel that the initial evaluation about them was incorrect, but it's a long process of re-evaluating and paperwork then looking for a new student servant; so Gregory, the head of the student servants committee, avoids it as much as possible. 

But there are certain cases, in which, he doesn't avoid it...or well, he couldn't.

First case is when the student servant's professor sees his potential and raises this to Sir Gregory. 

Second case is when Sir Gregory himself discovers the student servant's innate talent.

The third and rarest case is when the student servant's master requests for him to be re-evaluated. 

Azrael's student servant was the third case, but even more unusual because he directly requested for his student servant to be under a specific course rather than be re-evaluated. 'He knew Sir Gregory would never dare ignore a direct request from an imperial prince. How clever.'

"Now what is he up to." Valerian mumbled against his breath frustratedly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I shouldn't have been so complacent. I should've known that boy cannot last a day without causing me trouble."

"You have it hard, your highness, but it could just be a misunderstanding. He might believe that his student servant is knight material." Caelum said with a fake sympathetic tone. 

Valerian shook his head. "He doesn't think about anyone but himself. Whatever this is, I'll get to the bottom of it before it escalates any further."

'Always so easy to manipulate.' 

"If that's what you think is the best course, your highness, I'll accompany you as well."

Valerian nods in acknowledgement, his face now visibly irked as he rested his back on the couch. Caelum was internally satisfied with himself as his thoughts went back to Azrael. 

'I wonder what face he'll make the next time we meet again. How fun.'

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Azrael found himself sprawled on his bed, absently playing with the strands of his long, pink hair. The ceiling, adorned with star designs, was usually a comforting sight, a source of solace in the midst of his new troublesome life.

However, today was different – the stars failed to cast away the shadow of uncertainty that loomed over Azrael.

Since his transmigration into this novel, the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of the real Azrael Celestria remained a lingering question.

While the likelihood of suicide weighed heavily on Azrael's mind, the unnerving possibility of Caelum's possible involvement in his death to ruin Eirian's life and reputation further clouded his judgements.

'Caelum isn't above killing people for his goals. He'd even resort to torture to get information...what if he does that to me? What happens if I die? Does the real Azrael get his body back?'

Azrael felt a sense of suffocation within his chamber as anxiety consumed him. He was filled with restless dread as he contemplated death and its uncertain aftermath. Still, in the middle of the chaos, a shock of resolve made him shot up from the bed, up to his feet. 

"I can't just lie here. I have to do it."

Earlier after his frightening conversation with Caelum, Azrael felt the nagging sensation becoming stronger, pushing him to find Eirian.

The day had passed with no glimpse of the dark figure, and every moment that passed confirmed the suspicion that Eirian was deliberately keeping his distance which he did not want to happen.

Azrael adorned himself with a robe and slipped into slippers then headed towards his door, before leaving, he peeked his head out to check whether or not there were other people around and when he confirmed that there's no one he decided to go ahead..

With calculated steps, he ventured out of his room, cautiously checking now and then in case someone suddenly appears. His destination was the room right next to his. 

As he slowly approached, hesitation gripped him. The uncertainty of what awaited beyond the closed door lingered in his mind.

'I hope he answers. Please let it not be too late but what if I am too late? What if he doesn't want to hear me out anymore? I know I took too long to think of a plan and response but...ah...I just need to speak to him.'

Despite the internal struggle, his knuckles rapped against the door in a tentative rhythm then he straightened his body as he waited for a response. 

He waited

And waited.

...and waited. 

But there was nothing but silence. Azrael's heart drops, he knew Eirian was inside, there was no other place the protagonist would go to during this time. Even in the novel, he spent much of his free hours in the solitude of his own room. 

So, that means Eirian just didn't want to open the door. 

'I'm so stupid. I'm so, so stupid. Why didn't I even consider that Eirian wouldn't wait days for my response? All I do is keep making mistakes and miscalculations. I'm the worlds' dumbest...fuck...' Azrael's shoulder drops as his head hung low.

'Should I just give up?'

He could. 

With how much he's failed, it doesn't seem like he'd be any help to anyone. Eirian didn't want anything to do with him anymore, Caelum is suspicious of him, and...

He still didn't know anything about the real Azrael.

'No. No, I can't give up.' Azrael shook his head when that thought went inside his head. 'Eirian's future is still a mystery, Azrael's past is still a mystery. I can't give up. I'm the only one who can help. I promised myself that even if I die, I'll die doing the best I can.'

With his newfound determination, Azrael raised his hand again and knocked on the door. This time, he spoke with a quiet tone, in order to not be heard by others. 

"Eirian? I'm sorry to bother you. I tried looking for you earlier, but I need to talk now. I know it might be too late—"

The door swung open abruptly, revealing Eirian's serious gaze which surprised Azrael.

'He...opened the door?'

"Your highness, when people knock, they usually announce who they are. No one opens the door to an unknown knocker."

Caught off guard by Eirian's directness, Azrael stammered, "Oh... sorry, I just—"

"Come in," Eirian interrupted, stepping aside as he cautiously looked behind Azrael, most likely afraid that someone might see them as well. "Skip the apologies and over-explaining. Just get inside and tell me this plan of yours."

Azrael blinked, taken aback by Eirian's sudden willingness, though his face had a scowl, it still made Azrael feel calmer now and more confident again. With a grateful smile, he entered the room.


I finally managed to post this! I've been sick for the past few days. I've had the draft for this chapter half-finished but was only able to write it all now. I am so happy because we're getting to the good parts.

KazTheWritercreators' thoughts