
To change your destiny and mine. (BL)

[BL] Zak, a 22-year-old college student who loved reading fantasy fiction, had a particular favorite novel: "Destiny awaits you." Its mind-bending twists and heart-wrenching ending left him angry, seeking the author for answers. As he closed the book, his heart throbbed, plunging him into darkness. The next moment he opened his eyes, he was greeted by an unfamiliar surrounding, along with an unfamiliar body. He already had a feeling he knew what was happening but he had to run to a mirror and confirm, and when he did, his worst fear came to life. "This...is not my body." He had transgressed into someone else's life, and it wasn’t even anyone important, but a mere side character who dies at the second chapter of the novel!

KazTheWriter · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
76 Chs

'A Step Ahead.'

Caelum watched with a mixture of amusement as Azrael walked away, his demeanor cold and distant. The young prince's boldness both intrigued and irked him. He glanced at Valerian, who was visibly fuming, his usual composed facade cracking under the weight of his anger.

'He must feel embarrassed being disregarded like that so...openly.' He knew better than to tease the crown prince of Celestria but he couldn't quite help himself, so he decided to do so.

"Seems like your brother isn't in the mood for pleasantries today," Caelum remarked casually, a smirk playing on his lips as he teased Valerian.

Valerian shot him a venomous glare, the aura around him pulsing with anger. Caelum couldn't help but internally snicker at his brother's discomfort. This was precisely the reaction he had hoped for when he decided to confront Azrael in Valerian's presence.

"Based on what you told me about confronting the young prince's strange behavior, I was under the impression that he'd return to his usual, adoring self," Caelum continued, his tone dripping with sarcasm, "but it seems the young prince is quite crossed with you."

Valerian's jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides. He was on the verge of exploding, but he knew better than to lose his composure in public. 'That is what you deserve for speaking to him behind my back and not heeding my words,' Caelum thought to himself, feeling a sense of vindication.

"You're spewing nonsense. We have more important matters to attend to. So stop your dwadling and start walking." With a forced calm expression, Valerian composed himself then walked away, leaving Caelum pleased with himself.

'That is what you deserve for speaking to him behind my back and not heeding my words,' Caelum thought to himself, feeling a sense of vindication.

Caelum had a plan. He wanted to use Valerian in order to intimidate Azrael enough to tell them why he was looking for Eirian a few days ago. As infamous as Azrael was, he's still an imperial prince. Caelum couldn't use his usual methods to force the answers from him. 

So, he had to rely on Valerian's constant need to find faults in his brother to approach him. Their initial plan was to confront him together as prefects feigning concern about his strange behaviors, and Caelum would then redirect the conversation by mentioning what he had heard Azrael say. 

He did not expect Valerian to do something out of the ordinary for him, which was to approach Azrael and confront him personally. Of course, based on Valerian's statements, he made it seem like he was simply passing through, or he had just happened to come across his brother, but he had all the intentions to speak to him. 

It was idiotic. 

Not only did they gain zero information from their confrontation, but now it seems as though all the fear Azrael had for Valerian and him were replaced with indifference. 

That was bad. 

He had to resort to his usual methods because there was no longer denying that Azrael was up to something, and it involved Eirian Wycliffe. 

"Did you see that? Prince Azrael completely ignored the crown prince."

"I thought Prince Azrael was obsessed with the crown prince?"

"Seems like the rumors aren't a hundred percent true."

"Prince Valerian seemed pissed."

"Yeah, he even left Prince Caelum behind."

'Ah. What pests.' Caelum turned his attention to the surrounding students who were, more or less, openly whispering and watching the exchange with avid interest. With a condescending smile, he addressed them, his voice carrying across the hall.

"Is there something you all need?" he asked, his tone implying that their presence was unwelcome, but still kept a warm smile.

The students quickly dispersed, eager to avoid any further confrontation with the saint. 'Thought so.' Satisfied with the outcome, Caelum turned his gaze to his student servant, Stefhan, who appeared from the crowd and approached him cautiously.

"Uhm, Your Highness," Stefhan began tentatively, clearly unsure how to broach the topic that was on his mind.

"What is it?" Caelum raised an eyebrow, silently urging Stefhan to continue.

Stefhan hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I must admit, Your Highness, it's quite surprising to see Prince Valerian visibly upset. I don't think I've ever seen him like that before, especially not in public."

Caelum ran a hand through his hair, a thoughtful expression crossing his features as he considered Stefhan's observation. "Valerian is naturally hotheaded, especially when it comes to his younger brother," he explained, crossing his arms against his chest. "But he's learned to hide it well, given his position as the crown prince."

Stefhan nodded in understanding, his expression neutral as he absorbed Caelum's words. Then, as if remembering something, he spoke up again. "Oh, I almost forgot. I have something to tell you, Your Highness."

Caelum raised an eyebrow, turning his attention fully to Stefhan. "Go on," he prompted.

Stefhan shifted nervously before continuing, "I followed your orders to look into Prince Azrael's activities and requests to the school. It seems he recently requested a leave this week."

Caelum's eyebrows raised ever so slightly, a small smirk playing across his lips. "That's interesting," he mused. "Valerian never mentioned this. It doesn't seem like the emperor or the empress will summon Azrael anytime soon, so that's truly interesting."

Stefhan looked at Caelum expectantly, clearly curious about what his next course of action would be.

Caelum shrugged nonchalantly, then beckoned for Stefhan to start walking with him along the corridors of the school. "Nothing... yet," he said cryptically. "Let's give the little prince a chance to do whatever he wants for now. He has no power, he can barely even use magic. Whatever he's doing, it's not that much of a threat yet."

With that, Caelum confidently walked away, Stefhan following behind him, leaving the whispers and rumors of Luminara Academy's halls behind them.

"And even if he tries to be a threat, I am always one step ahead."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


Azrael mentally screamed as sweat trickled down from his forehead. He squeezed his eyes tightly while holding out his hands. 

"Focus, Prince Azrael," Caspian's soft voice echoed in Azrael's ears, urging him to concentrate.

Azrael gritted his teeth, frustration boiling within him as he struggled to summon even the slightest hint of his magical abilities. Despite feeling his mana pulsating within him, a tangible energy that left him feeling drained, nothing manifested outwardly.

Azrael and Caspian found themselves in their Magical Theory and Philosophy class, where Professor Veridian was unexpectedly absent for the day. Instead, they were being supervised by Professor Magus Greenleaf, their Mage Anatomy professor, who informed the class that they were free to use the time as they wished.

Given the freedom to practice their magic, some students were studying, while others were experimenting or simply relaxing. This relaxed atmosphere allowed Azrael and Caspian to work on Azrael's magical abilities without drawing too much attention to themselves.


No matter how hard he tried to summon any form of magic, no matter how much he concentrated, his efforts were futile. It angered him to no end. He needed to be able to use his magic, especially now that the stakes were higher than ever.

Sensing Azrael's frustration, Caspian gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let's take a break, Prince Azrael," he suggested, concern evident in his voice.

Reluctantly, Azrael nodded, feeling defeated as he sank down onto the floor. He looked dejected, his shoulders slumped with disappointment.

Caspian tried to cheer him up, engaging him in small talk to distract him from his frustrations. "You know, Prince Azrael, I've never actually seen your magical core," he remarked casually, trying to lighten the mood.

Azrael looked up, a faint hint of sadness lingering in his eyes. "Oh. I haven't shown you yet?" he responded, his voice tinged with a sense of melancholy.

With a graceful motion, Azrael brought his hands together in front of his chest, where his heart lay. A dazzling display of colorful lights erupted from his fingertips, swirling and dancing around them like the ethereal glow of the aurora borealis.

Caspian's eyes widened in amazement, his breath catching in his throat as he watched the mesmerizing spectacle unfold before him. Around them, other students began to take notice, their gazes drawn to the radiant display of Azrael's celestial core.

As the dazzling display of Azrael's celestial core captivated the attention of his classmates, Caspian found himself among those in awe of the mesmerizing sight. He couldn't help but marvel at the colorful lights swirling around them, casting a radiant glow that seemed to banish the shadows of Azrael's reputation.

"Wow, that's incredible!"

"I've never seen anything like it!"


The whispers of admiration rippled through the group of students, some of whom Azrael barely knew by name. It was a rare moment of positive attention for him in a school where his reputation often preceded him.

'This is...new.'

Feeling a mixture of surprise and uncertainty at the sudden change in his classmates' demeanor, Azrael didn't quite know how to respond. The unfamiliar warmth of their compliments left him feeling both grateful and apprehensive.

Before he could fully process the situation, Professor Magus approached with a pleased smile, his presence drawing Azrael's attention away from the crowd. Azrael's heart skipped a beat, fearing he might be reprimanded for displaying his celestial core without permission.

"Prince Azrael," Professor Magus began, his tone surprisingly gentle as he adjusted his glasses, "a week ago, you were insistent on not showing your celestial core when I asked you during our class, but now you're openly showing it here."

Azrael's breath caught in his throat, bracing himself for whatever consequence might follow. However, to his astonishment, Professor Magus's smile only widened as he continued.

"I must say, it is beyond my expectations," Professor Magus praised, his approval sparking a flicker of hope within Azrael. "You should show it to the class tomorrow. Not all of your classmates from Mage Anatomy are here, and I'm sure they'll also be amazed."

Relief flooded through Azrael, mingled with a newfound sense of pride. The thought of showcasing his abilities to the entire class filled him with a sense of purpose and determination.

With a grateful smile, Azrael nodded in agreement, his spirits lifted by the unexpected encouragement from his professor.

Azrael met Caspian's gaze as Professor Magus turned to go, and he saw the resolve flash again in the young prince's eyes.

"Shall we try again, Prince Azrael?" Caspian suggested, his voice filled with quiet determination.

"Yes." Azrael stood up from where he was resting. 'I need to learn how to use Azrael's magical ability before this week ends so I can, at least, be useful to Eirian just in case...and even if he doesn't need me, I need to be prepared to defend myself from whatever Caelum throws at me.'

He knew that how he acted towards Valerian and Caelum earlier made the fake saint even more suspicious of him, so Azrael had to start taking initiatives and not lose hope. 

'I need to at least be one step ahead of him.'

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Academy Olympiad concept photo: Adham

Calm before the storm????????

KazTheWritercreators' thoughts