
To Build An Empire

Will soon be published on Amazon (linked with kassimbadani@live.com) Falling prey to the machinations of his younger brother, Jonas IV Helen Hadin III was quickly disowned by his father, Duke Hadin, then shipped away into exile in less than a week to a colony of the Motherland. Worse, it was in the Orcish Continent.  Now, war is on the horizon with the orcish tribes and clans. Jonas hopes to prepare a stalwart defense to survive with those he cares about and he would if he didn't have to face a million other issues. From crazy pirates, power-hungry mercenaries, entitled nobles, famine, ancient cities filled with unspeakable horrors and much much more.  How he is supposed to deal with this all...? Well, we will find out together. Oh, did we mention he has been having weird nightmares about an America and a Corporate life?

TheJuggernaut · Fantasy
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67 Chs


The three bandits looked at each other with confused expressions. This was just another reaction they had not expected in the least. Instead of the joy and triumph they thought would appear on Jonas's face, all they got was what they assumed was ridicule and a crushing sense of damaged pride.

It was almost enough to drive them away at that very moment from the negotiations. Death or otherwise was not worth the insult and loss of ego.

"What's so funny?" Lank rumbled, speaking for the first time. The giant man stood up with balled fists ready for a fight. "You think us weak? You will know fear once I am through with you."

Jonas continued chuckling at the man's expense. "You still don't get it, do you?"

That gave the three pause. The cryptic words had some meaning behind them they had yet to understand. In there world, not knowing meant death. So by instinct, they chose to carefully advance in uncharted waters.

"What do you mean?" Ioral asked, his mind working a million miles an hour to decipher Jonas's words.

The other two agreed silently, all wanting to hear this.

"If I don't fear this host of Orcs in the hundred thousands, fully armed and the best they could field in such a short span of time, what makes you think I would even consider you a challenge? Did you not hear me before? It's no matter, I will repeat it once more for your sake, maybe you'd get it."

Jonas paused for effect. If his suspicion was right, then his gamble would pay off more dividends then he could ever hope with any other words. He was confident Ioral was not just what he seemed. The man clearly had a history within high nobility, his manners and reaction were far to refined. And more importantly, he was the only one that still showed a sense of true respect.

The other two thought of him as nothing more than a locust feeding off their lands without consideration to what consequences it caused. Just another high noble sucking the poor people dry of everything they owned, nothing more or less.

"We…" speaking in the royal term. "Have taken The Sleeping Dragon's oath of service-"

He couldn't even finish before Ioral gasped, his eyes widened and face paled. He shook in his spot as he understood what that meant. Who among high nobility did not know a name as famous and notorious as the sleeping dragon. The once servant of the Hadin Duchy and now a part of the new king o the colony's entourage.

All he could get out was a simple word that spoke volumes, at least to those that understood or were in the know of the happenings of the entire colony.

"P-Petrous," his whisper was harsh and full of fear.

"What?" Fefar asked, both him and Lank were clearly confused by what had just happened. "What the hell is going on Ioral? What has this have to do with Pirate Jewel? That's across the frickin colony, months away."

Jonas chuckled again"Seems news travels fast in the colony. Though I still don't understand what a member of high society is doing here acting as a bandit?"

Ioral looked like he swollowed a bitter pill. The man began to turn green and couldn't help but shake in his seat. Not because of the sheer power on Jonas's side but more on his position. Without knowing what happened, he'd been taken out of the negotiations regardless of what he wanted or not.

"L-lord Leviticus…"

Lank slammed his fists on the seats arms as he jumped to his feet. His face was red and veins throbbed on his neck. "Enough! You think you can separate us?! Well, you won't. We've known of his past from the very beginning. He isn't like you greedy pigs, rolling in your dirty wealth."

Jonas couldn't help but laugh. That had Lank moving forward in sheer rage. He had steam rising from his head as he planned to break Jonas in half.

But Ioral's hand on his shoulder stopped the massive man. Though he still steamed, his face was covered in confusion as well.

"Lank, Fefar." He looked at each one with dilated eyes. "You guys don't understand. H-he...is the king of the colony."