
To Bleed A Broken Love

A long-sought love, a path to destruction or redemption. Will they find the light in the darkness or lose themselves forever? Will death claim them before they truly find themselves?

DaoisthtPYHv · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: A Sparkle In the Snow

Eight years before!

On a dreary almost spooky night a storm metamorphoses over the Scarlet Lake sect! Thunder clashes as if two people are having a about of swords. Lightning aluminates the sky like cracked stars blocking the moon from view and the wind is howling as if a pack of wolves is hunkered down right outside the door. "Sect leader Nightshade! (Running, exited, out of breath.) The midwife sent me to find you! Mistress Rose is having her baby!" -a young boy

Surprise and excitement are shown on Nightshade's face as he runs to meet his wife in their small room. Not even realizing as he gets there that close on his heels is his three-year-old son Dogbane. As I arrive and see my wife I feel content even knowing she will not make it much longer because she has been cultivating all her energy into the Angel tears wrapped around a handkerchief. This handkerchief is not ordinary with my magic I will be able to turn it into anything I want and even harden it. It is made to protect our coming child because Rose is not like me and the other sects. She is a demon and has cultivated magic for over one hundred thousand years and she can now blend into the human world. We fell in love unexpectedly and neither of us cared that we were different species

She is using her life source to hide the fact that our children are half-demons. I have been giving her a medical herb nicknamed Blood Weed because of its color, it is in the same family as seaweed and only our sect can grow it. The Angel Tears (Blood Weed) can only be bonded to a male heir of the Scarlet Lake sect and it is a blood bond, a life bond. We had a hard time conniving a child and not succeeding until Dogbane and we knew she would not survive this childbirth because she put some of her energy into concealing his demon half. Still, she wanted to give me another son because she knew that not everyone is chosen to make the blood bond and we wanted another child. I have been giving her the Angel Tears so she can survive until childbirth. I will not allow both, my wife and child, to die and we have decided that if I can only save one then it should be our child's because even if I try to save Rose I am incapable. I may be a talented doctor, known for my miracles just like the generations before me but even I have my limits.

When the second young master is born everyone in the sect is shocked except for Rose and Nightshade. The young master's tufts of hair are as white as the fallen snow, his eyes a startling milky red, and his pupils black as night. On his head is the cutest pair of snowy white wolf ears I have ever seen, a fluffy white tail, his canine teeth, are extended like an animal and his fingernails look more like claws. His skin is a ghostly pail as if his life has been sucked right out of his body, there are two snowy white birthmarks. One starts at his forehead and ends close to his right ear resembling the Angle Tears but as white as his hair and it goes through his eye. The marking also appears on both arms and legs. The other birthmark on his face is a crescent moon starting right below his left-eyed ending at the top of his lip.

Why is our son baring the marks of the Angel Tears if he is not yet blood bonded and they are white instead of the blood-red color that of the blood weed? Nightshade quickly grabs our newborn son from my arms and I am in shock then I realize the panicked look on his face. Our offspring I glance at him and am startled to realize he is not breathing. Nightshade starts to leave but I stop him. Taking a breath, I say calmly "Nightshade, let me see him. You know in my weakened condition I will not last much longer. Go get the Angel Tears so our son can live. I just want to hold him before I die."-Rose

place our bundle of joy in her hands and run out to go pick more Angel Tears. I reach the lake that makes our sect an island because it is surrounded by water on all sides. The red color of the Angel Tears is glowing on the surface. At full tilt, I strip off my outer robe, throw off my undergarment, and kick off my shoes. I plunge into the water like a speeding bullet to pick up the medicine that my newborn son needs if he is to survive. I want desperately to stay with my sweet Rose and son but I am the only one that is capable of picking the Blood Weed. I dive deep following the blood-red color and with both hands, I form two fists and gently pull. The plant lets go and I push off the bottom of the lake throwing myself up when my head comes up I take a breath and store the Angel Tears in the comportment by my side. I freestyle on the double back to shore and gallop back faster than any horse I have seen.

I have high hopes that one of my male descendants will be chosen to make the blood bond and become a successful doctor that all the sects look up to as they do me and the past generations and they will work together regardless of whether Dogbane is a sect leader and bonded or not. When I get back Rose is still holding him as if he will shatter and dissipate at any moment, rocking our little boy back and forth and smiling despite her weakening state. I pick up our bundle of joy and gently feed him the broth I made out of the Angel Tears and when the bowl is empty he cries for the first time. I notice not long after both the crescent moon and Angel Tear marks turn blood red. His milky red eyes become a startling blood red and pouples a midnight black. His deathly pale skin darkens somewhat though still fair-skinned. 

"I think he should be named Wolfsbane because it is the hour of the wolf. The wolf moon is upon us, the full moon is ichor red, and with the howling in the dark hours that the storm sprang up at, this name suites him because, he is part demon wolf and has the crescent moon mark on his face, ears, tail, fangs, and claws, to prove it. I know he will be a fighter he has a lot of pressure on his shoulders for such a young lass and has the burden of being an albino."-Rose With her last breath died. "You are right my dear Rose our Wolfsbane is one of a kind and I promise to protect both our children for you. I will turn that handkerchief into the most glorious mask."-Nightshade

Not having noticed that Dogbane had snuck up to see his little brother I nearly dropped Wolfsbane. "Father why does my brother have red markings on his face?"-Dogsbane The once white marking has now turned the blood-red of the Angel Tears after just one bowl. "Remember the red flame-shaped marks on both my lower arms? Your little brother's markings are the same the only difference is that he was born with them, you could say it is his birthmark while I was not. I believe he will have the blood bound even if you are chosen when you come of age."-Nightshade

The same night Wolfsbane was born another child born of the Blue Flower sect Ray is born with flaming red hair and silver eyes. On his forehead between his eyebrows, he had a fire-red lightning bolt birthmark. His parents were great friends with the leader of Scarlet Lake. The two children of the prophecy have been born. Unexpectedly there are both boys but how can that be? The prophecy shows the marriage between the white wolf and red lightning.