

It had already been a week already and Zyro finally knew what world he was in and the moment he found out he knew thst he was in total sh*t.

The world he was in, was coincidentally the One Punch Man World, one of the most dangerous worlds out there in the fictional universe if ever that really exist. Knowing this, Zyro almost cried as he thought that he will most likely die because he was in Z-City.

Luckily though, the canon hadn't actually started as off yet so that means that he will have some time to prepare for the worst.

Zyro was not that really afraid as he found out that he had the ability to manipulate space, although not that masterfully but with enough practice he was sure that he could master it with enough hardwork.

He also thought of a very interesting idea to have the same workout as Saitama. But he didn't think of only becoming the strongest in the whole world but in the whole multiverse.

Zyro really had no idea if there are other universes but if there is one, then thag would be great as there will be more worlds to explore.

At first, he was barely finishing his workout given that he had an extremely weak body. He didn't received the memories of this body just like in every reincarnation novels he had read as this body was the same one as the one he had.

He had no idea though but he was happy that he was still him and was not inside a strangers body. This also made it easy for him because he won't have to pretend to be the person he is not.

What surprised him though is that he actually had his own house, a bank account that has an account that have nine zeroes which made his life pretty easy.

Buying expensive nutrients for his body to improve then some equipments to work out with, he simply stayed at his house the whole week exercising aside from browsing through the internet.

Aside from his ability to control space, he also found out that his body can quickly adapt as it had only been a week but he was already able to keep up with his training.

This has forced him to increase his training more as following the same old one will not bare him any results. He had already knew that he only had a year and a half before Boros arrives here and before that he needs to have the strength to protect himself.

The Hero Association was already founded but he had no plan to enter for now. He had decided to improve his control over his space ability first before he will enter the world of Heroes.


Zyro "That's all for today."

Zyro said as he then sat on the ground just finishing his practice on controlling his space ability. His practice plan was influenced by several animes he had seen and knows how effective they were.

His practice consist of him counting the number of sands from a pale, then moving it from one to another one by one. This requires him to be extremely focus as a grain of sand is really small and when he apply too much pressure on it the sand will disappear.

The second one is that he will control a lot of ping pong balls at the same time and would try to make all of them move around differently. This was the challenging one for him as he had to divide his focus to the number of balls he is controlling.

As of now, he can only control five balls at the same time and make them move at his own will. Although hos improvements are already great, he was sure that there are still a lot of things to work on with.

One particular thing is that, he had no combat techniques which is the most important one. Even though he can just control multiple blades to fight, it is always better to have knowledge on how to fight.

Zyro "I really need some combat techniques."

Zyro said as he then browse in his phone for any guides for any martial arts or just anything he could find.

After browsing for it for who knows how long already, he found nothing that interest him so he stop. He had one last choice though and that is to be Bang's disciple.

But he wouldn't do that as he want to do everything on his own for the very first time. Getting taken care of most of your life, you'll eventually develop the urge to do everything yourself.

He had nothing to worry though as he had a lot of time but he still need to hurry up so he decided to learn the basics of martial arts, swordsmanship, shooting, and many other things that will prove to be helpful during a fight.

Zyro decided that he will first make a foundation for himself so that he can create his own techniques. He will try to have a version where he will use his space powers and the other version where he won't use it.


◇One Year Later◇

Zyro continued his daily routine that was intensified day by day as his body quickly adapts to it everytime. It was like he had no limits and his daily routine right now had already reached over thousands amd it was all done by him in great speed.

His stamina was the most noticeable thing that improved as he can now handle almpst everything as he was now hardly tired every after training. He ws afraid that he might become unstopable in bed if this continues.

Meanwhile, his control over his space powers had now greatly improved as he can now control over a hundred thousand balls at the same time which means that would also be a hundred thousand weapons which is a really terrifying thing.

He was now able to utilize his powers in other things such making a storage space, teleportation, and many other things that can be done with space. He had now practically mastered using it although not perfectly but still at a satisfying level.

Also during this year, he had created three techniques that has two versions each. It was a Martial Art Technique, Sword Techniques, and a Movement technique.

He called his martial arts as the Myriad Cosmos as it was just like space which had endless possibilities and his enemies will have a hard time figuring which will be his move. Using his space powers, he will coat his hands with space which will then pass through anything, then removed the coating just so thst the tip can touch the enemy.

The Sword Technique on the other hand was called the Zero Style. Without usimg his space powers, his sword strikes will look really simple and slow but inreality, they are actually fast and very profound. Using his space powers, he can send space waves that can cut througn everything which wil make hid attacks long range.

His Movement technique on the other hand was called the World Traversing Steps as in his every step he can move several kilometeres, not like he would need it in traveling as he can just teleport to where he wants to go.

The only reason why he made this technique is that he will be usimg this veru technique to step to other worlds. He will not be really satisfied in just here, he wants to explore a lot, and by a lot, he really means a lot.

He was also proficient in cooking, tailoring, and many other things. He had also made his very own Hero costume which looks almost exactly the same as Nightwing's outfit.

The only difference is that it was black and had white lines on it, the mask was still the same though as it was white in the eye while the mark on his cgest was not of a bird but a large Z. With his well developed body thay has a ten pack abs, every girl who would see it will probanly faint.

It was now time for him to show himself to the world.

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