
To Become The Best Adventure In A Fantasy World

John is an 18 year old skinny weak orphan. His dream is to be a strong adventure to explore the world and get a girlfriend. He doesn't have much hope given his circumstances. But he has a chance with the help of a few wishes from a genie. One of his wishes doesn't go as he wants though. Is there will be/is R-18 in the story. MC is not a playboy he will not go after any any girl there will be feelings between him and all the girls. I'm going to try and focus it more on the adventuring and character development. Right now I have an idea for 8 girls to join him. Each girl will be unique in body and personality. Cover photo not my own I am not much of a writer. I'm more of an idea person. I've always had issues getting my ideas written out. But I'm trying this anyways let's see how it goes. I have ideas for several fanfics but but I'm not sure if I can get that if I can get that written down. I can't think of the filler to go with the idea overall. If you're a writer and have interest in some of my ideas let me know and all right them in their own chapter under a different book call ideas

Beersman2412 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ch. 9 Officially Becoming an Adventure

They set off, Sarah leading him towards the tavern. John was quite hungry at this point. When Sarah heard his stomach rumbling, she decided to buy him something to eat. He hadn't gained any money yet so it was lucky she was willing to do this for him. She had apparently grabbed some money from the house before they left. She stopped in front of a roadside stall and bought many varieties of meat on a stick. They ate them together on their walk and he thanked her for the food.

As they walked towards the center of town the buildings got nicer. Bly appeared to be arranged in a circular pattern. It having the nicest and largest buildings towards the center. John noticed many shops and stalls along the way. What caught his attention the most was the 2 biggest buildings in town.

One was a house larger than any other around. He assumed to be for the leader of Bly. Probably a mayor. As from his understanding of what he was told, Bly was too remote and small for a governor. The other big building in the center of town was clearly a church. It made sense to him that these 2 buildings would be the biggest and in the center of town.

John asked Sarah about the 2 buildings. She confirmed that the large home was the mansion for the mayor and the other was a church as he expected. She didn't have much to say about the mayor. As she didn't really know the man, but she gushed about the leader of the church.

"Evita Vankram, a Cleric Of The Goddess. If you ever get hurt, go to her she'll heal you right up. She's so nice to everybody. She helps out anywhere she can. And so pretty too, though anyone's ever seen her face, as she always wears her priestess robes. No one will ever have anything bad to say about her."

"That's good to know if I ever get hurt during my adventuring, I'll know where to go."

They eventually reached the tavern Sarah had mentioned. It was a good size 3 story building with a sign over the door reading Pegasus Paradise. They entered inside,  John having to crouch quite low and squeeze through the door. Normal buildings just weren't meant for people his size. The 1st floor had a bar with tables all around. It was quite full, obviously a popular place in Bly. John was quite sure that the upper 2 floors were likely for guests to sleep.

Sarah pointed out the man that she knew as the Guild employee. So they headed over to talk to him. John caught a lot of attention from the patrons of the tavern due to the way he had to squeeze through the door and his large size and general. He assumed they almost looked funny standing next to each other. Her being a dwarf and him pretty much a giant of a man.

John noticed 2 people in particular looking at him with more interest than others. One was a nondescript man sitting at a table alone with many papers in front of him. The other was a rough looking older man with an unkempt beard. He had a large scar going down the side of his face. He looked very tough like he had been in many fights or battles.

The man was sitting next to a beautiful girl. They were at a table eating what John assumed to be there dinner. The girl had sandy blonde hair in a pixie cut. From the best he could tell she appeared to have C cup breast. She looked up and scowled at him noticing he was looking her up and down.

John looked away. Having to bend down to ask Sarah in a quiet tone trying to be inconspicuous. "Do you know who those 3 people are?"

"Well that man over there with the papers in front of him is the mayor of Bly. I don't know who the other 2 are probably traveling merchants or something like that."

 "Oh, ok thank you."

John figured the mayor having an interest in the new giant of a man in town made sense. But he didn't know why the other man would be interested in him. The 2 of them didn't look like merchants in his opinion. The man appeared to be strong, toned and experienced. And the girl was athletic and fierce looking. Maybe they were adventures?

They reached the Guild employee, Sarah sitting in a chair and John sitting on the ground. He was not sure that the tavern chairs could hold his weight. Though he was on the ground his head was about even with Sarah's.

"What can I do for you?" the Guild employee asked.

"My friend John here wishes to be an adventure."

"Yes sir, I wish to join the Adventurer's Guild."

"You look to be a big strong lad. You likely could be a good adventure. I will need you to fill out this paperwork so I can submit it to the Guild." The man said as he slid over some papers and something to wright with.

John filled out the paperwork. There were things like your height, birth place, preferred fighting style and more, to fill out. When he finished, he slid the paperwork back to the employee. The man looked it over and said. "You didn't wright down your last name. I need that put down too."

John was explained to the man that he never received a last name. But he didn't notice Sarah had taken the paper and put one down for him. They both noticed when she slid it back. The man said, "That will work thank you miss. Ok John Des'toryher you are now officially and adventure."

"Sarah why did you do that, and that name." John exclaimed.

"Well you're going to be a destroyer of your enemies and you're going to destroy her…. I'm her." She replied with a giggle and a wink

 John sighed at her perverted antics and ask the man if he can have the paper back and change it to something better. The Guild man told him that it was a magic contract and it couldn't be changed. He was now officially John Des'toryher. John was not happy with this. He got his last name from Sarah's perverted joke.

(AN: I'm not really happy with the name I came up with. I'm so bad with names. It takes me so long to come up with them. He's not really going to use it that much it was mostly for the joke of the scene. If you comment a better name that fits the scene I may change it. As long as I'm not too many chapters passed this and I've used it a bunch times at that point.)

Deciding that he needed some fresh air to calm down, John got up from the table and went outside. Sarah stayed and continued talking to the Guild man. When John was calm enough to come back he was surprised to hear the man tell him. "Good news John I just got a new contract. Its the perfect 1st mission for you."

Surprised John asked. "Really what is it."

"It's an E-rank mission, the lowest level. A good starter job for a new adventure. The mission is to go out and find the body of Bly's top blacksmith and Return his remains for proper burial. Undisclosed payment to be received directly from the contractee Sarah Stronghammer."

 John looked at Sarah and asked her. "Do you really want me to be the one to retrieve your father."

"I wouldn't have anyone else John." She said with emotion in her eyes.

John nodded. He was touched by her response so he told the man he accepted the mission.

"John you can stay at my house tonight and leave in the morning to bring my father home."

They left the tavern together heading back to her home. The whole walk was quiet and somber due to her father being brought up. When they neared her home John asked her. "Sarah is your mother home. I don't want to intrude."

"No John, my mother died giving birth to me."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"No no it's okay. I never met her. It's always been just me and dad… And now your going to bring him back so I can say goodbye properly." She said in an emotional voice.

When they reached her home  she asked him. "Come with me to the forge. Dad always said my best work was that one sword I told you about. He criticized me that it was to big and heavy for anyone to use property though. I believe it will be a good fit for you. I'd like you to take it with you on your first mission."

As it was quite dark at this point she grabbed a torch off the outside wall and lit it. She then opened the door and held the torch high to show him the inside of the forge.

To their surprise there was an orc woman inside appearing to be getting ready to sleep on the floor. They stared at each other in shock…..