
To Become The Best Adventure In A Fantasy World

John is an 18 year old skinny weak orphan. His dream is to be a strong adventure to explore the world and get a girlfriend. He doesn't have much hope given his circumstances. But he has a chance with the help of a few wishes from a genie. One of his wishes doesn't go as he wants though. Is there will be/is R-18 in the story. MC is not a playboy he will not go after any any girl there will be feelings between him and all the girls. I'm going to try and focus it more on the adventuring and character development. Right now I have an idea for 8 girls to join him. Each girl will be unique in body and personality. Cover photo not my own I am not much of a writer. I'm more of an idea person. I've always had issues getting my ideas written out. But I'm trying this anyways let's see how it goes. I have ideas for several fanfics but but I'm not sure if I can get that if I can get that written down. I can't think of the filler to go with the idea overall. If you're a writer and have interest in some of my ideas let me know and all right them in their own chapter under a different book call ideas

Beersman2412 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ch. 5 Saving The Dwarf Girl

 John was watching the camp intently, trying to come up with a plan to rescue the dwarf girl. He decided it would be best to try and let the bandits pass out from their party and drinking they are currently doing.  John knew he was strong but he still only had a club and his basic clothes. He wasn't confident in going against 12 armed and  clearly experienced bandits on his own.

 John continued observing waiting for them to go to bed. The dwarf girl in the corner of the camp seemed to be upset and crying. He decided well he waited he would move stealthily through the woods around to the side of the camp. He was just going to rescue her and get out without the bandits even knowing once they went to sleep.

He was ready and in position and it finally started to happen. One by one the bandits went off to their tents and the leader to the wooden structure. It was now completely dark the only light given off by the small fires in the camp. He was about to make his move when he heard voices coming.

 He held his position and waited hoping they would leave back to their tents. However when he heard what they were talking about he saw red and his initial plan was thrown out. They were jovially talking about how they were going to be the first to rape the dwarf before the others got a turn in the morning.  When John heard that they were going to rape the girl and these two were just taking advantage of the others drunken sleep he couldn't take it.

He could see it on the dwarf girl's face. She could hear their conversation too. She was even more distressed but he could also see the hopelessness in her eyes. He let them get between his position and the girl's, he made his move.

 He dashed forward, his club in hand. The two men didn't have a chance. They were still drunk and engrossed in their conversation. He swung his club as hard as he could at the first man's back. In his anger and strength his mighty blow crushed the man's spine. It made a sickening sound. The force of the blow sent the man flying into the other. They went tumbling to the ground together. John took his club and smashed it over the second man's head as he was tangled with his companion.

That taken care of he rushed over to the dwarf girl. She was almost hysterical at this point with everything that had happened. John realized her ropes were tied too tightly for him to undo with his hands. So he ran back to the dead men and grabbed a small knife off one of their bodies. He cut the bindings off the dwarf girl well consoling her trying to keep her quiet for now.

" It's gonna be OK, my name is John, I'm here to rescue you. It's going to be ok. Those men that were gonna hurt you can't anymore."

When he got her cut free she sobbed out. " Thank you thank you thank you, my name is Sarah Stronghammer.  Thank you Mr. John."

John moved them back into the edge of the woods for now. He didn't want to alert the rest of the camp.

"You can just call me John miss Stronghammer."

"Well then you can just call me Sarah, John." She told him with a slight smile, still clearly upset but starting to calm down a bit.

"Well Sarah let's get out of here before any of the other bandits wake up."

"No I have to go back and get our family    treasure. I can't leave it with these scum." She said as she started to move back towards the camp.

John asked her to explain what was so important about this family treasure. She explained to him her family are blacksmiths. These bandits ambushed her and her father on their way back to town where there forge is. They had a cart full of ore and the family treasure is on the cart still. She explained that it was her grandfather's best work as a blacksmith. It was a weapon. She described it as having a 3ft steel handle with a large axe head on one side and a studded hammer on the other. It also having spike on the end for thrusting too.

" My grandfather designed and forged the unique masterpiece and gave it to my father. These bastards ambushed my father and I on the road in our cart heading home. They killed him instantly he didn't even see it coming.  So please John let me go get my family's treasure."

 John decided to let her go and he'd protect her. This weapon design intrigued him too, it sounded very useful.  Having the ax head to chop, the spike to thrust and the hammer for armored opponents sounded like a very unique weapon. He wasn't thinking of taking her family treasure but more of getting an idea for his own future weapon.

 They snuck over to the cart and pulled out from under the seat her own weapon and the family treasured weapon.  Her own personal weapon was a good sized warhammer. It had a studded large hammer face on one side and a large spike on the other. It looked like an anvil on top of a large mettle pole. It wouldn't be that big in his own hands but it looked quite large and hers. Sarah was clearly strong being able to wield such a weapon. John was impressed with her.

She handed him the family treasured weapon and told him she'd lend it to him for now. She told him when her grandfather completed it he named it " Demon Crusher". John tried to give the weapon back to her but she would have nothing of it. Telling him that he would need it.  He was confused, need it for what? She explained that they were going to take revenge for her father and these men trying to rape her.

It appeared to him that she had moved on from her despair and sadness. She was now full of anger and rage. He agreed not wanting to upset her more. They planned and decided that sneaking to and killing the leader first was the best option. As he was the most dangerous of the group.

 John now hefting his new borrowed weapon "Demon Crusher" snuck with Sarah to the leader's shack.  They got into the shack quite easily as all of the bandits were passed out drunk. He decided to leave killing him to her for her own closure.

Without hesitation and allowed roar, "THIS IS FOR MY FATHER YOU FUCKER!" she swung down and crushed the man's skull with her warhammer. He was dead and probably never even felt it. But John's first thought was that surely woke up the rest of the camp. He thought quickly and grabbed the shield of the leader leaning against the wall. It was large for the leader but small in his hands. "Demon crusher" for dwarf would clearly be a 2 handed weapon but for his large muscular body he could easily wield it in one.  Now ready, wielding demon crusher in one hand and the shield in the other, John told Sarah stay behind him and cover his back.

They could hear the rest of the bandits moving around the camp getting ready for a fight. He looked back making sure Sarah was ready and they moved out of the shack. He didn't want to have to fight in this small shack it was too confined for his large size and their large weapons. When they got in front of the shack there was all nine of the remaining bandits they're waiting for them ready for a fight.

All nine rushed at John in a half circle in front of him. John braced the shield and readied "Demon Crusher" in his right hand.  The bandits didn't seem to notice  the small dwarf Sarah behind his large bulk. As they neared him Sarah pivoted out from behind him swinging her warhammer at the far left man. She caught the man unawares in his shoulder, crippling him.

John took a step back into the void left by Sarah moving out, swinging "Demon Crusher" out and catching the man on the far right with the axe side of the weapon. He nearly split the man in two at the chest level with his own strength and the power of this new weapon. John blocked several thrusts by the men wielding spears with the shield. He thought the shield was a good idea but in the future he definitely needs a bigger one that fit his size. He also thought a good spear would be a handy weapon to have in the future. He could throw it or just having the extra reach it could give him, with his long arms and the long shaft of a spear.

 John continued to block with the shield and swing out when he felt the opportunity was right. He took several small wounds but nothing too serious. Glancing over to his left to see how Sarah was. He noticed she was doing quite well. She didn't seem to be the most experienced of a fighter but the bandits were focusing almost completely on him. She had taken out 3 already and with the 2 he had taken out there was only 4.

Catching Sarah's eye with a nod they understood what to do. Knowing that the bandits were focusing on him he stepped back and back. Drawing them away and their focus completely on him. They didn't notice Sarah coming in behind them. With an almighty swing she took out 2 of them at once. And at the same time John rushed forward towards the other 2 smashing into one with the shield and slicing the other with "Demon Crusher".  The pure power of striking the man with the shield knocked the man unconscious. And with that the battle was over.

John took a moment to look at the scene. But then Sarah still fueled by her rage at what had happened to her, went around and smashed all of the bandits skulls in whether they were still alive or not. When she was finished she collapsed sobbing everything having been too much for her. Her father's murder, her almost being gang raped, and finally her rage fueled bloody revenge.

John quickly moved to her to try and console her. She sobbed into his thigh as their size difference was almost comical. He said to her "Come on let's get some of this blood cleaned off of you."  She didn't respond continuing to sob. So he picked her up and carried her to the stream that ran through the camp.

He started to wash her by just cupping some water with his large hands and gently washing off some of the blood that was on her skin and cloths. Now that the rescuing and battle was over he truly looked at her for the first time.

He guess she stood around 4ft2in with long flowing dark red wavy hare.  She was beautiful. But what really caught his eye, and he couldn't believe he didn't notice it immediately. She was bodacious, overly so really considering her height. Her breast had to be in the E or F range of cup size, they were huge. Her butt was also equally disproportionate to her short stature. It came out so far from her backside but kind of worked considering her large hips and thighs. She was stocky, not fat or thin but big boned, which he assumed was normal for dwarfs. She looked beautiful but disproportionate considering the size of her assets.

He continued to rinse her off and he also washed some blood off himself though he didn't have nearly as much as her. Sarah started to calm down finally. When she noticed the large man John was being so gentle and caring for her, she jumped at him and started kissing him. He was knocked over not expecting this. She was up on his chest considering their size difference and kissing his mouth and face.

John figured this was part of coping for her trauma.  He wanted to push her away but he liked it. She was a beautiful woman and he was a virgin.  But no he couldn't she was not in the right frame of mind.

John picked her up off his chest by the shoulders. He set her down in front of him planning to talk her down gently and move on with things.  But before he could say anything she jumped at his trousers and pulled them down. She was clearly trying to get at his dick in some sort of misguided thank you.

The problem was he was half hard from the kissing and washing her bodacious body.  When she got his trousers to his knees it sprung up and hit her in the face. It seemed to knock some sense into her as she stopped stunned. John didn't know what to say.  Before he could think of something she yelled out, "What the fuck is that thing, you'd kill me with that. What do you think you are doing."

John was dumbfounded he figured she didn't realize she had initiated all of this. The shock of seeing the monstrosity in his pants shook or rather smacked her out of her funk. She ran away his pants still at his knees. He noticed she ran over to her father's cart and curled up on the bench seat, crying again.

John moved to the far side of the camp out of her sight. He wanted to give her some space and he needed to meditate in order to get his pants backup. Unknown to him Sarah was calming down and starting to think things through. She realized she had initiated everything and he was just being a good person. She felt bad but then she started to feel horny. She started thinking about his muscle body and that monster he had.  She had always been a horny somewhat slutty girl. She loved to tease men with her large assets. But her father always kept her in check. She realized she liked John and was attracted to him. But she would die if she tried to take that thing. She started thinking maybe she could just use her assets and give him a reward. She continued down this line of thought and even started subtly masturbating.

John completely unaware of what Sarah was doing on the other side of the camp continued his meditation. It wasn't going so well as he kept reliving her kissing and her ridiculous body. He felt guilty thinking of her this way. He just wanted to save her. He knew he could never have her, the size difference would never work. But in his imagination things didn't work that way and instead of his boner going down the opposite was happening…