
Louisiana University

“Have you heard the news? There is a transferee in the engineering department.”

I sat on the empty seat when I entered the classroom. Minding my own business.

“Keirra there's a new transferee in the department of engi—” She didn't finish the last word when I blocked her mouth with my palm. On the first day of class, I heard some gossip because of her.

“You're late, I already heard that while entering this classroom,” I said in a way that it's not a big deal for me.

“Is it? You're not going to let me finish?” She said and raised a brow, trying to remove my blocking palm from her mouth.

“Oh, what's wrong?” I asked.

“He's so handsome girl!” She said hysterically.


“What do you mean,n therefore?”

“You're a college student, you know what I mean.” I sarcastically said.

I just laugh at her reaction as she simply facepalmed and stopped talking. Meet Saphira, my best friend, who has thick eyelashes and eyebrows that match her eyes. If you don't know her, you might assume that she is glaring at you based on how she looks at you, which is just her casual look.

The red flag for this girl is she likes a handsome man, but when they were confesses to her, she avoids them and pretends that she didn't know them. When I asked her why she responded, ‘There is no thrill in that,’

By the way, my name is Keirra Hechanova, a 1st-year architect student at Louisiana University. Get to know me in the next few pages.

The school has just started so I don't know any of my block mates yet except for Saph, so maybe another transferee gets in. I am also a transferee but I enrolled early.

Speaking of the transferee, there is a transferee in the engineering department, is he handsome? Heh since when have I been interested in men? I pushed that thought aside until our professor entered the first period.

Since the first day, the tasks are not too hard, usually just introductions.

Louisiana University is big, especially in its field where many students hang out during vacant time from different departments. The hallway here is also long, you won't be asked to wander around because of the width, apart from the fact that you will be late for your next period. There is an auditorium for announcements, there is also a poolside for athletes, a soccer field, and a basketball field for varsity.
