
To be with you, to the next

When being pushed to the limit, will one break or come out still in one piece? Does having supernatural power do good? When wielding powers that do not belong to a body that was not meant to hold it, will it shatter? Or will it create distortion to your very existence? Is the you now from the past or the future? Everyone changes with time. For their loved ones, their willingness to give up their lives. And to be with the one you love, one might go over and beyond dimension for them. Even I as the author of this fiction story wonders if there is an end.

Neol · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Impromptu Sport Event

2 Hours Ago

All the classes were excited about the sudden sport event, which also means that classes were canceled. Sora's class is not an exception to it, everyone started planning on who to send out for the in-house competition. The final list included Sora, Kristan, Isabella, Gregg, and another 7 people. "Sora, ever since you transferred to our school good things have been happening around the school. Did you see our school logo changed along with the name?!" said Kristan.

Another classmate also spoke up "Isn't it about early to tell whether he brought good luck? It could have been a coincidence." as he reads his textbook. Suddenly, a girl came forward and said, "Did you guys know that this morning, our principal got arrested?". Another boy asked, "Are we getting a new principal? Just when I thought why suddenly the principal is willing to buy expensive ice cream for the students".

The girl then replied "We are indeed getting a new school principal, now I need to run to my clubroom so that we can release the news to the entire student body!" and ran out of the classroom. Kristan looked at the bookworm and said "It is true that it is too early to tell, but seeing a lot of upgrades around school, changed of principal. Don't you think that Sora's sudden admission to our school is a good luck charm?".

The boy who was reading his textbook pushed his spectacle upwards then said "There is currently no would evidence to prove that it was Sora's luck. If it was really Sora's luck the most likely scenario would be his parents. His parents have to be part of the school management in order for something like this to occur. Sora do you mind sharing your parent's job?".

Sora looked at the boy in glasses and said "My dad works in a marketing department and my mom is the vice president of a company. I don't think they have anything to do with the school management, except…".

"Except? What?". Said the class in unison. Sora thought about what happened to Liam yesterday, it must be mom's handiwork. But the mom can't interfere with the school management.

"Nothing. Plus, stop talking about luck this luck here. I am sure these are a coincidence. The classroom door was slammed open there stood the same girl who ran to her clubroom, she shouted "GUYS! THERE IS REALLY ICE CREAM!".

The bookworm covered his ears and said "Joey can you not shout". Joey who announced her latest news to her class, heard the bookworm asking her to lower her volume, she walked right up to the bookworm and said "Ben, don't you know how excited am I? It's not the first you have known me. Plus don't you like ice cream? If our class wins, we get to have luxurious ice cream from a 5-star hotel".

Sora who was watching everything asked, "Do you guys know each other?". Joey looked to her right and saw Sora and said "He is my childhood friend, neighbor".

"Ohhhh…. So are you guys going to get married?".

Ben blushed upon hearing what Sora said. He denied it quickly.

"NO! Why would I marry such a noisy girl? Plus, who said being childhood friend equals future spouse."

Joey who heard what Ben said had a downcast face for a second before continuing

"Yes, I agree with what Ben said. We are just childhood friends". Ben who was reading his book felt a bit upset hearing what Joey said and just shooked his head and continued reading his books.

Sora felt that he asked the wrong question, as there seems to be a gloomy atmosphere in the air between Joey and Ben. "Guys, I go first. My club needs to prepare to record the upcoming event". Said Joey cheerfully and left the classroom.

Everyone dispersed and went to change, Sora stood in front of Ben's desk and said "My dad said it's not good to fight with people you like for a long period as you will drift apart. The longer you fight, the further you will drift until it cannot be repaired. It seems my question had hurt you both, sorry." And bowed.

Ben could not focus on his reading upon hearing what Sora said. Ben put his book aside and ask Sora if there are still spots for the game event. Sora looked up at Ben and said "Yes". Ben quickly went to the changing room to change.

Sora was surprised that he wanted to be part of the team, he thought that Ben loves books than playing sports. Sora got his sports attire and went to change as well.

Not long participating classes assembled at the hall. And the games started, everyone in the school is participating be it in a competition or cheering for your classmates.

"Hello, I am your MC for today's sudden sport event. My name is Joey. Nice to meet you!".

"Also I will be providing the commentary for today's games. Your PE teacher, Mr. Stephens."

"For the first round, we have class B1201 Vs B1202 battling in the game of soccer. Mr. Stephens who do you think will win this round?".

"Hmm… both classes brought out their strongest players, it would be hard to determine. If I have to say they would be on par with each other, we might have a lot of ties this round".

"It's only the first game, yet we might have a battle of ties. Should we move on to the other court? In the next court, we have B1203 Vs B1204 my dear class!".

"Miss MC, don't forget you are currently the MC. No biases here".

"Eh he… What is your opinion on the teams?".

"This battle, I am not sure as the students from "B1204 have some unfamiliar faces. The students in B1203 have excellent players, some of them are from the soccer club. It would be hard for class B1204 to win unless there is a black house among them".

"Hu Hu Huu… my class will shine. I know them too well."

"It seems like there might be a hidden card in your class".

"My lips are zipped. All teams good luck, and let's begin the games!".

Sorry for the lack of updates!!! I tried writing at least 1000 words per chapter.

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