


Passing through the dreary forest, Ban stomped down on the ground in annoyance, a writhing centipede the size of a cat being crushed beneat his feet.

"I hate this place."

Ban grumbled, as behind him Dazai hummed in excitement, shoving everything Ban killed inside of plastic bags. He seemed to be in the opposite mood of Ban, as his eyes sparkled at the sight of these poisonous creatures.

"Don't even think about it. Poison sucks."

Ban snapped, glancing at Dazai who just pouted and put the bags away.

Why did he have to run around with this weirdo? The guy just moves as he likes, proposing double suicide to whatever girl he meets. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of world Dazai came from to make him that messed up.

Besides that, it was odd. While Dazai seemed lackadaisical, his feet left not even the smallest trace. His posture left no hole in his defences either. He must have been a fighter in his previous world. He should be strong if he managed to attain these skills. Even with his personality like that.

Ban continued to move on, taking out whatever beast that tried to attack him. Before long he had filled multiple bags with undead creatures, all writhing about as they were barely alive. Shinobu liked living specimen more than dead ones. Testing things would be easier if he didn't have to be the guinea pig. Fortunately the disease didn't work against him.

Ban chuckled as he grasped a vampire by its throat, tearing out its windpipe. The vampire writhed in agony, blood spurting from its mouth and neck as the wound was slowly healing.

"Oh, strong one are you~"

Ban chimed as he ripped of the vampire's arms and legs, ensuring it couldn't run or attack even if its throat healed.

Pulling the vampire by the hair, Ban turned towards Dazai, who had procured himself some odd looking mushrooms and herbs, motioning they were going back.

'I won't help him if he becomes high. He can find his own way back.'

Ban thought, keeping an eye on Dazai just to be sure.

The weeping trees they had seen before had become scarcer, as they moves along the shore. A bit further away, Ban could see a small fisherman village. Ships with torn sails were silently drifting on the waves, moss growing on the hulls, yet they drifted still, as if beckoning for their owners to sail them once more to the wide and bright ocean.

The absence of trees was even more prominent here, as the streets were clean, empty and devoid of any black sludge. It was as if the Obsidian Blight hadn't reached this place.

Ban knew better than to trust assumptions, as such a mistake had almost killed him in the past.

"Want to go and take a look? There could still be people there. They might be alive."

Dazai said, for once being serious since he had set out with Ban.

"If you want to, why not. It's not me who will become infected."

Ban laughed, stepping forward as they entered the village.

As it was from the distance, the village was empty. But the most noticable thing would be the fact that a few small boats were out on the water, a group of people looking fugitively around them, on guard.

From what Ban could see, they were fishing.

None of them were infected at first glance, but that would have to be verified once they were on shore.

"Wait here."

Ban stepped forward, leaving Dazai behind to search through the perimeter.

The surroundings were devoid of enemies, so it should be safe enough to leave Dazai behind? He didn't know whether Dazai was strong enough to handle things himself, but it wouldn't hurt to let him be self sufficient for a short while, right?

Approaching the small vessels, Ban only needed a short leap to reach the nearest boat.

The boat rocked violently under the sudden force, having thrown one or two people overboard. The people on the small boats exclaimed in surprise and shock, drawing the attention of the other small boats.

"Yo~ Question... Any one of you diseased or knows about the disease?"

Ban smirked as he squatted down, face to face with a middle-aged woman. The woman was about to scream, only for Ban to stare her down sharply.

"Don't go screaming on me now. I only want answers."

The woman held her tongue, as a putrid smell spread through the air.

"Oh come on. I'm not nearly scary enough for you to leak like that. Go fight a demon, then you are allowed to pee yourself."

Ban huffed, moving towards a more coherent man besides the woman.

"Same question. Answer me."

The smirk long gone from his face, Ban just stared down at the man, his full height easily dwarfing the man before him.

"N-No diseased. We've got a shaman to protect us."

The man stuttered.

While Ban didn't appear menacing, they could all feel the strenght he was radiating. His towering height was another factor all together, as even the bravest man amongst them was sweating buckets.

"Good. Now take me to her, him, it, I don't care. Hurry up."

The people quickly peddled back to the shore, arriving near Dazai, who had managed to get himself a female companion.

The conversation went unheard, but the solid slap in his face spoke volumes.

"No luck I see."

Ban laughed, as Dazai rubbed his sore cheek.

Finding someone to accompany him to the afterlife was as hard here as it was in his own world, Dazai thought.

Kunikuda-kun, why aren't people as gullible as you in this world.

Dazai shed some silent tears, hoping a wonderful girl would soon accompany him.

"So, where is this shaman?"

Ban turned to the man he had previously spoken too, the man trembling as he pointed his finger towards the fisherman village.

"She stays at the lighthouse near the sea. Says she loves the sea breeze."

The man led them through the empty town, arriving at a tall but poor maintenanced lighthouse. The light was still on, yet it only pointed towards a single direction. The center of the island.

The light flickered occasionally, its bright light piercing far into the fog accumulated inland.

The man nervously looked left and right. A glance backwards showed his companions from before had left, leaving only Ban and Dazai as his only accompany. The man softly cursed, scolding his friends for leaving him in this predicament.

While the people behind him were scary, overpowering even, he was scared the most of the shaman right now. While they were gratefull for her help, just being near her filled him with dread.

"Hurry up. I don't have all day."

Ban grumbled, stepping past the man and knocking hard on the door.


The man yelped, shrinking back in fear. He could hear footsteps coming closer, his body trembling as he wanted to run.

When the doorknob began to twitch, he made a run for it.

It didn't matter if the two strangers hurt or even killed him.

He didn't want to even get near the shaman!

As their guide was running for his life, Ban and Dazai stared at the figure who had opened the door, stunned at the appearance of the shaman in front of them.