
To Be Reincarnated

If you believed in reincarnation after death, may it be as an animal, a plant, or in a new world, would you want to? Would you seize the opportunity to be born again, although it is in a whole different world? Salvador Marquis, a construction worker for years on years, longer than some of the workers there have been alive. Working on the new tallest building to touch Earth, a sudden malfunction occurred and the crane he was operating came tumbling down. Yet, before he collided with the ground, a sudden light enveloped his vision, shrouding him and rendering him unconscious. 'Is this it?' He muttered. To his surprise, it was not. Exiting from a tunnel of light, he was born again in a world where mana beasts ran rampant and the eternal threat of demons was looming around the corner. In a world virtually entirely different from his previous one, could he accustom himself to such foreign surroundings and principles of life? ** Fiery mana flittered on top of the beast's head, reaching an explosive height of nearly five meters. Men and women lay on the ground, burnt and charred from its potent attacks. 'This... This is real magic.'

Zyusa · Action
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26 Chs

Level up!

Instantly, he dashed forward, aimed at the man in the center of the group.


Jaxon swung his sword to his side and slashed the man's torso in half, killing him instantly.

A splatter of blood shot out to the side, followed by the collapsing of the man's body as it fell with a splat to the ground. His eyes were vacant, void of life, and a pool of crimson was enveloping his body.

A man with a brown man-bun flicked his eyes between Jaxon and his fallen comrade before shouting out various commands, consisting of simple codewords and permitting the utilization of magic.

The mage to Jaxon's far-right clasped his hands together and wailed out, his hands aimed at Jaxon.

He conjured a vibrant sphere of red which writhed in its place as if it was alive and was eerily poking out at some spots before taking the shape of an arrow.

The man released one of the clasped hands and extended it to Jaxon.

Following his order, the arrow was propelled forward and directed to Jaxon's stomach.

'Sigh. No time to be fancy.' Jaxon stated as he simply side-stepped the attack and blinked right in front of the mage.

An expression of dread overtook his face as Jaxon's sword pierced his throat, protruding through the other side.

He pulled his sword out and a squirt of blood followed. The man frantically rose his hand to his throat and tried to stop the bleeding but it was in vain as he collapsed to the floor, lifeless.

Jaxon jumped back and brandished his sword, a crescent of blood flying onto the walls.

Under his mask where his face was covered by darkness, a sinister grin covered his face, his eyes brimming with life.

He dashed forward, and a gust of wind powerful enough to turn a civilian into a bloody man shot back, colliding with the walls and cracking them all over.

The unfortunate man he targeted couldn't even register his movements as his sword smoothly cut through his head like butter; literally.

Afterward, an onslaught ensued.

With each slash or stab, another life was reaped in a single blow. His opponents couldn't even protect themselves as his sword eradicated them from the Earth.

Jaxon flashed to another woman, slicing her arm into minced meat until he reached her head where he sliced her neck off her shoulders. Her decapitated corpse wobbly stepped forward before plopping to the ground, blood splurting out from her exposed neck.


As Jaxon fought his opponents, Salvador watched from above. Brief but bright streaks of white and sparks appeared from random places throughout the ground floor, the never-ending explosions from blows clashing or spells being launched.

Salvador sat above, calculating. 'Isora, do indirect kills count towards EXP?' He hurriedly asked, pulling out the dagger his father bought him not too long ago. 'Y-Yes... If you in any way positively interfere in a battle which results in the death of who you're trying to get killed, it'll count as EXP, although way less than if you killed them yourself.'

Salvador's grin extended on his face as Isora flew out of his head. "You're not doing what I think you're going to do, right?" She concerningly asked.

"Unfortunately, I am."

He threw his knife at an unsuspecting mage who stood in the back of the fight, offering support spells to his peers. "JAXON, THE MAGE IN THE BACK!" Salvador roared out.

Jaxon turned his head to Salvador's voice, then the mage he spoke about.

Quickly incapacitating the man he was fighting, he shot forward at maximum speed to the Violet-core mage who was at the Zenith stage.

The mage intended to disregard the screaming boy, but after sensing a foreign object enter his radius, he had to temporarily divert his attention.

Pivoting on his foot, he extended his hand toward the flying dagger. However, Jaxon was faster.

Jaxon stabbed his sword through the man, it going so far through him that his back hit the crossguard of Jaxon's sword. "Good one, fella." Jaxon mockingly said to the dying mage.

Something completely unthought-of happened with Salvador's dagger.

To his surprise, the man didn't die instantly, although it would be immediately after he discarded his sword from his gut.

Yet, the sword Salvador threw pierced his eye and drilled into his brain, killing him instantly.

The dagger flew from the man's head and landed on the ground, his body shortly going limp.

"I-I killed him..." He mumbled in shock.

[Violet Zenith Core Mage killed!]

[15000+ XP!]

[5000+ First time kill!]

[1000+ First human kill!]

[1000+ First Violet Core killed!]

[Level up! 1 >>> 2]

[Level up! 2 >>> 3]

[Level up! 4 >>> 5]

[Level up! 5 >>> 6]

A series of level-up notifications appeared on his screen until he eventually reached level 14.

[28 Unallocated Stat points!]

Despite the ongoing battle transpiring below, Salvador's gaze was fixated on the screens that continually popped up. "2-28 stat points?" He mumbled. His brain stopped working as he read the message.

28 stat points were nearly enough to be able to competently battle a peak Second Force Knight with adequate sword training.

Isora was also completely dumbfounded. She certainly didn't expect Salvador's plan to prove so beneficial.

Sure, if it worked he would get a few levels which would leave him with 10 stat points, but three times that was simply unprecedented.

Salvador hiccuped in joy as he fell on his ass. "I won't even have to worry about being weak... I'll be able to jump to a Second Force Knight almost automatically.


[Level 14]

[Stat points: 28]

[2 - STR] [2 - AGL] [3 - STAM] [6 - VIT] [ 15 - MP] [ 16 - MC]

['Three strength, Three agility, Three Stamina.']

[+3 STR! 2 >>> 5]

[+3 AGL! 2 >>> 5]

[+3 STAM! 3 >>> 6]

A sudden surge of power rushed through his veins, a thousand ants crawling in his veins. He suddenly jerked up, grasping at the floor as the power streamed throughout his body.

Suddenly, a wave of relief rushed over his body as his muscles relaxed, stronger than ever. Salvador stood up and instantly felt how lighter his body felt.

It was as if he was carrying a fifty-pound bag and just took it off.

He felt faster, stronger, and more alive. The feeling was addicting to Salvador who barely quelled the urge to dump all of his stat points as he stood, but he was smart enough to understand his body probably couldn't contain the power.

He flicked his eyes to the ground below and watched Jaxon as he brutally massacred the knights and Mages below, the place he fought was a room of corpses and blood.

Jaxon dashed to the remaining person who stood in fear, taking slow steps back as Jaxon killed his comrades. Before he could take another step, Jaxon appeared in front of him and slashed his arms off in quick movements.

Before the man could scream in agony, Jaxon rose his hand and a small ripple flew towards him, and made him lose all the life in his eyes.

"Who did this?" Jaxon plainly asked, his entire body covered by blood, none of which belonged to him.

The man moved his mouth but no words came out, instead a cloud of ash and dust shot out.

Jaxon grimaced before slicing his neck open. 'This is at least the doing of a Seventh Force Mage...' Jaxon sighed as he turned around and jumped to Salvador.

"That was smart, what you did." Salvador smiled, still barely able to restrain himself. "Thanks!"

"How much."

"What?" Salvador paused.

"How many stat points did you get." He clarified.


A brief expression of shock appeared on his face before instantly disappearing. "I see... That changes things." Jaxon muttered as he rubbed his chin. "Why?"

"Because. There will barely be anyone to match you in the academy. You'll undoubtedly come out at around fiftieth in the school, or at a minimum hundredth-"

Salvador reached his hand out to stop him. "W-What do you mean fiftieth? There'll be people stronger than me?" He asked with dissatisfaction in his voice.

Jaxon quietly stared at him for a second before chuckling. "Even with your gifts, you cannot match the students of the academy you'll now be going to.

Originally, I planned to put you in an academy that was second only to the Knight Academy from Ghosa, but I guess this is a change."

"W-Wait, so I was never going to the Knight Academy in Locha?" He curiously asked.

"Well, you were but coming out on top would surely attract too much attention.

Regardless, you'll attract the attention of many higher-ups, but it'll be less at the Ghosts Academy."

Salvador was dumbfounded. Ghost's Academy? It was a cool name sure, but Salvador has never heard of it in his entire life, even through the countless books he read.

Jaxon read Salvador's face and smiled. "I know what you're thinking.

You're probably like 'Oh but I've never heard of that place!' in some whiny voice, but trust me, it is the best for you and in general that the general public doesn't know.

Many come to the Knight Academy of Locha due to the fact that the Nobility can use their standing to get admissions and have their children trained, regardless of whether they're weak.

But this academy is different.

It does not permit those actions and only accepts students purely off-strength.

That's why it's less popular and known because the nobles can't freely get their kin in the academy.

And well, the Knight Academy is set in Locha after all."

Salvador intently listened to Jaxon's short rant before he eventually stopped.

"But for now, we need to go. I don't want to fight more hitmen or whatever."

Jaxon stepped in and came to Yves who was still dazed up from his near-death experience. "C'mon, we don't have time to waste."

Jaxon easily slung him over his shoulder and walked out, followed by Salvador and his family.

On their way out, they could see where the battle took place.

Countless corpses were scattered throughout the floor, dismembered limbs and heads could be seen with blood still leaking from the openings, and bodies were brutally massacred or slashed.

"We'll do as I said. Train. Then we'll go to Ghosar and you'll enroll in the academy.

It's important you get as strong as possible and make connections. They can be either genuine friendships which of course, is recommended. Or the plain alliances who help in time of need or benefit each other.

In this world, you can't do anything alone. And I wish Lance knew that before going off to fight the demon army with only a few thousand men."