
To Be Reborn As A General In Disguise

~Accepting my death just to wake up as a substitute general.~ She is the CEO of the most notorious assassin corporation, is known as the Empress Death, and is a master at uniting individuals into an unbeatable team. Due to an unknown ailment, she died unwittingly during her sleep; upon awakening, she found herself inhabiting another body. "Where the hell I am ?!" she looks around and saw a full-body bronze mirror she shriek "AHHH! " Ah?!" she froze and touch her face "Hmmmmm...I am so handsome "Wuxia was stunned upon seeing a beautiful face in front of a bronze mirror and she looked herself up and down yet...... She noticed something wrong... Huh? Eh? "A block of bandages?"

Eccho27 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Fated meeting

The sedan came to a halt in a hidden alley, tucked away amidst the bustling streets of the capital. Rou Hua Heng stepped out, instructing her servants to rest at an inn while they awaited her return. The servants, their protests stifled, watched as the cheeky young lady slipped away with surprising agility.

"Young miss! Don't run away!" Their lament echoed. "Our bonus is now gone, ah!"

Hua Heng blended seamlessly with the crowd, her veil concealing her features. Onlookers couldn't help but steal second glances at the mysterious woman passing through.

"Look! That woman must come from a high family," whispered one passerby. "Yet why is she roaming without servants?"

"Probably a concubine's daughter," another speculated.

"But I think she isn't," a third chimed in. "Feel it! Her presence is different from those arrogant concubine's daughters."



Unbeknownst to Hua Heng, she had become the subject of gossip among the people. Oblivious, she continued her exploration, her eyes scanning the grandiose buildings that adorned the capital. Even the brothels exuded opulence—quite unlike the one she had accidentally encountered earlier.

Stopping at various shops, especially food stalls, she purchased souvenirs for her family, stowing them away in her hidden dimension.

*"Wahhhhhhh! Master, are all these for me?" The fox spirit's excitement bubbled forth.*

"What for you?" Hua Heng retorted. "Don't overreact. These are for my family, not for a glutton like you."

*Sniff "Master is so cruel to this Meimei," the fox spirit whimpered. "I didn't even talk to you for a day, and I thought Master would miss Meimei. But no, huhuhu! Meimei is good! I didn't eat the herbs again, ah! Wahhhhhhh! Sniff"*

"Stop that acting, you minx!" Hua Heng scolded. "Just take one and get away from my things!"

*"Hehehe, master is kind and good!" The fox spirit grinned mischievously. "This servant will leave!^^"*

Cunning little fox! 

Her forehead creased in annoyance as she sighed. She really couldn't stand her little servant's cuteness.

Walking along a side street, a delicious barbecue skewer in hand, Hua Heng savored each bite. Her white dress swayed as she moved, the fabric brushing against her back.


A looming shadow appeared before her. Panic rippled through the onlookers as they spotted a young woman in white walking directly toward the person who had been kicked and sent flying.

"Ahhh! Young girl! Step away!"

"Be careful!"

"Watch out!"

Hua Heng halted abruptly, deftly dodging the airborne figure. The crowd breathed a collective sigh of relief—she had heeded their warnings. Otherwise, she might have been squashed like a grape. But the person who had dodged the collision was not what they expected.

Chewing the last morsel of meat, Hua Heng glanced down at the beaten man groaning on the ground. His curses filled the air, directed at the person who had caused him harm. Frowning, she realized that the near collision had almost made her drop her precious barbecue. Thankfully, her grip on the long skewer had saved it, though the sauce had stained her white dress.

"Damn! I didn't think that slut had a bodyguard!" The beaten man's eyes glinted with aggression as he staggered to his feet.

Before him stood a young woman in white, her face partially veiled. Despite the concealment, her presence exuded beauty and nobility. The beaten man's gaze turned perverse, and he advanced toward Hua Heng, a sharp knife drawn from his waist.

"Young woman don't move or else this uncle will accidentally shoot this knife hehehe this uncle wants to have a favor with you"the beaten man sluggishly threatened her as if he is talking to a fragile girl

Snorting, she averted her eyes, focusing instead on the stick in her hand. Panic rippled through the crowd—the rogue man's intentions were clear.

"Woman! Don't just stand there!"


"Ahh! That man is holding her!"

"Someone help!!"

Hua Heng remained still, allowing the rogue man to hold her. She wanted to observe what would unfold. Let him have his moment of satisfaction before she put an end to his pathetic life. But then, a new presence approached.

A piercing voice shattered the tension. The rogue man's eyes widened as he recognized the speaker—a young woman in blue robes, flanked by a black-clothed man. His fear intensified, not only for himself but also for the black-clothed figure who had sent him flying earlier.

"You imbecile!" The young woman's anger was palpable. "I'll let you get away for just a minute, and you find another victim? Ying! Get that rogue man away from her!"

The guard named Ying moved swiftly, intervening before the rogue man could react. The young woman's blue robes billowed as she stepped forward, her gaze unwavering. The rogue man's fate hung in the balance, caught between the wrath of the young woman and the ominous presence of the black-clothed man. 

"Y-you! Get away from me or else I will slit this girl's throat!"The rogue man put his knife on Hua Heng's throat as he stepped back

"You mongrel! Chicken! Even turning a woman to be your shield! You have no dignity of a man!" the blue robe woman complained angrily while pointing to the rogue man

"Heh! It's better than being caught by you slut!"

The people padded away from the scene with no intention of interfering. They are scared to be pulled into the wrath of the blue-clothed girl.

Hua Heng, growing increasingly bored and irritated, decided she'd had enough. Swiftly, she wielded the barbecue stick in her hand, driving it into the rogue's spinal meridian with precision. The man crumpled, paralyzed and writhing in pain. But before he could utter another word, a mysterious figure in black appeared, pulling Hua Heng away from her assailant.

"Ahhhh! I can't move! What did you do, woman?" the rogue man's voice trembled with fear and anger.

Hua Heng feigned innocence, her eyes wide. "I didn't understand what you were saying, ah," she replied sweetly.

Before the rogue man could retort, a foot landed squarely on his face, silencing him. Hua Heng smirked, her confidence unwavering. "Take that! Who gave you the audacity to harass me? An old, filthy man like you deserves to be thrown in jail!" Her voice dripped with disdain.

Turning to her guard, Ying, issued a haughty command. "Drag this man to the governor's office. Tell them he assaulted Ning Family's esteemed daughter, attempting to victimize a noble young woman."

But the girl in blue, not content with mere justice, delivered a swift kick to the man's groin. His agonized screams echoed through the alley. His manhood now damaged, he lay there, helpless. Who knew if he'd ever father children again?

Justice served, Hua Heng stood tall, her eyes flashing with amusement. 

"*uck You! Slut! Once I am free I will hunt you and your nine generations!! Ahhh! Stop pulling me!!"The rogue man can only scream while being pulled

"Hunt me? In your dreams!" Ning Xi haughtily snorted 

The people dispersed themselves because they didn't want to be tangled in the wrath of the Ning family's jewel, Ning Xi.

Ning Xi, the di daughter of the first branch of the Ning Clan, carried a legacy steeped in history. The Ning Clan, one of the oldest in the Guo Kingdom, traced its lineage back to the great mercenary Ning Ging. In the dark, blood-soaked wars of centuries past, Ning Ging had provided essential support—weapons, clothing, and sustenance—to the soldiers. Even now, the Ning Clan commanded respect and wealth, second only to the royal family.

The clan structure was well-defined: three branches, each with its own role. The first branch, led by the eldest son, held the mantle of succession. The second branch, overseen by the second son, played a crucial supporting role. And finally, the third branch, headed by the youngest son (now the elder patriarch), collaborated with other Ning elders to maintain the clan's prosperity.

Ning Xi, the youngest child of the first branch, was the cherished jewel of the Ning household. Amidst a sea of male youths, she stood as the sole young girl. Her female cousins had already established families of their own, leaving her surrounded by her immediate family: her first biological brother, aunts, uncles, and elders. They indulged her but never excessively, fearing that too much pampering might breed arrogance.

At seventeen, Ning Xi stood at the precipice of choosing a suitable partner. Yet, she resisted early entanglements. Her domineering personality clashed with societal norms, and she boldly confronted her parents.

"I will choose my man and time to marry," she declared, "or I'll burn down the groom's household!" Her words echoed through the halls, leaving no room for negotiation.

Ning Xi was no gentle maiden. She defied conventions, speaking her mind with colorful language. No one dared to curb her will. Within the Ning Clan, she was not only a cherished gem but also one of Guo's most beautiful noble ladies.

Hua Heng's mind raced as she pieced together the puzzle. The girl in blue—the best friend of the past owner—stood before her. They had been inseparable, like two precious jades, since their youth. But the shock came when Hua Heng recognized the uncanny resemblance between Ning Xi and her best friend from the modern world: Mu Xi.

In this small, mysterious world, it seemed it's like Mu Xi had reincarnated as Ning Xi. Hua Heng couldn't help but marvel at the twists of destiny. Unlike herself, a mere transmigrator, Ning Xi carried echoes of another existence—a mirror reflecting memories and bonds that transcended realms. 

The girl clad in blue,Ning Xi approached her with her brows high and face of a daughter noble but she knows that her outeself is opposite of her innerself,she is a soft hearted lady inside with a brute personality on her outside. Ning Xi's haughty appearance often led others astray, mistaking her outer persona for her true self.

"Hey! You okay?! I'm sorry ! If I drag you into these mess! I-"

"I didn't see you for months and your haughtiness rise up again,Xixi" a melodic voice with a hint of amused tone cut off Ning Xi's words

Ning Xi frozed for a second and snaps back. She immediately look intently at the veil woman in front of her, her dark brown eyes stared at Hua Heng.

Hehehehe her eyes are like scanners ah!

"W-who are you.....wait....don't tell me..." Her eyes become wide like owls as if she discovered something

"HUA HENG?!!!!!!" She gasps

"Good! You remember me. I thought I'd have to smack that head of yours, ah," she teased, her eyes dancing with mirth. But little did she expect that her reunion with Ning Xi would involve a bear hug—one so powerful that it threatened to topple them both to the ground.

Phew! Hua Heng's reflexes kicked in, her body twisting and adjusting mid-fall. Her flexible strength saved her from an undignified sprawl on the cobblestones. She steadied herself, heart racing, and took in the scene.

Ning Xi had her wrapped in a vice-like grip. Our poor FL—already paralyzed by the barbecue stick incident—couldn't budge an inch. She was trapped, ensnared by the exuberant embrace of a giant koala. Ning Xi's squeals of delight rivaled those of a dehydrated K-pop fan, shaking Hua Heng like a ragdoll.


Girl, if you don't let go of me I will become a veggy ah!

(Veggy means vegetables^^)

"HEHE! Hehe! You're here! Finally, you're here! Gosh! I missed you to death, ah! Why didn't you tell me?! Ah! Look at you—you're as thin as a bamboo! Huhuhuhu, is your place that poor? Don't worry, Xixi will send plenty of food for you, ah!"

"Whoa! Hold up, sissy! Let me go, or you'll squeeze me to death, ah!"

"Oh? Sorry, hehehe! " Ning Xi released her grip, and Hua Heng gulped in fresh air, grateful to escape the impending suffocation.


"Now, young lady, let's go somewhere and get ready to tell your story as the substitute for your brother!" Ning Xi's enthusiasm knew no bounds. She tugged Hua Heng toward a magnificent building adorned with a golden placard that read…

"Harmonious Pavilion"


"Not again… (x•x)" Hua Heng desperately wanted to redirect Ning Xi to a different pavilion. Unfortunately, the one Ning Xi was leading her to happened to be a rather unique establishment—a brothel catering to both female and male clientele.

Ning Xi, her bird-brained sister, seemed to think that providing Hua Heng with some entertainment (courtesy of handsome servers) would be a delightful way to spend the day. Rou Hua Heng resisted the urge to smack her best friend on the head for her utterly ridiculous thinking.

Ah, reunions—never a dull moment!

"Sis, let's go somewhere else, ah! There's a charming tea shop nearby that serves exquisite teas. How about we head there?" Hua Heng attempted to sway Ning Xi with the promise of her favorite brews, but her efforts fell on deaf ears today.

Ning Xi's expression transformed, mischief dancing in her eyes. Her grin widened until it reached her ears. Hua Heng, ever perceptive, sensed her little fox friend's dark intentions. She couldn't help but release a small laugh, coupled with a helpless sigh.

Fine.....bring the best male servers to me!












Inside the brothel…

"We're leaving?" The white-haired man stood up, his gaze questioning.

The man with black hair and a mask remained focused on the door. After a moment, he walked over and opened the window. The moon hung bright in the dark sky, stars blinking silently, and dark clouds drifted aimlessly. Below, the messy streets teemed with life. The black-masked man stared at the sky, his gaze tracing the bustling street as if searching for someone.

His brother leaned against the dark wall, sipping wine. His fox-like eyes gleamed, their yellow-gold hue visible only within the dimly lit room.

"The person is not coming back," he gently stated, yet the response he received was silence.

"Bro—" Again, he was cut off by his brother's cold voice.

"That person is near," the black-haired man said.

The white-haired man's lips quirked, appreciating his brother's detecting skills. It was as if he were a beast, senses honed, searching for a beloved scent.

"How can you say that? You just met that person accidentally months ago," he protested. But the man didn't respond with words. Instead, he created a diagram with his own blood, and a human-sized void materialized.

It was a portal.

The white-haired man stood stunned, then quickly regained his composure, glancing at his brother. He recognized the unique abilities at play—the same abilities that marked his stoic, cold, and heartless brother.

"Where are we going?" he asked again.

His brother stepped into the portal, leaving the white-haired man with a faint reply echoing in the air:



It's sad to say that the person he is waiting for is currently in the central capital Let see if he can find the location of the person he is searching for with his detecting skills hohohohoho^^