

A girl caged all her life behind the walls she fall's hell with nothing but hope for one day to meet the woman who brought her to this world the same woman who casted her out, the same woman who wish for her to disappear Who would always curse the day she brought her to this world she is left as an empty vessel to be use for her mother's own will Without her knowing she never even taught of the word LOVE that word, that expression was like a poisonous knife being stabbed into her To a hope that one day someone might teach her that feeling, the feeling of acceptance and that feeling of love

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2 Chs

Chapter 2 Chapter 2




                               •""Inner Pain""•

  "It hurts"

"What the hell the they inject in me this time"

I was all rolled up in a ball on the bed hugging my legs as my eyes diverted to the doctors standing beside me taking notes of some kind

"What did you inject in me this time?"The only words that escaped my lips before sitting up in a formal position "You need not know , Just be a good girl like you've always been" A smile formed on the face of the so called doctor in front of me checking my vitals

"Good girl my foot"

  Before I knew it they were out of the room,  the pain was unbearable but at least it hurt's less I managed to get off the bed holding the pole to support myself from falling

One of the maids appeared wanting to help me " Miss Y/N, let me help you" her hand slowly holding my upper arm " If you don't let go of me, I promise you, you'll never be able to use those hands again" my gaze went to her hand as I push it away making my way to the bathroom

"It isn't a dream Y/n no matter how much you wish it was" I didn't even have to turn my head to know exactly who it was

  She looked at me with that caring smile again while my face showed her no form of emotion I could see hurt in her eyes knowing my cold attitude towards her made her hurt

  " It time to check you'll have to come with me " those where the only words she said before directing me to the door

???  POV

  Once again she had that expression on her face it broke my heart knowing how she felt being trapped in a house for half her life ofcourse she would have given up

   They directed her to the scale and as she got on it it read 39kg I looked at her only to find hair obstructing me from seeing her face

  "Mrs Kim Your needed down stairs!!!"