
In a war


Aurora had heard of the war back home. She had heard of dragons being trained when they where do young they could barely fly. She didn't want to go home for those reasons.

I look over at Moonlight. He's so much bigger now. The size of a house.

" I don't know what to do big guy. " I say. Moonlight chuckles a little.

" Well, I don't remember much of back home. I think that you should go back thou. " He says through our Dragon-Rider bond.

" Why? So we can go to war and be slaves?" I ask feeling a bit mad. Moonlight laughs again. He such a rude guy sometimes. But I remember the day I got him. When he didn't have vines over his wings and he still only had  a bud at the end of his tail. The good days. From what we heard the war started about a year ago. I ignored it. They probably all think I am a coward.

" Well. My kind are a lot more common now. Maybe I can help them. " He says. He used to tell me of his kind all the time. How they never let each other go hungry, how they where very peaceful dragons, how this war would kill them just by the thought of it. I sigh. We are in a dilemma.

"I know. They will go crazy about the war and not in a good way. I can think of a few types of dragons that would love a good war. " I say a little bit of anger in my voice. The first year me and Moonlight had been out we had been attacked by so many Creep Leaf dragons it was unreal. They seemed to love to mess with things and try to kill them. It made me hate them and want to kill them. Witch was just what they wanted.

" What do we do? Go back? Stay here?" I ask and stare into Moonlights big silver eyes.

" We go back and tell them about our opinion. Say that the Moon Lilly dragons will not be fighting in any way whatsoever. " Moonlight says confidently. I sigh.

" It's really not that simple. " I say. It is not simple at all. To save a bunch of dragons that would be in a way was going to be more than hard.

" Then forget that part and let's visit father. We can also say we will not be in the war for personal reasons. " Moonlight says peacefully. I nod a little. Moonlight sometimes has that effect. He seems so confident then when the time comes he is just a little soft-sided. I mean he will have a huge plan to save the word and when the time comes he's still a little hesitant about it. It will always be a master plan, always, and he will say he needs a new one. I don't get it.

" Are you gonna back out on this plan? " I ask in a teasing voice. Moonlight hisses at me baring his huge fangs.

" No! " He hisses and I laugh.

" Your huge venom launchers do not scare me! I am your rider you love me!" I say and poke his body. His still soft body.

We also recently found out that Moonlights fangs actually shot out a gold venom. It is not fatal but it will knock a Dragon out for a good day or two.

" Not all dragons love there rider. " He says. That makes me shiver a little but I cover it up easily with a laugh.

" Okay...  Well, let leave tomorrow. I guess. We have a long flight. Well you do. But... Ugh... I am a human and can talk to other humans. " I say with a big smile. Moonlight rolls his eyes and I climb up on his back. On his huge back there is a saddle. I have a backpack on one side and some food and sleeping supplies on the other. Since Moonlight is a reasonably small dragon. Most dragons are at least a foot or two bigger. I don't mind thou.

" Where to. The closest town? " Moonlight asks as he stretched his wings out. Long and strong laced with vines. Vines that just showed up randomly a year or two back.

" No. Let's go a little bit ahead find a creek or stream to sleep by. " I say. Moonlight agrees by taking a few flight steps and flapping his huge wings to get us in the sky. The wingbeats make my hair go wild. It fly's in my face and we are off.

Going high in the air we reach so high that the trees are now little dots. The air up here is really thin and I cough a little. Moonlight hears and soars down ward. Not long after we find a little stream and settle down. The sun is just setting and we set up where we sleep. I eat some fish and Moonlight eats some berry's and fruits. Despite being a huge dragon he does not have a very big appetite.


I snuggle my self in bed and yawn. I am tired. Moonlight wraps him self around my sleeping bag, a safe distance so he won't accidently crush me. I pat his tail witch is the closest to my head.

" Night Night. " I yawn and roll over.

" Good night Aurora. " Moonlight says vaguely as he falls asleep. I smile before to drifting off.

In my dreams I am back home but the whole place is in flames and chaos. I try to help. I am back at 16 as well. I don't have Moonlight by me. I begin to feel a little worried. I try to find my father in the huge sudden change in my town. The people around me are a mob and block me from moving at all. I call for them to move they scream in reply. I suck in a deep breath and all the sudden I can't breathe. I gasp for air as the stuff around me turns to water. I swim upward and find the surface of a raging ocean. I call for Moonlight and...

" Ugh...  Moonlight get your wing off me I'm DYING! " I say as I shove his wing off my face. He groans and his wing leaves my face.

" Wake up sleepy head we need to go and do your genius plan!" I say and we get up slowly.

Hope you are enjoying

Summertidecreators' thoughts