
To Be A Proud Cuck

Soo due to the lack of ntr works. I existed to bring culture upon you all. Not original nor is it much of a fanfic. No consistency just pure ntr stuff. P.S:- Imma a noob so don't expect much. Plus I might not have consistent updates. I ain't dropping anytime soon though. P.S 2:- 1 Star's give me motivation. I want to watch the world burn XD.

KindaHard42069 · Eastern
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The First Netorare (R18)

Soo this is actually three chapters worth. I forgot to change the drafts and am too tired to bother anymore.

Enjoy the update. Well that is if you like it.

<-------------------------- >

Chen Jiandao woke up at the crack of dawn the next morning. He opened his eye's to see Yuxia sleeping soundly beside him. Remembering what they did yesterday he smiled. 'Well, it might be the purest sex I'll be having in a while.' As bad as it sounds, he doesn't really mind that fact.

Plus, 'The system did say that I would enjoy having my wife fuck other men more than actually having sex with them.' Considering how great Yuxia's upgraded pussy felt he sure looked forward to it.

He slowly got up, enjoying the feeling of such a satisfying sleep when he noticed his surroundings. The room was a mess of thrown around objects and liquids. 'Yu'er sure didn't hold back on cumming. The whole room feels like a den of depravity.'

"Minor Art:- Cleanse."

As soon as he said that, a refreshing green colored energy swept across the room, cleaning up all the sexual fluids and dust with it. 'Minor Arts sure are convenient.'

In the Sacred Soul Continent, Mystic Arts are divided in two main types.

They are:- 1. Major Art, 2. Minor Art

The Major Arts are generally dangerous. The involve luck, causality, rituals and curses. The Minor Arts on the other hand, are easy to use and has little to no use in battle.

Cultivators battle using martial skills. Rarely are there people who can use Major Arts and even then it's hard to use in battle. Cultivators don't really fight all that much if they are in a Sect. Other's rarely provoke them and they try to be peaceful so as to not make their own lives difficult.

"That reminds me System, other then the known realms what are the cultivation realms in existence?"

Chen highly doubted that this world had figured out all the realms possible to reach.

[ The Cultivation realms and the power they yield are listed below, though it is slightly crude:-

1. Qi Refining :- Wall's+Small Building

2. Foundation Building:- Building's

3. Golden Core:- Mountain

4. Nascent Soul:- Small Country

5. Deva:- Countries

6. Demigod:- Continent

7. Minor God:- Moon

8. Major God:- Planetary

9. High God:- Solar System

10. Great God:- Galactic

11. True God:- Universe

12. Creation:- Untouchable

The Creation realm is unique. Only the GOD or his successor can be one.

Beside the realm names are what they are capable of destroying in a blow. The Creation realm is invincible.]

'We know only half the levels in existence? That's kind of sad.' Chen shook his head to remove all depressing thoughts. He has the system given by a creation realm. Plus he lived his life always fighting to reach the top, this much could never intimidate him.

He went to wake Yuxia up. Today is going be a very busy day after all.

"Yu'er, wake up already, breakfasts ready.'

Well it really was. Chen bought 'Spiritual Bento Box' from the system for 10 NTR points. Not really a waste in his mind as considering how his future life is going to be like, 10 NTR points are nothing.

Yuxia was thankfully a light sleeper. She woke up at his call immediately. She looked around in a daze and saw the cleaned room and laughed out.

"Where's all the juices we spread last night?" She asked with a smirk.

"Will you stop, we need to eat. Do you know where to find Deng Xing at?"

Chen just rolled his eyes at her antics.

"Xing is something of a sword fanatic. Quite the opposite of his father who love's sex as much as his sword. Which, I imagine, is why he's still a virgin. He's always at his personal training field."

Yuxia spoke while getting up and walking towards him. He conjured up a table and took out the Bento Box from the inventory. He gestured at her to sit and said,

"Great then, later I'll need to find the Sect Mistress. You can advance at your own pace while you try to seduce him. I ain't much of a seduction expert after all."

Yuxia rolled her eye's and said, "Nor do I want my husband's tips in seducing other men. And I did climb my way up relying on sex quite a bit so I know how to deal with a mere virgin"

At that she fell silent. Something was bothering her since yesterday but she was too scared to ask. She gathered her courage, looked at him seriously and asked,

"Chen, please tell me honestly, did you forgive me that easily due to what the Higher Being did to you? Or do you really not hate me for what I did?"

Chen shook his head and sighed,

"Just blame it on my obsession with you... Being perfectly honest, I probably would forgive you even if you tried to kill me. If I found you making a weapon solely to kill me and knew what it was, I'd still help you make it.

Only when I'm truly dying would I be willing to fight you, even if only to not go to hell alone.

When I married you, I never thought I'd fall so far. At this point, the only reason I'm fine with making you fuck other's is because I know it's something you love doing."

Yuxia was about to speak but Chen stopped her with a self-depreciating smile,

"Shush, don't lie, I could have found out about what you did long ago but I never did. There were times I suspected it but I never investigated. I just hoped that you truly loved me in your heart, if so nothing else matters."

Yuxia stared at him with teary eyes and said just one line, the only thing that mattered to him at this moment,

"...I Love You Chen..."

Chen smiled warmly, "I know, and that's all I ever needed my love."

They silently ate their breakfast as they soaked in the pleasant atmosphere. Neither was willing to break it but they had things to do.

Chen wore a light blue silky Cultivators standard garb and fixed his hair which was uncharacteristically short for Cultivators. He was never a huge fan of male ponytails. His pitch black hair and eye's which didn't seem to reflect light made him look a little evil. All the more reasons to spread rumors about him. His body was toned like most male Cultivators out there.

Yuxia was already wearing her Cheongsam. She looked like a fiery beauty from heaven when she was in her normal clothing. But the Cheongsam made her look like a succubus who will suck you dry. She was about to wear her underwear when Chen's voice sounded,

"Leave that be, since we are going to indulge in debauchery from now on, lets go all the way."

Yuxia smirked and asked, "Is that so? Are you going to go without yours as well?"

Chen just rolled his eye's and said,

"Some thing's are only hot when women does it."

Yuxia just laughed and threw away her panties. 'Women get horny as well you know?' Thought Yuxia but decided not to retort. As she left the house, she waved her waved at him and said,

"See you later darling~"

"Likewise," said Chen with a gentlemanly bow as he went out to search for Bai Qiao.

While flying up in the inner sect grounds, he suddenly realized, 'Shit! I forgot to ask Yu'er where Bai Qiao stays normally.'

The Sect Mistress is protected by the sect formation. So no one can sense or spy on her. Not finding her even after flying around the whole sect and even being interrogated by the Sect Master about what he was upto, Chen just sat beside the lake near the Inner Sect Area.

He put his hand on his chin and started to look for ideas to find Bai Qiao. When nothing came to mind, he took out his flute and started playing a song. This is the only hobby he brought back from his past life. Playing for more then 60 years would make anyone an expert, let alone the fact that he originally had high talent in the flute.

The flute music sounded out as if it were the song of Heaven. The world itself seemed to appreciate it's melody. The music was created through Chen Jiandao's feelings on the wonders of the world. As a person from another world, he could feel the miraculous way of nature. Cultivators, mortals all have their lives to live, significant or not. He met many people, all of those who have their own thoughts, ideals and something to fight for. He had seen much the world had to offer and wished to see much much more. The grandness of the world and all there is to it drove him forward in his quest for immortality. He slowly played the tune and expressed his wholehearted feelings in his song.

When he finished his 'solo concert', the sound of an applause rang out. Chen was slightly shocked that he didn't notice anyone, till he saw who it was.

It was his target, Bai Qiao who was standing behind him since who knows when.

The redheaded voluptuous beauty had a smile on her face as he looked at her.

"Elder Chen, Bai Qiao thanks you for this incredible performance."

She said as she gave a slight bow.

"It was my honour, Sect Mistress."

Chen returned the bow as he said that.

Bai Qiao laughed good naturedly hearing his words. She was just joking when she did the bow and all, who knew that he'd respond in kind? She grew even more interested in him. She definitely wanted to win the bet she had with his wife. 'Come to think of it, I have the perfect opportunity now don't I.'

As the silence felt awkward, Chen tried to take the initiative,

"So... what does the Sect Mistress want from me?"

"Nothing really, I was just admiring nature's beauty. Since you started your song, I just switched to admiring you."

She said with a teasing smile.

"How did you get this good at playing the flute? You sounded better then many grandmasters I know."

"To me, the Dao is everywhere. I just tried to incorporate my own Dao with my melody."

This wasn't really bullshitting, Chen spent many years learning to do it but had only primary successes till now. After letting his heart out to Yuxia today, his heart was light and without burden. His Dao had advanced a step while he played the flute.

"Talking about the Dao is still something I can't do. Only Nascent Soul Realms can touch the path after all."

She shook her head in distress. A cunning light flashed through her eye's as she continued,

"I wonder if the Elder has time to discuss the Dao with me. I can accompany you with some tea?"

"The Sect Master is even better at comprehending the path then me, with him helping you, what can I hope to teach."

That was complete bullshit but she doesn't need to know that. Some modicum of respect still needs to be maintained.

"Does our glorious Sect Master still have time to teach me?"

Her face was clearly resentful as she spoke. Then as if realizing just now what she just said, she waved off his concerns and continued,

"Sorry for bringing my private matters in front of you."

Chen replied awkwardly,

"No no, it's my fault for bringing it up."

It was common knowledge that the Sect Master was extremely lustful. All the Elders just acted blind to his debauchery since none of them were really innocent. But they still took care not to hurt the Sect Mistresses feelings.

"So... are you going to come discuss the Dao with me or not?"

Bai Qiao had a weary expression on her face as if tired of being ignored by her husband. Inwardly though, she couldn't care less. Acting as a neglected wife had its perks when she wants to seduce someone.

" Yes of course, it's my honour."

Chen looked as if he was embarrassed about his lack of tact earlier.

"Let's get a move on then shall we?"

Bai Qiao gave him a warm smile as he nodded in assent. Light flashed through her eye's as she thought, 'That was lucky. Everyone is more willing to listen to other's requests when they inconvenienced them before. All according to my plans.'

Chen was laughing inwardly, 'My acting was perfect. Since I know she wants to seduce me, seeing through her acting was plain easy. She sure is thirsty though, to act so much.'

Each with their own plan's moved towards Bai Qiao's residence.


At this point of time, Yuxia was quite near succeeding as well.

At the Sect Master's private training ground, a young man could be seen blushing furiously as a god given beauty beauty was chattering non stop beside him.

The young man was of course Deng Xing and the beauty Bing Yuxia. Yuxia's voice could be heard as she said,

"Young heir is seriously wasting your youth aren't you? Look at your father and all men your age, who is still a virgin at 40+ years of age? Borrowing my husband's words, you are already a wizard on his way to become a Sage."

Deng Xing was confused even while he was embarrassed. What does becoming a sage have to do with being a virgin. Yuxia just told him not to sweat the details when asked.

As can be seen, Yuxia already dug out the fact that he was a virgin from his mouth. He was already blushing crimson but Yuxia was no where near stopping. Chen would say that she sounds like a nagging aunt though Yuxia would beg to differ.

Words have different effects depending on the source. When a hotty tries to convince you to loose your virginity while wearing the sexiest clothes possible, while you were aware she was wearing no undies after seeing a flash of her pussy, all you will feel is arousal.

As a healthy young man, Deng Xing was certainly interested in sex. But he was a true believer of the fact that women only slows the speed of his sword draw. Now though, he was extremely close to committing blasphemy to his beliefs.

Right at that moment Yuxia jumped up from the ground where they sat as if she wanted to tell him something she just realized, while her Cheongsam's edge was caught under his body.

A loud ripping noise sounded as her Cheongsam was ripped apart due to the sheer force of her jump. Cultivators normally don't need to worry about their dress ripping as the protect it with their spiritual energy, which Yuxia had 'conveniently' forgotten to do.

At that moment, Yuxia was as good as naked with her breasts standing proudly in full glory, not at all covered by the pieces of clothes on her body. They seemed to in fact highlight her nudity.

Her smooth hairless pussy was right in front of his face, giving off a perverted scent.

Deng Xing was shocked dumbfounded. Yuxia took the opportunity to give him a teasing smirk and said, "So Young Master wishes to loose his virginity with little old me? You aren't wasting your youth after all!"

Yuxia knelt down on her knees, throwing off the destroyed Cheongsam and put her face near his crotch and immediately pulled his clothes off to reveal a raging boner which straight up slapped her face.

As flustered as he was, he still tried to hold on to a trace of his rationality and said, "Wait, Elder, Stop, you are married, you will let your husband down if you don't stop now."

He tried to put on his clothes again when she snickered, amused by his words.

Putting her hands around his cock, which was way bigger then Chen Jiandao's, let alone his father, she said, "Oh don't be such a spoilsport, he knows I sleep with other men. He doesn't mind or stop me from doing it." 'Plus, he's about to sleep with your mother child, you are too pure.'

Without wasting time, she put his cock in her mouth and started sucking expertly. The pleasure hit him immediately. He lost all sense of guilt and only had sex in his mind. He pressed her head on his dick and started thrusting with his full strength. He was essentially using her head as a sex toy.

As her head was held forcefully, Yuxia used her tongue to wrap around his dick while he was humping her mouth.

She was an expert cock sucker having sucked off essentially all the elders of the sect. Her mouth bobbed excitedly and took his cock up her throat. She used her spiritual energy to breath and stimulate his cock knowing that he might not stop humping her face even if she died choking. She used all her skills acquired through experience to try and make him cum.

Her eye's gave out an enchanting glow as she lustfully teased his cock using her tongue. Her throat was fucked hard by his cock as he gave out loud moans of pleasure. Feeling him about to cum she sucked hard one last time when he spurt out huge lumps of semen which she took in her mouth. She pulled out her mouth and rolled around his semen in her mouth.

Opening her mouth to give him a show, she drank all his cum while looking like she truly found it delicious. That was enough for an instant erection.

"Mmm..Young Master's sperm is delicious! Would you kindly bless this lowly woman's womb with your seed?"

She asked naughtily as she turned around and bent down to show him her pussy while pulling her asscheeks apart to display her pink insides.

"Young Master seems to want to continue?" She smiled at him cheekily and twerked her ass at him.

Deng Xing stared enchanted as nodded and positioned his cock to her entrance. Yuxia didn't wait for him as she thrusted hard backwards and took his dick in, covering it completely in the depths of her pussy wall's. She had taken his virginity.


At that moment in the Sect Master's residence,

Chen Jiandao was sipping tea while discussing the Dao with Bai Qiao. She was truly knowledgeable about the subject, despite acting dumb before.

He was listening to her word's and giving counter arguments while his mind was focusing on the system notifications,

[Ding! The Host is drinking a traceless aphrodisiac. As the host of Netorare System, host is immune to things related to charm or lust.]

[Congratulations Host for gaining 100 NTR points due to your wife(Yuxia) giving another man a blowjob.

Congratulations Host for gaining 200 NTR points due to your wife fucking another man. Additional 1000 points due to taking his virginity (First time reward only).

Additionally, your wife completed her part of the quest.

Congratulations on having a good wife.]

Chen Jiandao got hard at that. He decided to up his game as well. His eye's gave a slightly aroused look which was increasingly by the second.

The Sect Mistress thought her aphrodisiac was doing it's job so she leaned closer, gave him a concerned look and asked, "Is something wrong? Your face looks a little flushed?"

"No, it's fine Mistress, I'm just a little out of it today."

Chen looked as if he was barely controlling himself as a little bulge could be seen through his clothing.

"Is it really alright? I can help if you have a problem."

Bai Qiao gave him an innocent and helpful look, as if she totally didn't just try to drug him.

Then suddenly her eye's roamed to his crotch and she acted as if she just noticed the bulge.

Then she took her eye's off it to look at him and said with a lustful look in her eye's, "Elder Chen seems to be facing difficulties of your own. Should I help you deal with it?"

"Madam, please have some self-respect, you are married to the sect leader."

Chen's voice was practically growling. His face was flushed and his body seemed the be extremely worked up.

Well Chen never took an aphrodisiac so he might have been over acting. He had complete control over his body so this was easy. Fortunately, this was the Sect Mistresses first time drugging someone as well so she thought it was normal. She was highly aroused thinking of what she was about to do.

Impatience clouding her mind, she started taking off her clothes and said,

"Oh shut it, the old man had been fucking around since the day we were married. I have the right to do the same."

In barely a few seconds, Bai Qiao was completely naked. Her red hair was spread on her bare back as she kneeled down in front of him to take out his cock. Chen did nothing to stop her. She took out his dick and wrapped her hands around it as she looked up at him with sultry eye's.

Then without another word, she popped his cock in her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down. Her tongue began licking the tip of his rod, going around and around. Slowly steadily, she began encompassing more and more of it. Finally, she was able to take all of it in her mouth.

She tried to take it slow and easy but she was so into it that it wasn't long before she went deep. She bobbed her head repeatedly on his cock, taking him to her tonsil and pulling way back until he was almost all the way out of her mouth.

She continued to blow him for half an hour straight when even she as a Cultivator was getting tired.

"Pant..Pant...Aren't you too good at holding back," She asked while her right hand was still pumping his dick and her left hand was rubbing her soaked pussy.

Chen was already fully in the horny mode. While not as good as the new and improved look of his wife, Bai Qiao was a heavenly beauty nonetheless.

He smirked at her question and said,

"I do have to try my best to satisfy my insatiable wife Madam."

Bai Qiao had to admit she was jealous of Yuxia. As much as she liked to sleep around, for a man like Chen Jiandao, she wouldn't mind trying to be a good wife. She stopped moving her hands and gave him a challenging look,

"Is that so, then let's see if you can satisfy me? Also call me Bai Qiao, we are already at this stage you know?"

She climbed up on his lap and kissed him hard, just as she said that. Chen responded accordingly and his tongue slowly found it's way into her mouth. She wasn't backing down either as her tongue intertwined with his. She was completely focusing on this battle for sexual dominance when Chen played dirty. He positioned his cock to her tight pink pussy and invaded mercilessly.

"Aahnng~.. Ah~.. Ah~.. wait Ahn~ stop, hn~ that was dirty."

Chen wasn't holding back as he would with his wife. His wife was precious so he didn't want to hurt her but Bai Qiao was in for some punishment. She did try to drug him just now.

"All is fair on love and war Qiao, and by extension in sex."

Chen had a victorious smirk as he held her waist and thrusted hard. Bai Qiao could no longer think clearly enough to retort. All her mind could think of about was the cock which was pounding her senseless.

"Ahnn~.. Ah~.. Uhngh~.. Hah~ Harder~ fuck me deeper~ "

She couldn't even understand what she was saying as her body was filled with pleasure. Her body shuddered violently as she soaked in the feeling. Chen was using spiritual energy to sense he pressure points and pressed some of them which increases sensitivity. The moment he pressed the points, Bai Qiao came while spraying her love juices on his cock. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she kept cumming.

A low, metallic voice sounded in Chen's head.

[Congratulations Host for creating a sexual skill.

As first time reward,

Skill:- Sensitivity Control.

Have been awarded. Current limit of host's partner Bai Qiao, 5x sensitivity.]

Chen slowed his movements as he read the system notifications. Bai Qiao took this chance to rest a bit when Chen commanded internally,

'Sensitivity Increase - 5 times.'

His thought was, since he had it, why not experiment a bit?

Right after increasing Bai Qiao's sensitivity, Chen resumed his full powered thrusts. Her ass created loud sounds as it hit his hips. The sound of sex in the room as well as the lustful atmosphere would drive anyone crazy with lust if they were present. Fortunately, the room was shielded by multiple formations to avoid prying eye's.

Bai Qiao had only rested for a few seconds when the pleasure she felt seemed to multiply and Chen was going at it even harder. She barely held onto her sanity as she moaned unintelligibly as she came. This time though, there was no end to her orgasms. She held Chen in a tight hug, her hands wrapping his back and her legs wrapping his waist. Her body was stuck to his with only their hips moving. They kept on like this and she never stopped orgasming until Chen felt a fire building inside his abdomen.

"Aahnnn~..Ahhh~.. Stop~..Ahn~ .. I'm Losing My Mind~....Ahn~"

Her eye's rolled up and her tongue was sticking out.

"I'm cumming!"

Chen spoke through gritted teeth as he found it hard to speak in the middle of all this pleasure. Her pussy had tightened to incredible levels as her sensitivity increased. Her legs showed no signs of letting him go so Chen kept on going. He jizzed out his semen and filled her womb with his seed.

Filling the warmth in her womb, Bai Qiao had the biggest orgasm so far as her legs lost all it's strength. This felt like the best day of her life. What she didn't know was it was about to get even better.

Chen felt that he went too far as well and pulled out his cock slowly.

It made a plop sound as it came out and white cream started flowing out of her entrance. They both lied next to each other and slowly regained their breathing. Chen got up and bowed, still naked, which made him feel quite awkward,

"Sorry, I went too far."

Bai Qiao chuckled, waving off his apologies, "It's not your fault, I made you take aphrodisiac to make you more receptive to my advances. Didn't expect it to work this well though."

She admitted quite honestly.

Chen laughed guiltily and said, "Ah... about that, I was never effected by it. I just wanted to go with the flow. I went hard as something of a punishment but I went a bit too far."

Bai Qiao stared at him dumbfounded, then her face blushed crimson, "So you knew what I was planning?"

"Yuxia told me of her bet. I wanted to seduce you as well so I decided to take advantage of that."

Chen replied easily. It wasn't much of a secret after all.

By then Bai Qiao got up as well and sat beside him, still naked. She looked at him in surprise and asked, "Wait, you know Yuxia cheated on you?"

"I'm very open with my women. As long as they love me truly, they can even be married to other's and I wouldn't mind."

Chen said, referring to her married status.

Bai Qiao was shocked. The Cultivation world was as sexist as the modern earth. Men having several women was common but a woman with several men was a slut. His words completely overturned her worldview as she realized what he meant.

Other then that she realized another thing. 'He doesn't mind if they are married? Does that mean I have a chance?'

Bai Qiao was quite slutty in her ways but she truly had a crush on Chen Jiandao. After all, as the only young Elder who doesn't have white hair and beard certainly increased his appeal. But a crush was just a crush after all. Her plan was only to have sex with him. But the days of interactions truly made her fall for him but she knew she was married. So she kept to her initial plans. Him fucking her to heaven and back made her affection shoot upwards. And now his words made her realize she still had a chance at being his woman.

She looked at him seriously and asked, "Would you even consider me? I do love you a lot, even if it might seem shallow."

A crush it might be, but it was one she had for years before now, and now it had a chance to bloom!

Chen looked at her in surprise. Thinking of something he commanded internally, 'System, show me Bai Qiao's status.'

With a melodious ringing, a blue colored display spread in front of his eye's.

[Name:- Bai Qiao

Age:-152 years.


Bloodline:- None.

Special Body:-None

Cultivation Technique:- Yin Heaven's

Sword Heart Sutra

Cultivation:- Early Golden Core



'Isn't that too fast?'

Chen was surprised looking at her affection points. He never did something to make her feel able to give her life for him right?

[Host, her affection points for you was 79 even before this incident. The Sensitivity Increase skill includes emotional sensitivity as it is of the highest tier. Combined with your conversations which attracted her to your personality, your willingness to let your women do what they want brought it up that high as she is the type of woman who doesn't want to stick to one person.]

'I see... System, can a person with 90+ affection points betray my trust?'

Chen asked with extreme seriousness.

[Sexually, yes if they are the sluttier type but they will never put you in danger.]

Understanding what the system meant, he glanced at her seriously and replied, "I'm not sure if I'm in love with you. But you need to be sure of your own decision before that..."

Chen gave her the same explanation he gave to Yuxia about the system and also explained the recent quest.

"I apologize for using you for my own benefit but I want you to know the situation before considering loving me."

Bai Qiao had a lot to think about. But two main thing's needed to be addressed first. Firstly,

"I really do love you. Even if your techniques influenced my feelings, what I feel is mine after all. My feelings won't change just because of what you told me. As for the sleeping with men part, well I would have done that either ways, just to a lower extent."

Though that was only because he was okay with it.

Chen wasn't sure if he should feel sad that she was planning to cheat on him before even starting to date him or address the boner he had while thinking about it. Not letting him think, she continued,

"By the way, so Yuxia is fucking Xing'er? Don't you want to join them in a foursome?"

She gave a sultry smile as his erection grew to full mast.

'Addressing my boner it is.'

Chen gave her a smile and said,

"If that's what you want wifey, why not."

Bai Qiao was thinking of how to advance in their foursome when she realized what he just said. Her eye's widened as she asked,

"You will accept me as your woman?"

She was certainly hoping for it but seriously lacked the confidence.

"Why not? I don't know if I love you yet but I certainly like you as a person. I'm not destined to have a normal relationship so why not try dating you. After all, you did catch my interest emotionally way more then anyone except for Yuxia."

While she was a bit jealous of Yuxia for being above her in his heart, but as they say baby steps. She will do her best to at least reach Yuxia's level in his heart. But for now, this was enough.

What she didn't notice was the rapid changes taking place in her body. He did tell her about it but it just slipped her mind by then. She was already a peak beauty but now she reached close to Yuxia's level. Her breasts and ass grew more shapely and supple. Her pussy and asshole changed as well invisibly as she walked towards him.

"Let's go find Yu'er and Deng Xing. We have a rod and a hole waiting."

Chen's words were as vulgar as it gets. But Bai Qiao was too horny to care. She nodded furiously as she didn't even bother covering herself before flying out with Chen who still covered himself up. Chen shook his head and gave a defeated sigh. He caught her in his arms and carried her princess style and just used an invisibility Minor Art on her.

He sensed for Yuxia's location and flew at full speed.


At the training ground hours earlier,

Deng Xing found the feeling of her pussy indescribable. He instantly lost his mind as he tried to pound her senseless.

Unfortunately, it was too hard a task for his first time. While Yuxia wasn't exactly fucked silly, she was still having the time of her life. Her moans sounded out loudly and echoed throughout the area.

As unskilled as he was, he had a big enough dick to compensate. He had the biggest dick Yuxia took so far and that was saying something. He stood at a proud 12 inches. It would have been too much for any woman and could even hurt weaker Cultivator pussies. But for Yuxia, no size was too much due to the Divine Pussy skill. The problem was, when he first came inside her womb, his dick grew by 4 inches inside her pussy. Added with the fact that he was more skilled at sex now then his first time, his goal of fucking her senseless was no longer a dream.

"Aaaahng~Ah ~ Ahn~.. Fuck me hard~ Fuck my womb~..Ahn~ Make me pregnant with your child!"

Yuxia was practically screaming as hard as Bai Qiao on 5x pleasure mode. She fell to the ground but he kept ramming inside her as her breasts were deformed by the ground. His sexual stamina was enhanced as well as he didn't cum that easily.

"Ahn~... So good~... So~.. Ahn~.. Deep..."

She was cumming constantly. She was being fucked to the same state as Bai Qiao. He never stopped even as he came multiple times inside her as her stomach expanded being full of semen. She wasn't even using the contraception spell as she couldn't think through all this.

When he finally stopped with the greatest orgasm he had yet, Chen Jiandao and Bai Qiao had just arrived.

Chen immediately went next to Yuxia to check on her condition. Yuxia noticed his concerns and smiled genuinely. She was already out of her sex drunk stupor and said,

"Don't worry, it was just too pleasurable so I fainted for a second."

"Thank god your fine. Is everything really alright?"

Chen was still worried about her when a metallic sound rang in his head.

[Congratulations Host for the double happiness.

The NTR Quest is completed and the rewards will be distributed when the host wishes for it.

Congratulations to the Host yet again for your wife's (Yuxia) pregnancy. Due to your wife getting impregnated by the quest target, quest rewards have been increased by one level

Wishing host's happiness with your loving wife's.]

'Yuxia's pregnant?!! I ... don't know how to react but all I know is that I'm extremely aroused right now.'

Chen was extremely shocked. Yuxia not having his children was something he was expecting as he had the Netorare System.

But it happening so soon and being accidental and not due to a quest made it all the more arousing to Chen. Her semen filled womb made her look pregnant already.

"So.. Yuxia there are three things to tell you now. Firstly, Deng Xing impregnated you."



Yuxia was horrified. She thought he would be mad at her and that terrified her. Well that was untill she saw his rock hard erection. It wasn't that hard to understand what he was feeling so she sighed in relief.

Then she stared at her belly and thought, 'I have a baby in there? I'm going to be a mother! I'm unexpectedly feeling only happy about this. I guess I wanted to be a mother after all. I shouldn't have told him to wait till we were married for a few more years before impregnating me. Now he probably won't get the chance anymore.'

She looked at him, or more specifically at his cock again thought, 'Well, as long as he doesn't mind. Having someone else's children is turning me on so much!'

"So what's the next news?"

Chen was surprised by her accepting it so quickly but replied nonetheless,

"Our rewards were enhanced as well. Plus Bai Qiao and I came here to have a foursome."

"...The rewards can wait, you mean foursome as in Bai Qiao will be fucking Deng Xing? Her son?"

"I never thought of Xing'er that way till now. Looking back, it was such a waste."

Bai Qiao seductively licked her lips as she stared at Deng Xing's erection.

Deng Xing couldn't comprehend the situation. He got Elder Bing pregnant? And her husband isn't mad? His mother is standing in front of him nude and covered in sperm? Most likely just fucked by Elder Chen? And she was planning to have sex with him?

Bai Qiao could see his confusion. She approached him, walking as sensually as possible and said,

"Xing'er, don't think, just enjoy the ride."

She held his dick and pumped it a few times before positioning it to her pussy entrance.

Deng Xing then really stopped thinking and thrust his cock inside his mother. She was shocked by the size of his cock inside her. Her womb was pushed upwards as his cock rammed in.

Bai Qiao was feeling as good as being fucked by Chen in 5x pleasure before. Even better as she felt completely filled by her son's cock. The taboo feeling was even more of a plus. Her eye's rolled over as she fainted for a few seconds before regaining her senses. She had barely eased up on his cock as she tried to get used to it first. She had his cock in her pussy as she stood with one leg wrapping his waist and the other supporting her weight. Deng Xing wasn't having any of the waiting game though. He immediately started ramming her like a beast.

"Ahhhn~..Xing'er, slow~.. down~.. Ah~ a bit~"

Deng Xing fully ignored her cries as he focused on pleasuring himself. He took his mother in his arms as he used her like a sex toy. Bai Qiao's endless orgasm started yet again.

Seeing them mating like that, Yuxia gave Chen a naughty look, spreading her legs as Deng Xing's sperm flowed out,

"Is hubby okay with having sloppy seconds?"

"Of Course, My wife is the best."

Chen replied as he pushed her down and thrust his cock inside her wet pussy using the 5x pleasure skill. Deng Xing had loosened up her cunt so his cock slid in easily being lubed by his sperm.

His cock pleasured her as Yuxia's cries joined with Bai Qiao's and created a truly lewd symphony. The pure scenes of debauchery continued for the rest of the day as the men and women there had the best day of their lives.

So Bing Yuxia is forever going to be his number one. Though he'll marry other's and love them as well. But none quite as much as Yuxia.

Plus Shout out to Fourth Prince's Debauchery, and 6 times a day cause I plagiarized their sex scenes to an extent. Anyways imma inexperienced, r18 is hard.

KindaHard42069creators' thoughts