
Enter Filo !!

A/N - Hello guys ! Yesterday i posted a question and from both Wattpad and Webnovel combined longer chapters have won ! so from now on chapters will be 1000-2000 words long there will be about 1 chapter a week so i can also balance going back to school.

(Artoria's POV)

'curently we're walking towards the slave trader where Master got Raphtalia, i know that in the anime the slave trader gave me creepy vibes, lets check this out in the flesh'

"...We are here." (Master)

"Master, Should i join you inside or do you want me to stay guard outside ?"

'Please let me join you. Please let me join you. Please let m-'

"Why would you stay guard ? Just come in" (Master)

"Understood, master"

"Ah ! hello Shield Hero what do i owe the pleasure !?" (Slave Trader)

Almost as soon as we got inside the tent we were approached by a small plump man wearing extravagant clothes he's even wearing a monocle and top hat heck he even has the bow tie ! his coat has ruffled feathers around the top.

'He looks like a drama student to attached to his role.'

"well you see, i need you to redo the slave crest on Raphtalia here." (Master)

he brings Raphtalia to just in front of him and is holding her by the shoulder. i'm just a distance behind them behind Master, im sure the Slave Trader has noticed me but hes more focused on Master.

"wha- oh never-mind ! conveniently i have it placed out from a previous client. Just follow me into this side room" (Slave Trader)

we walk into the room where he goes to the table to pick up a brush and some weird Paint which im guessing can conduct manna easily, while he is getting that Raphtalia sits down and me and Master just stand near the door. After everything is all ready The Slave trader starts to apply the slave crest

"...And, that should do it" (Slave Trader)

Master walks forward

"...Hey.... are you really okay with this ?" (Master)

"Really ? What are you saying after all that !?" (Raphtalia)

"No.... it's just that..." (Master)

"Nonetheless I'm quite surprised, To think that slave would grow up to be suchh a pretty woman... Don't let live, but don't kill either. adm despite this, make its quality go up... this is how a true slave master should be, Don't you think ?" (Slave Trader)

'What this dough boy spouting...'

"Hey now... what kind of person do you see me as...?" (Master)

he walks up to Raphtalia and begins to inspect her face

"I'm quite amazed ! Such a beautiful piece could go for 20 gold coins, even if she wasn't a virgin !" (Slave Trader)

'This Mother Fu-' i dash forward and before any of them can notice ive moved im behind the Slave trader and looking straight at him and start drilling holes into his head with my glare

"I reccomend stopping your train of thought right now. I dont take kindly to you looking at Raphtalia like that nor what you are saying about her."

he begins to turn around and his face turns scared for an instance but then he turns back to his business persona but i still notice he is beginning to sweat

".. A-and h-h-hello to you to. w-who might you be ?" (Slave Trader)

"Saber. stop looking at him like that." (Master)

i listen to his words and stop trying to drill holes in his head but i am still looking at him with a tight gaze.

"a-ah your names Saber thats an.... unusual name...." (Slave Trader)

his eyes turn shocked as if he has realised something

".... Shield Hero, where did you find her to ... join your party ?" (slaver trader)

"Why do you ask ?" (Master)

"I- Well a while back i heard a legend that there is a ... Unique type of summoning magic which is only accessible to the Cardinal Hero's. It brings other worldly hero's to serve as companions to the hero who summons them, The heros are placed into 7 Classes with Saber said to be the strongest.... is- is she one of them ?" (Slave Trader)

"... yea. i guess" (Master)

The slave trader begins to get stars in his eyes

"a-ah let me buy her ill give you 4 no 6 thousand Gold!!" (Slave Trader)

"...Well..." (master

Master turns his head to me and looks conflicted

"Master, even if you wanted to ... sell me. I would of killed both you and him, ive put my full trust in you master and i answered your call, if you even attempt to sell me its saying that i was wrong answering your call and smearing my honor as a knight. Tell me Master, what will you do ?" i turn my gaze onto Master

'For some reason its making me remember me being forced to become casters servant... i dont like it.'

"d-dont worry, i wont sell you ! a-anyway ehh what are those...?" (Master)

he diverts our attention to a crate full of eggs trying to move the conversation on. it seemed to of worked on the Slave Trader as he goes straight into telling him all about those eggs

"..? oh ! you have a good eye ! those are the "Front" merchandise of this store !" (Slave Trader)

"Master Naofumi, These are monster eggs." (Raphtalia)

"So your business is a monster shop ? are there actually people interested in such a thing ?" (Master)

seeing them all talking about the eggs i just back off to the entrance of the side room

"Well, those birds pulling carraiges are monsters aren't they ? Master Naofumi must have seen at least one." (Raphtalia)

she says while turning her attention from him back to the eggs

"These are 100 silver coins per try ! it's a monster egg lottery ! If you get a winning one, you might get a Kiryuu ! thats quite the hefty profit ! If you buy 10, you get a chance to draw once from a box of eggs worth at least 300 coins each, yes." (Slave Trader)

'This guy really is one hell of a sales man'

"..so this is like a comp gacha, isn't it. How can i know if there's a winning one in the lot to begin with ?" (Master)

This sets the slave trader off making a expression as if he has been hurt

"Thats unthinkable !! We'd never trick out customers or lie about out products !!" (Slave Trader)

"Well we do have you and Saber to fight it doesnt hurt to add one more." (Master)


"Thank you for your business !!" (Slave Trader)

We're now heading our of the tent with Master holding an egg inside an incubator type thing, the egg also has the same Slave crest on it which Raphtalia has on her chest.

"Master Naofumi ...! (Raphtalia)

'Filo, im 100% sure this is the egg which contains Filo !! i cant wait to meet her ! her personality was always so good !' i can barley contain my happiness

"Its alright, i just wanted to take a shot at it. At worse, even if an usapiru comes out, we can raise and sell it... Things sure took a different spin." (Master)

"Master, ill Spiritualize now."

"eh ? yea, sure" (Master)

the familiar blue particles surround me and i begin to spiritualize.

Raphtalia brings out two sandwiches and offers one to Master

"Here ! i asked the castle for their left-overs ! There was so much food at the banquet, so.." (Raphtalia)

she begins to sit down on some near by crates and places the sandwich beside her

"That was very thoughtful of you." (Master)

"Its been a while since they were made so the taste might have dropped a bit..." (Raphtalia)

"I dont care, it's not like they have any taste.." (Master)

He picks up a sandwich and takes a bite into it, once he does he pauses for a second

"Master Naofumi ?" (Raphtalia)

"...It has flavor ? up until now, nothing i've eaten in this world has had any taste... Delicious..." (Master)

he smiles and begins to scoff it down with a huge idiotic smile on his face

'Its a funny face on him'

"..im glad, i've always been worried. Master Naofumi, from now on, please share your pain with me ! Im sure all of us together will overcome it... !" (Raphtalia)

"Raphtalia... Thank you." (Master)

he leans in and kisses her on the cheek

'hehe its such a positive scene i wish i has a phone !!'

i think master could hear me snicker a bit

"AH...! AAAHHHH... !!" (Raphtalia)

she begins to blush like a school girl

"...sorry. did you dislike that ?" (master)

"NO NO NO NONONONO !!" (Raphtalia)

she bring up her hands and begins to shake them to deny him

"Its fine if you're mad, that was rude of me. i won't do it again." (Master_

if it wasn't for my new personality i would be rolling on the floor laughing from this scene

"I-I-IT'S IT'S FINE !! " (Raphtalia)

P.s hello my dear readers, im sorry for not posting ive been more focused on my other Fanfic, im so sorry if its like ive disappeared if you only read this one ! im going to begin back on this and as i said at the start itll be about 1 chapter a week