
Part I

Chapter 1

Akira was a boy that appeared in front of a home as a baby in a basket born into a world filled with superpowers that were normalized throughout the world. The home he was placed was a huge house filled with others with abilities that are dangerous and need to be trained and refined before they can actually go out into the world.. most of them were born with no last name but have been raised here for a long time

Akira- "yawn" finally todays the day I'll finally see what power I have

Akira has just turned 12 he is a young boy with black hair and dark thick eyebrows as well as grey eyes and he wore a short sleeve black shirt and dark genes with black and white sneakers

Akira (presses the button next to his room door) -Head master I'm coming down now for my meeting

Sho (in the mic)- all right Akira don't be late

Akira runs down the stairs with a smile on his face

Keir- Yo Akira we're finally gonna see our powers today

Akira- hopefully if there bloomed than maybe we will already have control over our powers and leave

Kier- yeah maybe.. I hope me and you have cool powers Akira

Kier is the same age as Akira he was a light skin with black curly hair and golden brown eyes and wore a white button up short sleeved and black shorts as well as a bracelet with his name on it and red and white sneakers

Sho- your finally here

Kier- yes head master we're here to see our power

Sho- touch this orb

It was a round orb and looked as if there was a storm going on in it with clouds and lightning

Kier- o..oh k master.

Kier touches the orb the clouds lift and show the world spinning at an extreme rate

Sho- I see.. super speed we haven't had one of you ever it's very rare for someone like this to show

Kier- YES!

Sho- but you must learn to control it this power can destroy your fabric of time and space if not handled correctly the last to have super speed died of old age because his body aged at such a fast rate so be careful how you use these powers

Kier-oh.. can you tell me who he was?

Sho- he lived a few hundred years ago it's been a long long time since someone with these powers were present Kira but that also means you have to understand your responsibility

Akira- me next!

Sho- ahh yes Akira touch the orb

Akira touches the orb… they wait.. and wait

She- why isn't anything happening? Could it be you have no power? Then how could a normal person know about this place?…

Kier- wait something is happening

The orb starts shaking aggressively and breaks into pieces

Sho- H..how?.. th..the orb it's… how Akira the orb is unbreakable…

Akira- uhh.. I don't know..

Sho-… Kira you are to start training immediately go to gate 7.. as for you Akira… go back to your room

Akira- but I don't know my power..

Sho- Akira please..

Akira walks back to his room

Kier- it's okay Akira I'm sure you're powers are amazing..

Akira in his room plops his face down on his pillow

Akira- why me?.. now head master Sho will be upset for the next week or so..

Akira gets up and jumps out the window into a hedge and heads for the woods

Chapter II soon ;)