


Blane Samuel

/"Good thing Dylan is not in New York, so what's up?/" Lauren asked as she sat down across me. I looked at her and felt nothing

/"What?/" She asked

/"Can you hug me?/"

/"Blane, you'll get killed/" Lauren said not agreeing to the idea

/"Then hold my hand/" She took my hand and I looked at it


/"Nothing what?/"

/"I felt nothing/" I said honestly

/"That's great!/" Lauren clapped in happiness

/"Dylan will kill you if he sees this/" Marco walked in

/"Just need to confirm something/" I said and Marco raised his eyebrows

/"Look at me/" I said and Lauren looked at me intensely

/"Nope, nothing/"

/"That's great/" Lauren said but I sighed

/"You found someone?/" Marco asked

/"More like already found her 2 years ago/"

/"LAURENNNNN./" Autumn burst the door and she froze when she saw me