

Lets enjoy the journey together

Gift_Mathews · Action
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The unholy scene made Memphis's red eyes even redder like someone has put chill pepper on his eyes. The duo Chris and Nikki panicked and jumped into each others arm. Nikki almost passed out due to shock when she saw that the one who kicked the door is Memphis.

Memphis with red eyes burning with anger suddenly rushed towards the duo with any word and kicked Chris right on the money and he bursted his lips. Chris who was still in shock like he saw a ghost was kicked off the bed as he directly hit the draw beside the bed and lost consciousness. Memphis then pulled Nikki by her ponytail and slapped her like a mad dog.

He cursed at her: " you fucked up bitch, it was all your plan all along to send me to jail so that you can sleep with this motherfucker .." I went to prison for you bitch and this is how you repay me as soon as that words fall, Memphis smacked Nikki's face again.

Nikki was beaten as she almost lost her consciousness, she suddenly blurted out: Memphis how did you get here, i thought you will be released from prison tomorrow as soon as she said that Memphis slapped her face again and cursed : " i wanted to surprise you but i guess am the one who got surprise."

Nikki's face was solen like she was bitten by a bunch of bees. Chris suddenly gained consciousness and without wasting time he spoke: " Memphis have you forgotten why you went to jail it the first place, i will definitely call the police and they will take your ass back to jail." Nikki suddenly slapped Chris and cursed.

" You spoiled brat, do you think we will live to see the day, why are you provoking this person as you can see that he is angry at us." she looked at Memphis like she was about to die and cursed: " i don't care if you kill me today or in the next life but i will leave you with few words, Memphis i was never in love with you buddy as all what i wanted from you was your inheritance money. "

She continued " you think i will date a pauper like you, get a grip babe. You are not in the same level with me. I am a slayer, a slay queen and i was born with a sliver Spoon in my mouth. I don't need you in my life as you are such a loser brah. I was using you get what i wanted, to be with Chris as he got bigger balls than you and you will never be a man like Chris. I am so glad that you found us making love as i was about to make a mistake.

Lastly but surely she looked at him and laughed like the Gotham joker and said "oh honey has the cat cut your tongue, you went to jail for 3 years because you were a fool Memphis and you thought i will wait for you, hahaha."

Memphis who was listening to Nikki suddenly knelt with a boom on the floor and looked at Nikki with solen eyes. He chocked: 'if you didn't love me nor want me , why didn't you just live me instead of sending me to jail as i wasted my time there."

Nikki suddenly blurted: " dude did i tell you to beat Chris or pull you by your hands, the answer is no. I just used your anger to fool you,get a grip dude. "

Memphis was about to slapped her but he stopped and he said : " please leave my house before i do something i will regret. "

Nikki let out a crazy laugh that shocked Memphis as he was puzzled why she was laughing.

Chris suddenly gained the courage to criticise and humiliate Memphis. He blurted :" oh Memphis i pity you as you lost everything buddy, this house is mine now. I bought it to humiliate you as it was a compensation for the beating i got from your hands."

Nikki added: " you will be homeless at the age of 25, with a criminal record, hahaha. You have lost everything Memphis. I am God in your eyes as i Own you,i am your creater. " Nikki let out a crazy laugh

Memphis sighed softly and asked with an angry voice: " what do you mean that you bought my house Chris?. I never sold my house to anyone. "

Nikki who was still laughing, stuck out her tongue and spoke : " oh honey you are such a fool, do you remember the last i visited you at jail? She let out a bit of laughter and happiness again. Nikki continued : i bought few papers with me the time i visited you and i told you it was for the insurance. As you were blinded by love and lust i used it to my advantage, i knew that you will not hesitate to sign then without looking as you trusted me. I told you to read before signing but you declined. "

Nikki suddenly imitated Memphis's voice :" its ok baby, i won't read anything as i trust you.i know that what you do is for us, our future."

Nikki sighed and continued :" So honey those were the change of ownership papers, and do you know what this means?

Chris added to the statements made by Nikki : " it was all part of my plan, i knew that you love Nikki so i came up with this plan and i wasn't surprised when i saw the results as i knew you were going to sign without any hesitation. So in short Memphis you have broken into my house buddy, should i call the police as you also assaulted us. Honey quickly call the cops. "

Nikki without hesitation she nodded and took her phone which was on top of the draw and called the police." hello is this the police? " Nikki asked with a distressed voice

The operator responded :" yes madam, this is the police how can i help you? "

Nikki cried and said " Mr officer please help us, there is a man in our house, he just assaulted me and my boyfriend."

The operator as soon as he heard those words he suddenly blurted out "madam please tell me your names and full address."

Nikki responded "my name is Nicole Petson aged 23 residing at Brookland street, Springhills. I am with my boyfriend Christian Robert aged 28 with the assaulter Memphis Kelly aged 25 who just got out of prison today."

The operator nodded and assured Nikki : "Mrs Petson, help is on the way, the responding officers will be there in 15 minutes. So hang in there mrs Petson."

Nikki nodded and thanked the officer and she did hang up the phone. She looked at memphis who hasn't responded yet he just knelt on the floor with his face buried on the floor too like he was kowtowing.

She blurted out " Memphis the police are coming for buddy and you will pay for what you did." she did not expect that Memphis still hasn't moved or said anything so she continued "dude are deaf or are you dead."

Chris suddenly got up and spoke "Nikki he is done, he is mental broken. He is not aware of what's happening here.lets just wait for the police to take him."

Nikki nodded and said " we have already won, so lets just leave him without any charges."

Chris smiled and nodded with excitement. Soon a knock was heard downstairs." hello this is the police. "

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