
In deep

The Battlemage and Chi-Master sunk down into the lake, noting the bars popping up on their screens indicating their oxygen levels.

When the looming shadow over them grew bigger they doggy paddled until their characters were straight.

Chau floated like a looming glow fish, making the hackers wary. Though he had elevation Chaud did not strike.

Regardless, the battlemage AlbertrossCrow and Chi-Master CallofSwallows put their guard up.

With blade in hand Chau charged at the duo, as they prepared to counter-attack. AlbertrossCrow attempted to swipe at Chau with his spear, but Chau double jumped finishing the 2nd jump using the Battlemage as a stool.

CallofSwallows fired a chi-bullet, and in responses Chau spun around it, back to the pair. He zoomed through the Chi-Master cutting through them and their partner.

They tried to fire off more skills, but Chau dashed through of them and harassing them with his own.

In response to a dragon-tooth Chau used shining cut. When CallofSwallows got hasty he used Sky-Piercing Strike, and Chau used teleporting-cut and cutthroat.

The harder they struggled the more their Oxygen bars would drop. Meanwhile Chau found opportunities to bob his head above the water for air.

"What do we do!?" CallofSwallows asked frantically.

"We don't have time for this. Just, OHKO him so we can get out of here." AlbertrossCrow said.

"Even if he reports us?" The Chi-Master said.

"We'll be logged off before he can do anything, we don't have time for some random PK." The Battlemage retorted, pointing at their oxygen bars.

"Alright." On CallofSwallows keyboard, they typed rapidly as windows prompt windows opened one by one.

Chau was coming back for another strike, steadily taking aim at the hackers. Chau was ready to use teleporting cut, but one blink, and the chi-master sped to him. Much faster than he should be able.

A half second at best and after the dash Callofswallows used Flash Burst to grasp Chaus face and electrocute him.

This effect was enhanced underwater and Chaus Assassin looked to be vaporized.

"There, we can go!" The hacker called, and motioned for AlbertrossCrow to swim up.

"Too many PKs in this game…" The battlemage complained, as he swam to the surface.

As the two neared the surface they found themselves spun around and assaulted with cuts.

The pair were shocked to find Chau unharmed and drifting down like a predator.

"I said 1 and done!" AlbertrossCrow yelled to the Chi-Master.

"It was clearly more than one! I set the damage value to 99999!" Callofswallows shouted back!

"Let me see!-Ugh!?" AlbertrossCrow let out a grunt as he saw they're own bar of oxygen was nearly empty, and CallofSwallows was no better.

"There's no more time!" The chi-master gritted noting that Chau was slowly approaching.

"Those guilds are probably heading back into town by now…" the battlemage thought angrily.

"We could let ourselves die, but we don't know whered we respawn." CallofSwallows suggested.

"If we do that there's nothing we can do about speeding up the death timer!" AlbertrossCrow crow raged.

Chau loomed closer and their oxygen bars were almost gone.

With a Shrill the hackers made their decision.

"FORGET IT! Max out everything and we'll bum rush him and get out of here!" The battlemage said fiercely.

CallofSwallows nodded and lamented lamtentrd their choice.

Their oxygen bars hit zero, but their characters didn't faint or die. They rages at Chau and created riptides swimming towards him.

AlbertrossCrow used Dragon Breaks the Ranks. CallofSwallows attacked with Qigong Blast.

"Gotcha." Chau said with a smile.

It was at that moment Chau revealed his Guild-tag.

The hackers knew they had made an error,

but it was already too late.