
TK is OP: Danmachi

The MC: Ezekiel is a normal 15yo kid when he gets pulled from his monotonus day-to-day life and into one of adventure, chaos, and danger after transmigrating into the world of Danmachi. Im just dipping my toes into writing so any criticism is good criticism.

Raging_Waves · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

A New World D.M.V.

(Detrimental and Murderous uniVerse)

I was woken by a sound I can only describe as something so high pitched it could make a bat piss its pants.

Turns out the culprit was a one Bell Cranel who had woken up to a sleeping Hestia only centimeters from his face. Guess I won't be missing my alarm clock anytime soon.

After this morning's likely not so isolated "Incident" we were all up earlier than needed. Amd with the other two members of my new familia currently getting ready along with my lack of possible preparations. I had some time to kill.

I exited the basement and went out the back door. Where I was greeted with the smallest backyard I had ever seen if you could even call it that. Really it was just a patch of grass that went behind the church still it will do just fine for what I have planned.

Speaking of which, I decided to make use of my extra time by attempting to use my newly acquired skill this so called Telekinesis. The only problem being I didn't know how, I tried just looking at a rock and saying "Telekinesis' '.... yeah that didn't work. Not even sure why I tried that, just chalk it up to insanity.

Then I went for the more conventional and less embarrassing possibility. Namely just looking at the aforementioned rock then willing it to move, this time and to my immense relief it worked. Im not sure how but hey, progress is progress. Making it move off the ground was easy too, now to test the speed. Whats interesting is I found I could move the rock as fast as I wanted.

That was all I had time for though as I heard the basement door open. I entered the church and saw Bell all geared up along with Hestia who was "ready" too I guess. How do those even pass for clothes in this world?

"You ready Zeke"


With that we set off through the streets of Orario. I have to say after a "good" night's rest the more unique parts of this city feel almost highlighted to me now.

Chalk it up to my inexperience with being the one who gets isekied and not the one reading/watching them I guess. (Lot of chalk being used today)

"So what made you decide to become an adventurer Ezekiel? '' Hestia questioned trying to fill in what probably seemed to them as awkward silence. But was really me just being amazed by the scenery.

"Adventuring was my first real goal since coming into this world and it's been that way every day since." I quickly bullshitted even though It wasnt completly true I had to word it so that it wasnt exactly a lie either. Gods can be tricky, what with their Judge Judy-ass lie detection powers.

"It was the same way for me. '' Bell chimed in seemingly more eager than me about the events planned for today. "My grandfather used to always tell me stories about adventurers and how cool they were. So when I arrived in Orario I steeled myself and immediately started looking for a familia, that was when I met Hestia."

"And im glad you did Bell I think I'd still be living off the other gods if you haven't come along" Hestia replied somewhat reluctantly.

"G-Goddess" Bell barely managed to stammer before being interrupted by a now suprisingly upbeat Hestia.

"We are here!"

At that I turned away from the duo and looked up to see a rather extravagant building with colorful banners arranged along its front.

"Are you sure your ready Zeke" Bell asked

"Sure enough that I don't want the walk here to be a complete waste." As we walked in I saw a few decently sized groups of adventurers presumably discussing the dungeon. But let's be real a lot of them are probably just talking about normal stuff.

I then see an Elf guild worker approach us and begin to speak.

"Good morning Bell, Hestia, and who might this be."

"That's actually what we're here for Eina. This is the newest member of the Hestia familia and we came here to get him registered as an adventurer." Bell said

"Oh really that's surprising, anyway if you two would wait out here a moment and you can follow me." The now named Guild worker replied rather effiicently.

After being led to a small office-like room and being seated, Eina left the room for a bit then came back with some paperwork in her hands. She then sat at her desk just across from me and began.

"This is just the guild registration form so I will ask you some questions and I will answer honestly. Ready?"

"As i'll ever be"

"Question one what is your name"

"Ezekiel Braun"

"Question two how old are you"

"I am 15 years old"

"Question three where where you born"


"Ok moving on question four what did you do before becoming an adventurer"

"This is my first job"

"Okay question five what familia are you with"

"The Hestia Familia"

"Okay that's it for the registration now ont-

-----------------10 minutes later-----------------

"Alright now we're finally done welcome to the Guild of Orario Ezekiel"

"Thank for the help and goodbye" I exited the room and went back to the lobby to see only Hestia waiting for me.

She told me that Bell had just left for the dungeon and was sorry he couldn't congratulate me for getting registered.

After that we went home and hestia left to look for a job which left me to hold down the fort(not there was much to hold down).

I just went back to where I practiced my Telekinesis earlier this morning and resumed my skill-oriented investigation.

And after finding the same rock used this morning and dubbing It "Sedi"(Its a sedimentary rock(-_-) ) I once again began using my newly acquired skill I tried breaking line of sight, I tried rotation, vibration, and I tested my limits, etc...

Boring parts aside the results are anything but. First off I established that line of sight is needed for my telekinesis to work. Unless for example I am using telekinesis on a object if line of sight is broken I can still use it on the object I lost line of sight with until I stop using it on that object. Second I can vibrate and rotate objects its not just movement in the cardinal directions.

Third my limits are a bit weird to say the least I cant lift my own body yet I can use telekinesis on it. IE. I can use it to move myself its just not strong enough to lift me. Fourth Im limited to only one target at a time

Fifth and finally my range seems to be about 5 meters. Even then this ability seems to be completly busted. I mean telekinesis is the literal manipulation of matter limited only by the imagination and creativity of the user themselves.

With the rules Ive established so far I would say im one of the stronger adventurers even considering the fact I am level one. I will continue to test my limits and see if improvement can be made through constant use if at all.

--------------Timeskip late evening--------------

Hestia arrived back at the church about an hour ago but Bell just came back. As soon as hestia was done with him meaning talking amlnd checking his Falna checked I started hammering him with questions about the dungeon and the monsters whithin.

I watched the show but I wanted to noth make sure and refresh my knowledge. Who knows this could be an AU. Though nothing at the moment shows any validity twoards that theory thankfully.

He told me about the Goblins, kobolds, and dungeon lizards. Although he hasnt encounterd the last one yet. He also told me he has been an adventurer for 11 days now.

I knew the other stuff but considering how long bell has been an adventurer means that I only have about 4 days before the main story starts.

I then asked him when I will get to enter the dungeon and he said that tomorrow should be fine as they have enough valis saved up to get me some starter equipment even if just barely.

We once again go to sleep bit this time when the morning comes bell lends me a pair of clothes for the day. That was probaly the most haply ive been to wear a clean shirt in my life.

Anyway with daylight burning bell once again leads me to the guild this time without Hestia following suit.

As we enter we encounter a new guild worker named "Gielen" and purches some beginner armor and a knife from him I put it on and off we go

This feels kind of quick but what in Danmachi isnt, that is literally its whole shtick I mean bell is only an adventurer for half a month before the main story and is already soloing floors 1-4 which is considered normal like what.

It feels way too fast but that doesnt stop it from being my new reality. Speaking of speed we have already arrived at the dungeon and I gotta say the nerves are really getting to me. I are heading into underground to slaughter monsters who are almost sapient while in a completly sapient cave. All this a mere two days after getting telported into the world of an ecchi anime made for degenerates.

Seems normal enough.

Normal enogh for me to not stop any way. As we decend the stairs bell tries to give me some words of encouragement

Dont worry Zeke Im sure you will do fine, I did and no one was here to help me when I did it and you even have a skill to belp you on top of that. If its any comfort I will try my best not to let anything happen to you.

Then the floor collapses... and well something happened to me.

I try to stp my fall with my telekinesis and it works partially at least my fall slows bit not completly. now im so far down I can barely hear Bells screams above me and im only getting farther away.

I cant see much its mostly dark bit then the impact comes immense pain starting at my left shoulder with a pop then going on to my side with a sickening crack and finally my head suddenly the pain stopped the darkness clouding my vision however did not.

When I finally came to there was a stabning pain in my left side but when I shifted my arm to feel the area I was just greeted with more pain. I decided to open my eyes as I just realized I hadnt yet. When I did the sight before me was not one of wooden walls and a comfortable bed but a dimly lit cave.

I suppose I should have expected that though I have been in this world a couple days already. I feel extra pathetic right now, I can barely move and i want nothing more than to just lay here and cry.

Thats not true I would rather get out of here than wallow in my own self pity, so thats what I ppan to do.

At first I started slowly inching twoards the right wall by pulling myself along the ground with my right arm leaving the left to drag limply on the other side of my body. All for fear of feeling that pain all over again.

As I reached the wall I tried to sit up with my back against it. It seems my ribcage did not like that Idea well, if the screaming pain at the slightest rotation is anything to go off of that is. Still though I tried once again this time I was able to push through the pain and finally rest my back against the cold rock.

After what felt like hours but was more realistically closer to a few minutes I finally worked up the courage to lift my body with my right side this time the pain wasnt so bad. I prayed that meant I was okay and the pain was all shock just factor, a mere figment of my imagination. Though when I looked down at the small blood trail I left from the point of impact to the wall that prayer dissapeared.

And It was replaced by an overwhelming sickness and urge to vomit. Contrary to my expectations I pushed through. I also noticed the stream of tears that had been flowing down my cheeks since I stood up if I had to guess.

It still takes all I have to support myself with my arm and legs. It was than I remembered the one good thing thats come out of this planetary transversal so far, by that Im referring to my skill "telekinesis".I decide to use it on my body and try my best to hold it up.

While I didnt lift off the ground my body felt as if it got almost three times lighter which with everything else going to shit made me want to cry more than I alredy have today.

Thankfully with this massive relief on both my muscles and mind I feel as if I have enough energy to move forward now. Wherever forward even is.

As I move and wince at almost every step down this corridor I have a lot of time to think about my actions in this world so far and in my last one. I could have done so much better if I had just given it my all. If this stupid fucking tower didnt try to kill me. My life could have been so much better but here I am. Wet from tears and blood dying in a glorified bear cave.

I guess the dungeon must have heard that last thought because as I finished it the walls opened up and the ground shook.


Sorry It took so long to get this out I am procrastination incarnate. no excuses.

Also this chapter is slightly longer than the last one that will keep happening until I reach 3,000 words per chapter.

Raging_Wavescreators' thoughts