

old book

Dynaxty · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

62 Breakfast

Ryan stayed cultivating for the rest of the night. The next day Ryan woke up, and started his day with the excitement that had remain from his win yesterday.

He walked downstairs of the inn with more confidence than normal, making his way to the dinner part of the inn to eat breakfast. Tom and the siblings was already at the table waiting on him. It had been a routine to eat together every morning.

"I see the fight you had yesterday went good." Tom said with a light chuckle.

"Why would you say that?" Ryan asked as he raised his eyebrow looking at Tom.

"Any person in this inn could tell, who would wake up this excited to start there day." Brian said in a mocking tone.

Ryan laughed at Brian words. "Didn't know it was that easy for people to tell i was excited. But I guess I shouldn't be that surprised that I'm still excited, since I had won my fight effortlessly, and i had made a bet with all my mana stones on the fight."

Brian eyes widened. "You actually put all your mana stones as a bet, what would of happen if you had loss."

"Does it matter what would had happened, I won so I don't need to worry about that." Ryan said confidently and sat down with everyone.

"How did the fight go exactly, and who you fought." Tom asked.

Ryan accurately retold everything that had happened during the fight. He wanted to know of ways to get out of that shadow bind spell, maybe there was a simple solution he was unaware of.

"You had almost lost, you got trapped as soon as the fight started. Where was the effortless part of the fight. If he had any other way to attack or just had tried to make you consume all your mana first the ending would of been completely different. Even him simply being on guard more when he came up to you would of changed everything." Brian said exasperatingly at Ryan.

Ryan just awkwardly laughed it off in embarrassment.

"Who would of thought there own shadow would attack them. Just in case if I fight someone with a similar spell, what is the best way to get out of it." Ryan eyes traveled across everyone as he said that.

"There are no real good way to get out of spells like that, they are classified as binding spells for a reason. You can only break out with brute force. The reason you couldn't was simply he had a rank advantage, the gap between a novice and apprentice is bigger than you think."

"The gap is the quality change in there mana compared to yours. To be honest i always been surprised your aura could even effect a rank 2 apprentice so much. Your aura still around 50% effective on them while a normal rank1 novices should only be around 30% effective." Tom gave Ryan a meaningful look.

"But you are still a rank 1 at the end of the day, so if you don't have any spell that could counter it than you have to just wait it out sadly."

"Would that spell work on yall." Ryan said out of curiosity looking at Brian and Elizabeth.

"It depends, you had said it made it's way up your body and it got even harder to break free. I would assume I could have broken free if I noticed it soon enough but if I wait to long it could probably only bind me for around 3 seconds." Brian said after thinking for a little bit.

"Same." Elizabeth said emotionlessly.

Tom jumped back in the conversation, looking at Ryan."What's your plan now, will you continue to fight, or just focus on ranking up. You must had gained alot of mana stones."

"Im not to sure just yet." Ryan paused for a little as he looked around the table debating something in his head.

"How many mana stones can yall use a day." Ryan asked everyone

"We will be using more than you, we are at a higher rank. But when I was at rank 1 it had took 5 or 6 mana stones before I had to wait a around half a day before i could continue." Brian said with pride in his tone, which slightly confused Ryan.

"Same." Elizabeth said the same way like last time. Ryan eyes just briefly landed on her, until Tom started talking.

"It had took me around 8 or 9 mana stones, my talent for cultivation is not that good. I could only control like 40% of the mana i had pulled out the stone while the rest dispersed into the air."

(Oh, is that why Brian was prideful of what he had said. Am I that untalented that it takes so many mana stones to fill up my core shell.) Ryan sat there quietly thinking to himself, not responding to there responds.

They all looked at each other once they noticed Ryan was zone out in thinking. They decided to leave him be, they had thought he feels some type of way about how many he have to absorb.

Ryan came out his daze and his eyes focused back in. "I made up my mind, there are still around 3 weeks before the entry test. I will focus on cultivating and training for the next 2 weeks."

"Hopefully some one will challenge me, and plus I will be getting 50 LG mana stones for being the champion for a month. I will challenge another rank2 fighter after that with the extra mana stones, in hopes to gain more mana stones before entering the academy."

"You are talking like it going to be easy to enter the academy, but hope you understand how hard it will be. There will be a thousand or 2 people at the entry test. Each academy will be only accepting around 30 or 40 people. The truly talented people they want was already referred in, it will not be surprising if some academy accept even less than that." Tom said in a sullen tone.

"I will enter the academy, 'BELIEVE IT.' "

Everyone gave Ryan a weird look hearing him say that. It was awkwardly silence for awhile, until Brian broke the silence.

"Sooo, let's order the food now."

Time pass uneventfully, all Ryan did was train and cultivate. During the past 2 weeks Ryan did accept a challenge and won.

The only thing that worried Ryan over the 2 weeks was the fact he ran out of his extra mana stones. He did eventually filled up his mana core shell it took him 30 something mana stones. He may had overestimated himself thinking it would take nearly a hundred but 30 mana stones is still to high. His mana core still at the beginning of rank 1.

He have no choice but to fight another rank2 again and win as many fights as he can before the entry test. He just waiting until he gets the 50 LG mana stones for being the champion for a month first. He didn't want to risk losing right before the month ends.