
Title : The Enigma Unleashed: Vijay - AN UNTAMED FORCE

In the mystical continent of "Bharatvarsha" , a land steeped in ancient traditions and martial prowess, the legacy of martial arts has endured from time immemorial to the far-flung future. In this captivating tale, the realms of humans, and "asuras", collide, and the echoes of divine powers intertwine to shape the fate of the world. As the factions of humans hone their combat skills and delve into the sacred arts of hand-to-hand combat and weapon mastery, a looming threat emerges from the depths of darkness. The "asuras" , masters of forbidden arts, fierce and cunning warriors, join forces to plunge "Bharatvarsha" into chaos. Amidst this epic struggle for dominance, the enigmatic "devas" and "gods" bestow their gifts upon chosen champions. These extraordinary individuals possess powers beyond mortal comprehension, heralding a new era of heroism and sacrifice. The fate of "Bharatvarsha" now rests in the hands of these warriors.

Silence_of_Scribes · Action
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7 Chs

"Farewell, Grandma: A Journey of Grief and Sorrow"

"Yeeaaaahh... swish... stab!"....

Vijay stretched his arms, slashing through the air and stabbing the corcotta's neck with the pointed end of the wooden pole.

Silence fell upon the forest.

"Ah... sh*t... hey, give me a hand here," Vijay said, lying on the ground as he removed the stabbed pole from the corcotta's neck.

Vijay took a moment to rest, then tied his wound and the buckets with a piece of cloth and headed towards the Grukul.

As they left the scene, some shadowy figures resembling humans vanished into the canopies, and a strange eye-like thing came into appearance.


Vijay and the child reached the Gurukul, their eyes met the gazes of everyone present there, as if those gazes were poking right through them.

"Ahem...ahem... As everyone who passed the first test is here, let's start with the second test," Guru G declared.

"But before that, I want all of you to know about the three types of energies present inside one's body called 'mana,' 'prana,' and 'kundalini.' Well, each has a different role inside the body and provides different attributes to oneself."

"For example, 'mana' represents the collective energy force from the body's muscles and tissues, hence providing strength."

"While 'prana' embodies the energy of healing and life force, promoting physical well-being and vitality, and therefore providing healing abilities."

"On the other hand, 'kundalini' symbolizes spiritual power and awakening, unlocking higher consciousness, and enabling one to tap into their inner potential and divine energy."

"Of all the three, 'kundalini' is the most powerful one, and hence it is the most difficult one to harness."

"Now All of you, one by one, stand on the 'yantra' for your evaluation. After the scanning, the grading will be announced, showing your initiate threshold energy."

"Based on this, the counselors will evaluate you for admission to their academies," Guru G gestured towards a projection hovering above the stage, showcasing a diagram of the same design inscribed on the stage floor."

"Remember, it is merely the initial threshold energy, and you might harness greater power later. If you currently lack a subtle amount of any energy, don't feel disheartened by the results. Keep practicing and strive harder for the next year."

"Now, let's start the evaluation," Guru G declared.

The first student walked up to the stage, standing between the "yantra," and a projection appeared, scanning her body.

"'Mana' – 'E' grade, 'Prana' – 'D' grade, 'kundalini' - 'null' grade," a female voice radiated through the air, displaying the results on a holographic screen.

The kids' gazes filled with excitement as they witnessed this majestic act.

"Next," Guru G declared.

One by one, all the students stepped up on the projection and received their evaluation. Finally, it was Vijay's turn.

"I must pass this evaluation, I must... Grandma is waiting for me to show her my academic crest," Vijay thought as he stepped toward the 'yantra.'

"'Mana' - 'null' grade, 'Prana' – 'G' grade, " the voice echoed. 'kundalini' - ... 'null' grade," the voice echoed , displaying the results.

As Vijay listened to the voice, his heart sank like a stone in a bottomless pit, his body quivered with a mix of fear and uncertainty, and his legs felt as if they were about to collapse beneath the weight of the world. The words echoed in his mind, echoing louder with every passing second, a deafening reminder of his limitations.

"Vijay... Vijay... Vijay, step down from the stage and join the line," a faint voice ran through Vijay's ears, pulling him back.

"No... no... nooo... I... I promised Grandma... she is waiting for me," Vijay's thoughts echoed like a desperate plea in his mind as he stepped down from the stage. His heart pounded with a mix of emotions - fear, disappointment. An image of Grandma lying on the hospital bed unconscious and him being unable to heal her ran through his mind. The memory of her weakened smile and loving encouragement intensified his sense of failure.

"First of all, I want to announce something about the inconvenience during the first round. 'Vijay' and 'Dev,' step forward," Guru G declared.

Vijay and the child 'Dev' stepped up, but Vijay's body was trembling, his heart thumping hard, and his wound bleeding profusely.

As he stepped forward, the counsellor of Nalanda University stood up. A green glow of energy appeared from her hand and entered Vijay's wound, healing it completely. Despite this, Vijay's situation didn't improve.

"We have been monitoring you with this artifact," Guru G showed an eye-like magic tool, "and we have always prioritized your safety. We were on standby and didn't intervene when you were fighting with Corcotta. Of course, we would step in if the situation turned wrong."

"So, to appreciate Vijay for his courage and determination, we suggest 'Vijay' to ask something from the counselors," Guru G added.

Listening to Guru G's words, Vijay's face brightened up, and he immediately asked, "I want to enroll in Nalanda Academy."

As Vijay spoke, the gurukul fell silent.

"Well...we have considered your request, but this is something we have to discuss first, so let's proceed with the evaluation of the others first," Guru G said after a long wait.

"I am gonna be a healer. I am gonna cure my grandma. I am gonna show her my crest," Vijay thought, his heart filled with anticipation as he stood back in the line.

As the evaluation ended, now it's time for Vijay's reward. As Vijay was called upon, his eyes glimmered, his hands were ready to take the crest, colliding with his legs ready to run to his grandma at any moment.

"Umm... Vijay, we have considered your request, but we can't accept your request as your initiate grade for prana is 'G' grade," the counselor of Nalanda University declared.

As the words entered Vijay's ears, his legs gave up, his body trembled, small drops of silver fell upon his clenched fists, wetting his eyes, leaving a black trail on his face.

"But the counselor of Takshila University decided to accept you," Guru G said, pointing his hands towards the counselor of Takshila.

listening to the words somehow soothed Vijay a little, and he regained his composure a little.

"Can you please give me the crest now? I want to show it to someone...please," Vijay pleaded to Guru G and the counselors, wiping out his tears.

Guru G whispered something to the counselor and signed the two people holding a tray with a red cushion where the crest was placed. They presented the crest to Vijay.

"Thank you... can I leave now... I have to hurry...before...before..." Vijay said with a shivering voice, after accepting the crest and kneeling in front of the counselors.

"Okay...you can go," Guru G replied while sighing.

Before Guru G finished the sentence, Vijay ran out of the gurukul, towards the village clinic.

"Yeah... it's okay if I won't be able to become a healer... it's okay... as Guru G told me that the threshold energy does not decide whether one can become a healer or not. I can become one later... now at least... I can admit to one of the top five academies... Grandma will surely be happy."

Vijay ran without stopping to catch a breath until he reached the clinic. Just as he reached there, he noticed some people wearing white 'kurta and pajamas' sitting on the benches outside the clinic and murmuring something.

"Why are there so many people here today? Did someone get extremely injured today?" Vijay thought, ignoring their murmuring.

As he was about to enter the clinic, he bumped into someone.

"Ah... sorry, I don't mean to-" Vijay rubbed his head, noticing the familiar figure.

"Oh... Vijay... why are you here... haven't you gone to the selection examination?"

"He.. he.. he... 'tada!!' I got my crest for Takshila University." Vijay smiled and showed the crest to the doctor.

"Oh... oh... really?" the doctor replied with an astonished voice.

"Oh... by the way, where is grandma? I want to show her my crest. Where is she?" Vijay asked.

"She... she..." the doctor replied with a saddened face.

Vijay slipped through beside the doctor, calling for grandma, but just as he entered, he noticed grandma lying on a thatch bed.

"Why... why... grandma was lying there... why... there is... cot... cotton in her nose and ear... why..." Vijay's voice trembled with shock.

He fell upon the ground, grief flowing through his eyes. His mind went black as the one who cherished him dearly seemed to be getting distant with every passing moment.

"Vija... Vijay..." faint voices of blurry figures called Vijay.

Vijay's vision became blurry as the sense of loss overcame him. The memories of grandma giving him praises, him feeding her medicine and porridge, him poking her with jokes, left him yearning for a moment with her to show her his crest.

Vijay was totally devastated by the grief of loss and the sense of incompleteness. It felt like he was sinking into a deep abyss with no hand to help him.

After grandma's 'Antim Sanskar,' Vijay went home. As he entered the house, he heard some chuckles and sounds. As he removed the curtain, they faded, leaving complete silence.

"Why... why... somewhere in myself I know that you don't have much time, but why this soon... why... oohhh... grandma..." Vijay cried and lay over grandma's bed.

The sun soon set, as if tired, yet the moon was late in its arrival, filling the house with emptiness and no strands of light.

Over the next month, Vijay shut himself in with no contact from the outside world. Mr. Singh and the clinic doctor tried to help him up and bring him back, but there was no response.

At last, they gave up and thought letting him be would be the best decision.

Finally, the day of departure arrived. The whole village was decorated with flowers, decorative fabrics, and colorful lights.

People decorating the paths gave way to the grand carriages of universities, with their emblems engraved on the carriages.

The carriages reached the Gurukul. Their arrival was greeted with magical trumpets and shehnais, with flowers showering from above. Many families were gathered to say goodbye to their children.

After some announcements and speeches from Guru G and counselors, the kids wearing their unique uniforms, each distinguished with color, design, and crest, made their way to the carriages and one by one sat into them.

Despite this event, Guru G seemed a little bit confused, moving his gaze through the crowd, as if searching for someone.

"Where the hell is this boy? ... Well, I know that the death of his grandma hit him deeply, but he had to think of his future. I am afraid if he misses this opportunity, it will be pretty hard for him to get admission next year," Guru G thought.

The carriages were finally ready to depart, yet there was no sign of Vijay...

The counselor of Takshila took a glance toward Guru G, but he nodded no, getting Guru G's reply.

The counselor declared, "Let's depart," but just as they were about to leave, a faint and familiar voice rang out:

"Please wait!!!"




....✦chapter end "you" aesthetics.....hmm...yeah...you have to wait..✦



Meanings and words


1. Gurukul: Ancient Indian educational system with students living with teachers for holistic learning.

2. Yantra: Sacred geometric diagram used for spiritual meditation and worship.

3. Mana: Measure of mental or psychic energy in the evaluation process.

4. Prana: Vital life force or energy used for assessing a student's vitality.

5. Kundalini: Dormant spiritual energy coiled at the base of the spine.

6. Antim Sanskar: Last rites or funeral rituals after someone's passing in Hindu customs.

7. Kurta: Loose-fitting traditional Indian garment, often worn by men.

8. Pajamas: Comfortable trousers, typically worn for sleeping or lounging.

9. Nalanda: Ancient Indian center of learning with a renowned university attracting scholars worldwide.

10. The practice of placing cotton in the nose and ears and dressing the deceased in "kurta pajamas" is a customary funeral ritual in India.



I do not favor any religion in this story, nor do I promote hatred towards any other religion. The world setting of the story combines elements from the past, present, and future conditions of societies. As a result, everything mentioned here is purely imaginative and intended to pique readers' interests. Please don't take the content to heart; simply enjoy it, and if you find it uninteresting, feel free to move on to another story. Thank you for reading.

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