
chapter four boyfriend or lover

The friendship between Tolu and Johnny was the talk about in senior class, most people thinks they were a couple while some said they were friends.victoria who is madly in love with Johnny went about gossiping about Tolu

"she thinks she beautiful or Tolu pretend a lot " has always been to the subject of her gossip ,she finds fault about everything Tolu does but despite the gossip they were inseparable . Nice will always ask Tolu do you like Johnny? but the answer she always got was we are just friends. The school intersport competition was close ,the five different house which were red, blue, yellow, white and green house was been shared among the student, everyone was to bring out they best in order to win . During the intersport rehearsal , Johnny amazed his team mates he was very good at sports, when it comes to run, swimming and he was also very good at basketball ,his house master entrusted him with representing them" up red house ! up red house! his fellow house mates always shout . Johnny wish he was in same house with Tolu ,Tolu who was a member of white house put on her best to came , she was going for the hundred meter and three hundred meter race Mr Johnson they house master was known as king of sports because his house always win the sports competition,he was said to possess the power of bringing the best out of his student .


After the prolong rehearsal the intersport competition took place ," White house will win for sure " the student said among themselves . The competition begin with the school principal inviting some honorable personalities to the high table and everyone was ask to stand up for the national anthem after at the match pass preformed by the five houses , the hundred meter race by the junior students was won by white house team fellowed by the hundred meter senior girl but white house lost to red by coming out second position,Tolu was not satisfied with her performance by coming out second position . Johnny walked up to Tolu

" I never knew you were good at running"

" but I came the second place"

" it doesn't matter okay you did well but Tolu I will win hundred meter senior boys "

"no I don't think so Collins is best runner in the school and a member of white house team"

" okay let see about that"

the race begin Immediately after the hundred meter junior girls , everyone shouted to cheer they team , the participants was arrange on they lean Jackson was representing the yellow house , Collins was representing the white house, Tobi for blue house team ,Emma for green house team and Johnny for red house team , they all get set to run immediately the gun shot was heard ,they all set off , the whole teacher were surprise when they saw the distance between Johnny and Collins ,the gaps between Johnny and Collins was much but the fact was Johnny did not bring out his best . finally the inter house sports was over with white house as the winner and red house as second position ,Mr Johnson congratulate Johnny for his performance in running, swimming and basketball, immediately. he left Tolu and Nice walk up to Johnny , Johnny embraced Tolu

"congratulation Tolu your house team won "

"yeah but you amazed me Johnny,I never knew you were flash "

"you too "


" I never imagined you're good at sports

" I only know how to run ooo"

"you look so beautiful on your sports uniform ,I really like you curve "

"naughty boy ,you so naughty Johnny"

" but it true Tolu ,if I was a boy I should have dated you " Nice cut in .

the senior student were ask to stay back and clean up the place,as soon as they were done cleaning Tolu and Nice set to go home together.

" hi girls" it was in the latest Ferrari

"Johnny! the girls shouted out of surprise

" come in let me drive you two home "

"whose car is this" Tolu ask being concerned about the car

" well it's one of my car, my dad give them to me"

"he's so rich then "

" he didn't buy them , his company manufactured them".

they got into the car , Johnny took Nice home before going to drop Tolu off ,he drove through the street as Tolu directed him he stop right in front of her gate .

"thank you for the raid "

"the pleasure is mine"

"good night Johnny"

"good night too" Johnny drove off .

Grandma was already worried because Johnny was not yet home

"came down grandma he will soon be back beside he is not a kid" anty Tayo said

"you know Johnny is in Lagos for just three months,we will be in trouble if anything should happen to him,his father will not like to hear stories"

"Johnny done come back ooo" Musa the gate keeper shouted immediately he saw the red Ferrari horning in front of the gate ,he immediately open the gate and Johnny drove in . "grandma was worried about you " Timi told Johnny as he came into the house

"oh Johnny you made me worried" , why are you back late?

" am sorry grandma but am not a kid ,I can take care of my self, you don't have to worry about me "

" look son Lagos is rough place , don't come home late or else you leave me no option but to tell your dad"

" what ! I don't need those guide around , I just want to live like a average person okay"

" but you not a average person, you're the son of a billionaire ,you can't change who you're"

Johnny went straight to him room ,he turn off the light and lay on his bed ,he tried his best to sleep but the image of Tolu kept on appearing to him "oh my gosh! sleep, sleep Johnny sleep" he said to himself , he find it so hard to sleep,Tolu has taken over his heart .🌸🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🏵️🏵️🏵️🌻🌻🌻🌺🌺🌸🌻

It was already eight o clock in the morning , breakfast was set Timi was ask to call Johnny but on getting here he was surprised to see Johnny still sleeping

"bro Johnny wake up "

"oh Timi what is it"

"breakfast is ready"

Johnny turn to look at his clock immediately oh!no it was already 8:20 ,he immediately run to brush his teeth he knew he was already late for school so he decided not to go to school, after breakfast he took his bath and later join anty Tayo and Emily grandma maid in cleaning,it was the first time cleaning anty Tayo and Emily laughed at him

"Johnny what can you do best" anty Tayo asked

"anty are you monking me ,I can do alot,am a basketballer , and runner and a swimmer don't forget at ,I can learn everything if I want to" Johnny continued learning how to clean and Emily tried her best not to laugh but as for Tayo ,she should not help but to laugh.