
Title Holder: A Godly System!

Action-Adventure-Cyberpunk-System-Mecha-Sci-FI-Maybe Romance?? The story starts out a bit slow but picks up when the MC receives his system Synopsis The year is 2120, a century ago, the Chaos God of Destruction, Sire unleashed most of his chaos energy to rip apart the space-time barrier on Earth. With the space-times barrier gone, The Chaos God sent his endless hordes of monsters and generals to attack humankind before falling into a deep sleep. Seven massive rifts tore the air open in heavily populated areas around the world. Hordes of Ratmen, Orcs,and Skeleton soldiers and other monsters from what thought to be fiction rushed out of the gates brutally killing everyone and destroying everything in sight. Enormous amounts of energy leaked out of the gates terraforming the air so that it is suitable for monsters. This energy would later be known to the world as mana. This horrific event is stamped in human history as The Invasion of Chaos. The countries and militaries of the old world did what they could, with every country spending all their resources in researching weapons to defeat the horde. With options and time running short, some countries even tried dropping nuclear bombs on the horde. However they just kept coming. Bigger, Faster, Stronger monsters that resisted the weapons of the 21st century passed through the rift. The Invasion of Chaos lasted six months with nearly 90% of the population wiped out worldwide. Countries toppled, cities destroyed, billions dead. It was nearly the end of the human race as we know it. However in times of desperation, it seemed like humankind's prayers had been answered. Humans capable of awakening their potential to harness mana started popping up in the last bastions cities of Earth. These hunters banded together and fought back against the monsters of Chaos injuring/killing several generals to established borders from the seven mega rifts. Civilization can start rebuilding however life could never be peaceful like before. Although the many waves of monster had stopped attacking, the Invasion didn't. A hundred years later, the world is still dealing with these monsters and eventually the Chaos God will wake up and all hell will break loose again. ***All credit to the Artist for the book cover! Idk who they are...I found the picture on pinterest..if you have a problem with this cover photo please contact me!*** ***Author's Note: Hello everyone, this is the Author Lime. TitleHolder is the first light-novel I've ever written. I'm usually not a writer but it is very exciting to create a world with characters that live in it. I may struggle with grammar and wording but I will try to improve! I hope you enjoy the novel and please leave feedback/comments!*** PS ***The story starts a bit slow for the first few chapters but it picks up pretty quickly when the mc awakens his power. I will try to post and update chapters daily however it might take some time to brainstorm more ideas. If you like the novel please leave a comment telling me what you like about it. If you dislike the novel please leave a comment also! I really appreciate feedback since this is my first novel and would encourage me to post chapters!***

LimeYi · Action
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: Fiend

"Bastards!" Jin shouts out

"Brother?" Lou Ming raised his eyebrow

'…..This wasn't a part of our plan….'

'….however… it is probably better this way.. Now we just need to get rid of the new student and there won't be any witnesses!' Lou Ming smirks

"Brother! Quickly throw the new student inside as well! Hurry, before the rift closes!"

Tou Ming, who was still in a bit of a trance, charged forward like a maniac with arms wide open

Lou Ming followed suit, right behind his elder brother

Tou Ming tries to grab Jin but instead, he receives a lighting fast roundhouse kick to the side of his head

That deadly roundhouse kick knocked Tou Ming out cold

His body dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes

Lou Ming came to a halt when he saw his elder brother fall victim to that dangerous kick

'Fuck! How is he so skilled in close combat?!'

"It looks like you know a thing or two…. "

"So what? You're still just a lowly no-mana! No-manas are trash on this planet!"

Lou Ming tried to intimidate Jin but the latter didn't say a word

Jin's indifferent eyes told Lou Ming that his words were meaningless to him

The look on Jin's face triggered Lou Ming a bit

There was nothing he hated more than when an opponent looks down on him

Jin had the same eyes as them and it pissed him off

Jin fixed his eyes on Lou Ming

Then… all of a sudden..he heard a loud crisp sound chimed out from the rift which diverted Jin's attention toward it


It sounded like a raindrop..like the first raindrop of an incoming storm…

The sound resonated inside Jin's mind for a moment

His opponent, Lou Ming didn't hear anything coming from the rift

He glared at Jin who had his eyes fixed on the rift

"Y-You dare?! Do you dare look away from me during a battle?! A lowly no-mana like you?!?"

Lou Ming's eyes filled with rage He would not tolerate this disrespect from Jin any longer

"I will show you the difference between a B-rank Elite like me vs a no-mana loser like you!! I will make you regret that you were born!!" Lou Ming yelled out then he thrusts one hand on to the ground

The ground rumbled for a bit

Then like a plant sprouting, a 3-meter green tentacle made from mana emerged from the ground beneath Jin's feet

Jin returns his attention back to the battle and quickly sidesteps the incoming attack



He wasn't able to fully dodge the tentacle in time and it nicked him on his cheek

Jin wipes the blood off his face with the back of his hand. It has actually been a while since he saw last saw his own blood

"Hahaha! How do you like my cyber-ware?!"

Lou Ming reveals to Jin the palms of his hands

Lou Ming's palms were plated in carbon fiber with green mana lines running in between each finger

"It's a high C-ranked ware and contains a unique skill! A pleasant like you could never get your hands on something like this!" Lou Ming hollered

The tentacle, with no enemies within its range, wiggled a bit before finally dissipating

'First time fighting against a C-ranked ware....Let's see what it can do!'

Jin dashes forward toward Lou Ming and throws out a combination

Jin's ridiculous speed caught Lou Ming off guard for just a moment but he was able to defend himself by spawning a tentacle to block the attack

The punches bounced off the mana tentacles like rubber

Bam! Bam! Ba-

Before Jin was able to complete his combination of punches, another tentacle emerge from his side and tried to grab hold of him

Jin dodges back avoiding the tentacle cleanly this time


Lou Ming was dumbfounded and his anger grew

'I will never be able to catch this fucker like this…he can just keep dodging forever…'

'I need to find an opening to use my skill and trap him!'


'There is that sound again!'

Jin thought as he divert his attention to the rift once again

"…." Lou Ming's blood was now boiling

"This…is…the second and last time you will ever look away when facing me!!"

This was the moment Lou Ming was waiting for

He releases most of his mana into the cyber-ware to unleash the skill within

"KRAKEN'S FEELERS!!" He shouted out

Around 15 tentacles emerge from the ground in a circular area below Jin

The tentacles were spaced out really well which made it nearly impossible to dodge unless you were a high ranked mana-user

Jin dodges the initial tentacle that sprouted but another was able to grab hold of him


Then on Lou Ming's command, the tentacle flung Jin, face first, into the rift

"Y-Yes! YES!! I did it brother he's gone! I can finally get my hands on that cyber-ware!" Lou Ming yelled in excitement

"U…uh y-y-younger b-brother?" Tou Ming replied in confusion. He was still recovering from the kick and didn't know what had happened

"Oh never mind forget what I said…let's get out of here before anyone sees us and the rift turns critical!"

Lou Ming releases his cyber-ware skill and grabs his older brother then scurried off like cockroaches

As the brothers run off, the rift begins sealing itself with an invisible coat of mana

Moment later…

Jacob and his HOA Hunter group arrived inside the stadium

The group watched the B-ranked rift hover there in silence

"Wait…why is the rift so quiet…?" One HOA Hunter asks

"You said the rift was active didn't you Tony?" Alyssa asked

"The rift was active, I saw it with my own eyes!"

Jacob stayed silent at first..then as he got closer to the rift, he spoke

"…..What the hell happened here Tony?! Who the fuck is inside the rift?" Jacob asked in an irritated tone

Tony immediately lowers his head and udders out

"I-I'm so sorry I let a couple of students examine the rift up close…"

"WHAT?!" The group of hunters gasps

"Do you understand what you have done?!…. Once the students in there die, the rift will become critical!" One HOA Hunter remarks

"I'm sorry! I didn't think the rift would become active nor did I think the students were stupid enough to go inside! I shouldn't have left them alone!" Tony apologizes

"No, you should've never allowed anyone but hunters to get near a rift!" Jacob rebuked

"Quickly inform the academy principal to evacuate the students in the academy right now!!" Jacob instructed Tony and he left in a hurry

"….Alyssa..I need you to wake up Cyclone in the West Dormitory…I have a feeling that we might need an S-ranked Slayer…"

"On it sir!"

After Alyssa left in a hurry, there was an eerie silence in the air…

Jacob and the rest of the HOA hunters backed away from the rift and prepared themselves

The hunters knew the rift can turn critical any moment and they each gulped a big breath of air

Jacob glared intensely at the rift

'What monstrosity will we face this time…'

Inside the rift…

Jin landed face-first on the stone hard floor

"Ugh…only the third day of school and you get yourself flung into a dungeon"

Jin picks himself up and looks around

He was standing on a huge stone platform with a huge rift behind him

The platform is located in this huge chamber which is slightly bigger than the training stadium. Lava surrounded the platform like a moat

The large chamber was empty with only Jin in it but the walls of the chamber reeked of blood and there were bones from unknown creatures laying around

There was a 30-meter-long narrow bridge with no railings that had arched itself in between the platform and the other side of the chamber where a giant red velvet door was

Jin tried going back through the rift but it wouldn't allow him

There was an invisible force stopping him from getting any closer to the rift


'What a shitty situation I found myself in….'

'Also where is Alex? I don't see him anywhere….'


Jin looks at the nearby bone fragments and a chill ran down his spine

'No..those bones are way too big to be any human bone..'

Different scenarios ran through Jin's mind but he could only arrive at two conclusions

It was either stay here and wait for the bloodthirsty monsters to come back or move forward through those doors

"I guess there is no choice but to move forward…"

As Jin takes a brave step forward toward the bridge, he could hear the sound of a door open


Jin squint his eyes and fixed his vision on the red velvet doors

It was hard to see what opened the doors from where he stood

Then he saw it…

One massive blood-red wing… revealed itself and then another….. followed by curved horns from behind one of the doors

The creature slowly steps out from the doors and fully reveals itself

Two blood-red wings attached to a gigantic pale white muscular body with tree trunk-sized limbs. Two twisted horns stained red with blood attach to a demonic head with spikes for teeth

Blood-dripping armor plates covered its legs and arms. The creature also carried a massive Halberd in one hand with a metallic guard on the shoulder

This creature is a Demon Marauder!!

A bloodthirsty demonic fiend capable of cataclysmic destruction (definitely not a B-ranked monster!)

Although Jin was pretty far away from the door, he could tell that the creature was a behemoth and had to be at least 7 meters tall

Cold sweats ran down Jin's back

The fiend stared at Jin from afar and from its gaze alone, it felt like an enormous amount of suffocating pressure was bearing down on him

Jin could not move a muscle he was frozen in fear

Suddenly the creature vanished from Jin's vision and reappeared right in front of his face!


The demon towered over Jin and cast a shadow covering him

The gigantic creature raised his massive halberd and then swung down

Jin tried to move his legs but he wasn't able to react in time to the fear



The halberd cleaved right through Jin's right arm and it fell onto the ground


Jin screamed out as an indescribable amount of pain rushed to his brain from where his arm was

Blood sprayed out from the life-threatening wound

The blood flooded the stone floor and covered it in puddles of red

Somehow.. someway.. Jin was able to regain his composure under all that pain and ran back toward the rift while clutching his right side

The Fiend looked at him with a little amusement

Its blood-red eyes were etched into Jin's mind

Jin started to struggle to keep his footing. He had lost too much blood from the brutal attack and his legs had gone a bit limp

"Shit…this demon…fuck"

Jin knew that this was possibly the end for him

His vision began to blur and he could see the Demon slowly make its way toward him

'I'm sorry Yen....for leaving you all alone…'

Then Jin collapses onto the stone floor


Hi everyone thank you for reading this chapter. Shits about to get real for Jin after this chapter so stay tuned!

and once again, if you enjoy the LN please leave a review! If you don't enjoy the LN please let me know why!

LimeYicreators' thoughts