
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 73: Infiltrating


I sighed as I wondered through the HQ. It was almost time for our mission to begin.

"You okay?" Vyran asked, causing me to jump. He chuckled weakly. "Sorry, didn't mean to spook you."

My face reddened. "Y-you didn't spook me," I lied, though the slight tremor in my voice betrayed me.

Vyran gave me a knowing smile but didn't press the matter. "It's normal to be on edge before a big mission, Sarudei. We're all feeling it."

I nodded, appreciating his understanding. "I know. It's just... everything feels so uncertain right now. And with Deros still recovering, it feels like we're going in with one hand tied behind our backs."

Vyran's expression grew serious. "Deros is strong. He'll bounce back. But for now, we have to trust in our training and each other. This isn't the first time any of us have face such hardships."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "You're right. Before coming together, we all faced difficulties."

He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Exactly. And we'll get through this too. Together."

My face warmed up. Being around him still made me feel funny. I knew it was because he was Syran's Retran counterpart, but still...

"Say, how about we go to the library? Maybe a good book can distract you."

I smiled and nodded. "That sounds like a good idea."

We made our way through the winding corridors, the soft glow of bioluminescent fungi within the lanterns casting an eerie but oddly comforting light. It had been a long time since I'd been to a library. Not since I was eleven or ten.

As we entered the library, the familiar scent of old books and parchment greeted us. The shelves were lined with volumes on a myriad of subjects, from tactical warfare to ancient history and everything in between. It was a treasure trove of information, a place where one could lose themselves in the pages of a good book.

As we walked deeper into the library, I noticed a handsome young man with brown hair standing by one of the shelves, engrossed in a book. His features were striking, and there was an air of quiet intelligence about him. He looked up as we approached, his amber eyes meeting mine with a curious, yet kind, expression. 

"Hello," he said, his voice smooth and pleasant as he adjusted his glasses. "I don't think we've met. I'm Aiden."

I felt my cheeks flush slightly as I introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Sarudei. This is Vyran."

Aiden smiled warmly. "Nice to meet you both. Are you here to find something specific, or just looking for a bit of a distraction?"

Vyran chuckled. "A bit of both, I think. The mission's got us all a little on edge, and we thought a good book might help."

Aiden nodded understandingly. "I know the feeling. Sometimes, losing yourself in a story can be the best way to clear your mind."

I glanced at the book in his hand. "What are you reading?"

He held up the book, revealing the title: The Art of Strategy. "It's a bit dry, but fascinating. I'm always looking for new ways to improve our tactics."

I smiled, appreciating his dedication. "That sounds interesting. Do you have any recommendations for something a bit more... relaxing?"

Aiden thought for a moment, then walked over to one of the shelves and pulled out a book. "How about this one? It's a collection of short stories from different cultures. It's quite captivating and a nice change of pace."

I took the book from him, our fingers brushing slightly. "Thank you, Aiden."

He nodded, his eyes lingering on mine for a moment before he turned back to his own reading. "You're welcome. Enjoy."

Vyran and I found a quiet corner of the library and settled down with our books. The tension that had been weighing on me began to ease as I lost myself in the stories, each one a window into a different world.

As I read, I couldn't help but steal glances at Aiden. There was something about him that intrigued me, a quiet strength and a depth of knowledge that drew me in. But for now, I was content to simply enjoy the moment, the calm before the storm.

In the midst of uncertainty and impending danger, the library offered a brief respite, a reminder that there was still beauty and knowledge to be found in the world. And with friends like Vyran and new acquaintances like Aiden, I felt a renewed sense of hope.

Vyran stood up as he tapped his right ear. "Sis says it's time to go."

I sighed and put down the book. "Alright. Let's get going."

The two of us left the HQ and made our way up the ramp. We had agreed to meet up at the exit.

Retas, Varia, Zane, Kaeii, Hiesno, and Arare awaited us. Although, another face also accompanied them.

"Aiden?" I said, shocked to see him here.

He looked up from the book in his hands and waved.

"You met our four eyes already?" Kaeii asked, grinning.

I nodded, still a bit taken aback. "Yeah, we ran into him in the library. I didn't know he'd be part of the mission."

Aiden closed his book and slipped it into his satchel, adjusting his glasses. "I specialize in intel extraction and decryption. Arisa thought my skills might be useful for this mission."

Vyran smirked. "Looks like we'll have a well-rounded team then."

Hiesno scoffed. "Although, Aiden isn't just any decryptor. He is the fourth of the so-called Great Rebels."

I gulped as I glanced at him, Aiden, Zane, and Kaeii. This was the first time I was seeing all four in one place. It was rather daunting.

Varia stepped forward, her expression serious. "Alright, everyone. We're heading out. Our primary objective is to infiltrate the base, steal a spaceship, and gather as much intel as possible. Remember, we move fast and remain in the shadows. But if need be, we will hit hard. Stay focused and watch each other's backs."

Retas nodded, his usual stoic demeanor in place. "Let's do this."

As we moved out, I couldn't help but steal another glance at Aiden. There was something reassuring about having him on the team. His calm and collected demeanor seemed to ease some of my anxiety.

We made our way through the winding tunnels that led to the surface. The air grew cooler, and the soft glow of the bioluminescent fungi was gradually replaced by the dim light filtering through the tunnel entrance. The sense of impending danger hung heavily over us, but we were ready. Together, we could face whatever lay ahead.

As we reached the exit, Zane motioned for us to stop. "Hold up. Let me check the perimeter."

We waited in tense silence as Zane moved ahead, his movements silent and precise. After a few moments, he returned, giving us a nod. "All clear. Let's move."

We emerged from the tunnel into the dense forest surrounding our underground base. The tall trees provided a natural cover, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. We moved quickly and quietly, our senses heightened as we made our way towards the enemy's outpost.

The journey to the base grounds was uneventful, but the tension in the air was palpable. We were deep in enemy territory now, and every sound seemed amplified, every shadow a potential threat.

Finally, we reached a vantage point overlooking Tira's outpost. The place was heavily guarded, with sentries patrolling the perimeter and machines scanning the area.

Varia signaled for us to gather. "Alright, here's the plan. Retas and Aiden, you'll handle the intel extraction. Kaeii and Zane, you to create a diversion on the east side. Hiesno and Arare, you're on lookout duty. Vyran and I will create a diversion on the west side to draw their attention. Sarudei, you'll be with Retas and Aiden, providing cover and backup if needed. Everyone clear?"

We all nodded, our expressions determined.

"Good. Let's move out."

As we split into our respective teams, I found myself alongside Aiden and Retas, making our way towards the outpost's main building. The tension was almost unbearable, but the presence of my comrades gave me strength.

We approached the building, keeping low and moving silently. Aiden pulled out a small device and started working on bypassing the security system. Vyran had apperantly made it for this task.

Retas kept an eye on the surroundings, while I covered them both, my senses on high alert.

Aiden worked quickly, his fingers flying over the device. "Almost... there," he whispered, and the door clicked open.

We slipped inside, the dimly lit corridors a stark contrast to the forest outside. The hum of machinery and the occasional murmur of voices filled the air. We moved cautiously, making our way towards the control room.

As we entered the control room, Retas immediately set to work on the main terminal, while Aiden began scanning for intel. I stood guard, my eyes and ears tuned for any sign of trouble.

Minutes felt like hours as Aiden and Retas worked.

"Got it. Downloading the data now," Retas said.

Aiden smiled. "This technology really is something."

Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor. My heart raced as I signaled for silence. We held our breath, the tension almost unbearable.

Retas stood up and signaled Aiden to take over. His hands tightened around his laser.

I brandished my sword and glared at the metal door. 

Suddenly, twin pink ki blasts tore through the metal walls, heading straight for me and Ret.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

sun_imperialcreators' thoughts