
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 71: Hope Amidst the Darkness

Zane PoV

As Kaeii and I watched Deros collapse, the reality of our situation hit me like a ton of bricks. The sight of him convulsing on the ground, struggling to speak despite the obvious pain, was more than just alarming—it was a stark reminder of the stakes we were playing for.

"Deros!" I shouted again, kneeling beside him. His body was shaking uncontrollably, and his face was contorted in agony. This was the cost of pushing beyond human limits, a cost that was now painfully apparent.

Kaeii, thinking quickly for once in a blue moon, quickly pulled out a small kit from his backpack. "We need to stabilize him first. Help me turn him on his side, Zane."

Together, we maneuvered Deros into a safer position to prevent him from choking. Kaeii swiftly administered a sedative, his hands steady despite the urgency. "This should help with the convulsions and give him some relief," he murmured.

As I watched Deros's spasms slowly subside, guilt and worry gnawed at me. This was my counterpart, a version of me from another reality, and seeing him in such a state was unsettling. It was like watching a part of myself being torn apart.

"Kaeii, we can't just leave the mecha here. Like Deros said, it's too risky," I said, my voice strained with concern. The mecha, now just yards away from the river's edge, was our key to evening out the playing field against Titanos, even if only a little bit. Leaving it exposed was not an option.

Kaeii nodded, his gaze shifting back to Deros and then to the mechanical behemoth. "I'll handle the mecha. You stay with him. Make sure he doesn't worsen."

Without waiting for my response, Kaeii sprinted towards the mecha. I watched him for a moment, admiring his resolve, then turned my attention back to Deros. His breathing had evened out, but his face still held a grimace of pain.

"Hang in there, Deros," I whispered, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. The sedative seemed to be doing its job, and for that, I was grateful.

Minutes felt like hours as I sat there, the sounds of the forest blending with the distant clashing of metal as Kaeii worked to secure the mecha. Every now and then, Deros would mumble something incoherent. My guess was it was about Ret's mecha.

"Relax, Kaeii went to take it," I said, patting his shoulder lightly. But that only made him wince in agony.

Finally, Kaeii returned, his face flushed from exertion. "It's done. I left the mecha in one of the caverns, I let the others know. Some medics will also be on their way."

Relief washed over me, but my focus remained on Deros. "Good job, Kaeii. Thanks."

Kaeii sat down beside me, both of us watching over our fallen comrade. "He pushed himself too hard. I've never seen anything like it," he said quietly.

I nodded. "He's strong, stronger than any of us knew. But even strength has its limits."

We sat in silence, the weight of our decisions hanging heavily between us. As leaders and fighters, we were used to making tough calls, but when those decisions affected one of our own, the burden was personal.

After a while, Deros began to stir, his eyes fluttering open. He looked disoriented at first, but recognition slowly dawned on him as he saw us.

"Zane... Kaeii... did we... make it?" His voice was weak, barely a whisper.

I squeezed his shoulder gently. "Yes, we made it. The mecha is safe, thanks to you. But don't ever scare us like that again, okay?"

A faint smile crossed Deros's lips, and he nodded slowly. "I'll try not to."

Kaeii chuckled softly, the tension finally beginning to ebb. "You better. We need you, Deros. All of you, not just your brute strength."

Deros's smile widened slightly, and he closed his eyes again, this time in rest rather than pain. As I watched him, a sense of resolve settled over me. We were in this together, for better or worse. And no matter what came our way, we would face it as a team.

"Hey, Kaeii, can you take Deros back?" I asked.

He frowned. "Yeah, but what about you?"

I sighed. "I need to go check up on Vyran and Hiesno. The former said he would meet up with us, but he has yet to do so."

Kaeii nodded, understanding the urgency in my tone. "Alright, I'll take care of Deros. Just... be careful, Zane. We can't afford to have any more casualties today."

I clapped him on the shoulder, grateful for his support. "I will. If anything changes, Deros can relay messages through his comm. Let's keep in touch that way."

With that settled, I watched as Kaeii carefully helped Deros to his feet. Deros was still weak but managed a nod of thanks in my direction before they started their slow journey back to the underground town. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what might come next, and headed in the direction of the last known whereabouts of Vyran and Hiesno.

The forest seemed denser as I moved, the shadows growing longer with the setting sun. The sounds of wildlife echoed around me, a stark contrast to the silence that followed our intense struggle. My thoughts wandered to Deros and his incredible display of strength — it was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The power to push one's body beyond its limits was a dangerous tool, one that came with significant risks.

As I navigated through the underbrush, a faint noise caught my attention. I paused, listening intently. It was the sound of voices, not far from where I was. Cautiously, I moved closer, recognizing the voices as I approached. It was Vyran and Hiesno, and they sounded tense.

"...we can't just leave it at that, Vyran," Hiesno was saying, his voice laced with frustration. "If we can capture her, she might be able to help us defeat Yusan."

Vyran responded, his tone weary but resolute. "I know, Hiesno. But first, we need to regroup and make sure everyone is safe."

Hiesno hummed. "Have you heard from Deros?"

The Retran soldier sighed. "No. That's why I need to go check in on him."

"That's why I'm here," I called out as I stepped into their view, relieving the tension in Vyran's posture as he turned towards me.

"Zane," Vyran greeted, a mix of relief and concern in his eyes. "How's Deros? He wouldn't answer my calls."

"He pushed himself too far, but he'll recover. Kaeii is helping him back to the base. The mecha is secured," I reported, watching their reactions closely.

Hiesno nodded, his expression grim. "Good work. We were concerned when we couldn't reach you."

Vyran crossed his arms, looking out into the darkening woods. "We're going to need every advantage we can get. Tira's not going to stop, and next time she might not come alone. At the very least she will bring her mecha."

I felt a chill at that thought. "What's our next move, then?"

"We consolidate," Vyran decided after a moment of thought. "We make sure everyone is in top condition and fortify our position. Tomorrow, we plan our next steps, taking into account the new dynamics. Tira's aggression changes things."

Hiesno looked towards the west, where the last light of day was fading. "And we'll need to be smarter about how we use our resources. Including our own abilities."

I agreed, feeling the weight of leadership heavier than ever. "Let's head back then. Arisa would be interested in hearing what you two have to say."

Hiesno nodded. "Although, Deros's situation does throw a wrench into our plans. Like Vyran and his older sister, he is integral to my younger brother's plan."

Vyran gulped. "Is Deros's condition severe?"

"Kaeii had to put sedatives on him."

Hiesno gasped. "Wait, but we don't have sedatives for people on us."

I gulped as I realized the idiot had use beast sedatives on Deros. Although, Kaeii probably knew that already... And even then, Deros managed to stay awake. Just how strong was he? The thought was both reassuring and terrifying.

If Deros had managed to endure even after being administered a sedative meant for beasts, it spoke volumes about his resilience. But it also underscored the severity of his condition.

"He used beast sedatives, didn't he?"

I sighed. "Probably."

Vyran's eyes widened in alarm. "Beast sedatives? We need to make sure he's properly treated once we get back. That could have unforeseen effects on his physiology."

I nodded grimly. "I agree. Let's hurry back and make sure he gets the right medical attention."

We quickened our pace, the urgency of the situation lending speed to our strides. The forest's natural noises were now background to our focused, tense conversation about the next steps.

Hiesno, usually the more composed of us, seemed particularly on edge. "If Deros's condition worsens, it could jeopardize the entire operation. His role is too critical to our success."

Vyran ran a hand through his hair, visibly stressed. "And without him, our chances against Yusan and his forces significantly decrease. Tira alone is already a formidable opponent, and without Deros's wit and strength, we're at a disadvantage. Not to mention his skills as a mecha pilot."

"We can't let that happen," I said, determination steeling my tone. "We need to prepare for the possibility of engaging without Deros. We should consider all our assets and perhaps recalibrate our approach."

Vyran nodded in agreement, his mind clearly racing through various scenarios. "You're right. Let's gather everyone once we're back and brainstorm some contingency plans. We need to be ready for any situation."

As we continued our brisk walk back to the base, the weight of leadership felt heavier with each step. The responsibility of not just planning, but also anticipating the enemy's moves and preparing for the worst-case scenarios was daunting.

How did my Titanos counterpart do it? He had managed to climb the ranks and reach the same station as Yusan and Retas.

However, the resolve in Vyran's voice and Hiesno's unwavering focus gave me a renewed sense of purpose. This was not just about survival—it was about protecting our home, our people, and our future.

The sky had turned to a deep twilight by the time we reached the entrance to the underground town. 

As we reached the HQ, the sight of Kaeii pacing anxiously near the entrance caught our attention. He looked up as he heard our approach, relief briefly crossing his features before being replaced by concern.

"How is he?" I asked immediately, fearing the worst.

Kaeii sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Stable, for now. He's resting, and I explained the situation to the medics. They're doing their best to counteract the effects of the sedative, but it's a tricky situation. We'll know more by morning."

"Thank you, Kaeii. Your quick thinking may have saved his life," Vyran said, clapping Kaeii on the shoulder.

Kaeii offered a tired smile. "I just hope it was enough."

"Let's convene with Arisa and the others," I suggested. "We need to update everyone and start working on those contingency plans."

We made our way to the central chamber where the rest of the leadership was gathered. The atmosphere was tense; everyone sensed the gravity of the situation. Varia, Vyran's older sister and a key strategist in our group, was the first to speak as we entered.

"What's the status?" she asked, her gaze sharp and assessing.

Vyran and Hiesno briefed everyone on their fights with Tira. As they spoke, I could see the gears turning in their respective sister's mind, already calculating our next moves.

"We need to be proactive," Arisa declared once Vyran finished. "Tira won't wait for us to regain our footing. We have to assume she's planning her next strike."

The room nodded in agreement, the reality of our precarious position settling in.

"We'll split into teams," Arisa continued. "One will focus on strengthening our defenses and scouting for any signs of Tira's forces. Another team will work on alternative strategies, assuming we're operating without Deros. Zane, I want you on that team. Your field experience could be crucial."

I nodded, accepting the task. "Understood. We'll start immediately."

As the meeting dispersed, each of us tasked with critical roles, I felt a mix of apprehension and determination. The challenges ahead were daunting, but the resolve in each team member's eyes was clear. We were united in our purpose, ready to do whatever it took to protect our home and each other.

The night might be dark, and the path uncertain, but together, we stood a chance. And in that unity, there was not just strength, but hope.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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