
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 6: Aiding the Enemy


Stepping into the forest, the sounds of wildlife filled the air. Strange, bird-like calls echoed eerily through the dense foliage. The trees towered overhead, their leaves glowing with a soft, bioluminescent light. It was a surreal landscape, one that both fascinated and unnerved me.

I moved deeper into the forest, alert and cautious. But even with my heightened senses, I didn't see the creature until it was too late.

It sprang out from the underbrush, a massive, hulking beast with scales that shimmered under the glowing leaves. Its eyes were a piercing yellow, and a row of sharp, jagged teeth protruded from its gaping maw. It looks like a mix between a tiger and a dragon.

With a roar, it charged at me. I barely had time to react, diving out of the way as it crashed into the tree behind me.

I scrambled to my feet, pulling out my blaster. But as I took aim, the creature lunged again. Its speed was incredible, covering the distance between us in the blink of an eye.

I managed to roll out of the way, firing a shot at the beast. The blast hit its side, but the creature barely flinched. Instead, it let out an enraged roar, its eyes focused on me with a murderous intent.

Clearly, I was outmatched. This creature was unlike anything I had ever encountered. It was powerful, fast, and seemingly impervious to my attacks. But I couldn't afford to panic. If I wanted to survive, I had to think.

As the creature charged me again, I made a split-second decision. I wouldn't win in a direct fight. But maybe, just maybe, I could use the environment to my advantage.

I started running towards a cluster of towering trees, the beast hot on my heels. As I neared the trees, I spun around and fired at the creature, aiming for its eyes. The blast hit its mark, and the beast let out a roar of pain.

Using this momentary distraction, I darted behind one of the trees, pressing my back against the rough bark. The creature, blinded and enraged, charged at me. At the last moment, I dove out of the way.

With a thunderous crash, the beast slammed into the tree. The impact shook the ground beneath me, and I could hear the tree groaning under the strain.

I didn't wait to see what would happen next. I scrambled to my feet and ran, leaving the creature behind.

As I made my way deeper into the forest, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear. The commander's words echoed in my mind, a chilling reminder of the threats that awaited me. But I wouldn't let fear hold me back. I had to return home. I had to protect Xilonem and the future she dreamed of. To that extent, I was willing to shake earth and sky.

I found myself back at the lake where I had encountered the treasonous commander. Taking a deep breath, I press my back against a rock.

Before coming here, I knew the environment would be hostile, but I didn't think it was this bad. Being here made me realize why it was so difficult to bring this place to heel. Perhaps, it wasn't worth it. It was just one world of unknown value. We had conquered multiple star clusters in our universe and in Uto, the so-called 'Realm of Peace'. The Uto hadn't fought back, they couldn't. Its people were incapable of violence.

But this world and the rest of Soleon was different. It was wild, untamed, a place where survival of the fittest was the only law. Its people and creatures were used to fighting, to struggling for existence. And in their struggle, they had become strong, resilient.

I had seen it in the eyes of the commander, in the ferocity of the beast that had attacked me. They were survivors, fighters. And they wouldn't submit easily. Perhaps, it was this spirit of resistance that Xilonem admired so much.

I closed my eyes, the image of the young queen flashing in my mind once more.

A rustling sound snapped me out of my thoughts. I sprang to my feet, my hand reaching for my blaster. I scanned the surrounding area, but saw nothing. The forest was eerily silent, the usual chorus of alien wildlife silenced.

I took a step forward, my senses on high alert. The silence was suffocating, every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig echoing loudly in the stillness.

And then, out of nowhere, a feeling of dread washed over me. It was an instinctual, primal fear, one that made my heart pound in my chest and my palms sweat.

I turned around, just in time to see a pair of glowing eyes emerging from the shadows.

It was another creature, bigger and more terrifying than the one I had encountered earlier. It was like a nightmare come to life, a monstrous beast with a sinewy body covered in scales and spikes. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent light, and a low growl rumbled from its throat.

I took a step back, my hand tightening around my blaster as I jumped into the lake and swam for my life. Thankfully, the creature didn't pursue me. Maybe it disliked water.

Once gone, I swam frantically towards the opposite shore, I couldn't help but wonder how many more encounters like this I would have to endure. This world was a far cry from the controlled environments of the planets back in our universe. Here, every step could be a battle for survival.

Finally reaching the shore, I dragged myself onto the sandy bank, panting heavily. I lay there for a moment, allowing the warmth of the sun to dry my soaked clothes. The sky was a brilliant blue, and the forest around me was alive with the exotic calls of alien wildlife.

Pulling myself to my feet, I surveyed the landscape. The glowing trees were even more beautiful in the daylight, their bioluminescent leaves casting a surreal glow over the otherwise green forest.

Despite the beauty around me, I couldn't forget the reason I was here. I had to find a way to get home and put an end to Commander Yusan's plan. Taking a deep breath, I set off once more, keeping my senses alert for any signs of danger.

As I ventured deeper into the forest, I couldn't shake off the memory of the beast's glowing eyes. It was a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in this wild world.

After walking without encountering more beast, I came across a cavern.

I stepped inside, hoping there would be no beasts inside. Fortunately, it seemed devoid of even hanging rats. Maybe this world lacked something akin to them in the first place.

My side began to ache as the adrenaline wore off. Had I hurt it during the crash, the fight with the commander, or while running away from those beasts?

"Hey, who are you!" a female voice called out.

I glanced up and saw a pink-haired girl make her way toward me. Her red armor consisting of scales and animal hides told me she must've been a native of this world.

Great, just what I need. I slowly reached for my blaster, but stopped as the girl knelt down. "You look awful."

I took a deep breath. "I had a pair of run-ins with the local wildlife."

She helped me sit up against the cave wall, her touch surprisingly gentle. "You look like you've been in a rough fight, where are you from?"

I hesitated for a moment before answering. "A distant village in the outskirts. I've been traveling for a while now."

Her eyes narrowed slightly, "Are you one of those who've allied with the invaders from the stars?"

So, the commanders here had managed to turn some over to our side.

I shook my head quickly, "No, those invaders... they've caused havoc in my village as well. I'm here seeking help."

She seemed to contemplate my words, her gaze thoughtful. "Is that so? And why should I believe you?"

I shrugged. "You have no reason to. But I have no reason to lie to you either."

She stared at me for a long moment before finally nodding. "Alright, I'll help you. But only because you're wounded. I'll need to find some herbs to treat your wounds. But before that, let's get you cleaned up. We got a hot spring in this cave."

A hot spring? That sure sounded nice. I hadn't been to many, but I didn't have fond memories of going to a few with the Queen and her late parents.

The girl helped me to my feet and guided me deeper into the cavern.

"Oh, right. My name is Sarudei, but everyone calls me Day. What's your name."

"Ret—" I stopped myself. I didn't know how familiar she was with Titanosian names.

"Ret huh? Sounds kinda foreign, but cool. Fitting of someone with your looks. Uh, I mean."

"I understand." I'd been complimented on my looks a lot back home and in the army.

As we moved, the sound of chatter and laughter echoed through the tunnels. Turning a corner, we emerged into a larger chamber filled with people. The glow from the bioluminescent moss dotting the cavern walls revealed faces of varying ages, all elders and children.

Among the crowd, a group of elders sat in a corner, engrossed in their conversation. On the other side, children played, their innocent laughter echoing off the cave walls.

They all turned to look at me and began to whisper.

The girl motioned towards a young boy, barely in his pre-teens. "Night, take our guest to the spring. I need to speak with Elder Shinora."

The boy, Night, nodded and broke away from his group of friends. Be beckoned me to follow him. As we left, I could see the girl, who introduced herself as Sarudei or 'Day', heading towards the group of elders.

Noticing my delay, Night waved at me. "Follow me, stranger!"

The kid led me deeper into the cavern, the air becoming warmer as we progressed. The faint sound of bubbling water grew louder with each step. Rounding a corner, we arrived at a small, natural hot spring, steam gently rising from its surface.

Night gestured towards the spring, urging me to soak my aching muscles. "I'll go fetch ya some clean clothes!"

He ran ahead, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Once again, I removed my now tattered clothes.

The heat of the water was instantly soothing, a brief moment of respite in this wild, hostile world. It was almost enough to make me forget my hardships at the moment. Almost being the key word. There was a chance I could get discovered by Night, his sister, or the others. I had be to be wary. Once I was better, I would be sure to leave. The longer I stayed, the more risk I ran.