
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 54: Streak of Flames


"Hey, Day, can I ask you a favor?" Arisa asked, walking up to me as I practiced my sword training. I had decided to train in their training room for once.

I blinked. "What kind of favor, Miss?"

"The village has a lot of people, which means a lot of food is needed. We got some farms here, but they don't cover all our needs. We can only do so much in an underground city. Every so often, I send off some of my best men and women out to hunt for food and the like."

"So, you would like me to join this hunting expedition?"

She nodded.

I smiled. "Sure, I would love to join."

"Great! Zane will be leading it."


"Yeah, he is our best hunter. His eyesight is some of the keenest if not the most keen. He and Kaeii will be waiting for you by the exit."

I nodded. "Thanks, Arisa. I'll go meet them now."

She gave a nod of approval and I made my way to the city exit. As I neared, I could see two figures in the distance. 

"Zane, Kaeii," I called out as I approached. They both turned to look at me, their expressions lighting up in recognition.

"Sarudei!" Kaeii greeted cheerfully. "Ready for the hunt?"

I nodded, meeting her enthusiasm with a smile of my own. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Zane gave me a nod of approval. "Good. We could use a strong warrior like you."

"Thanks, Zane," I replied. "I'm looking forward to learning from you both."

Kaeii beamed at me. "We're excited to have you join us, Sarudei!"

Zane adjusted his bow, his gaze serious. "Remember, the surface can be unpredictable. Stick close and stay alert."

I acknowledged his advice with a nod. "Understood."

With that, we set off for the surface, ready for the hunt ahead.

The journey to the surface was slow but steady, the tunnel leading upwards was wide and well-lit. As we neared the exit, a cool breeze wafted in, carrying the scent of fresh earth and vegetation.

The moment we stepped onto the surface, I was taken aback by the beauty of the world above. Forest stretched out as far as the eye could see. The sky above was a clear, brilliant blue, the sun hanging high and casting a warm glow over everything.

It was as if I were looking at it again for the first time. Maybe I had just spent too much time underground...

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Kaeii murmured, his eyes filled with affection for the scenery.

I nodded, taking a deep breath of the fresh air.

Zane gave a nod of approval. "Good. Now, let's focus on the task at hand."

We moved in a careful formation, Zane leading the way with his keen eyes scanning the landscape. Kaeii stayed close to me, his hand resting on his spear. Despite his cheerful demeanor, I could see the seriousness in his eyes. This was more than just a hunting expedition for them. It was a lifeline for their people.

We walked for a while until Zane held up a hand, signaling us to stop. He pointed towards a small herd of Noteb. They had antlers branching off into intricate patterns. Their fur shimmered like silver, reflecting the sunlight in a way that made them seem almost ethereal.

Zane silently nocked an arrow, taking aim. I could see the concentration in his eyes, his entire being focused on the task at hand.

Suddenly, a loud sound came from the sky. Something was heading straight toward us.

"What is that?" Kaeii asked.

Zane clicked his tongue. "More invaders, probably."

I narrowed my eyes. It looked as if they were crashing, though. But so had Ret. Were they people Yusan had an animosity toward?

Suddenly, the crimson streak across the sky turned golden as two objects flew out of the blaze.

Zane pointed his arrow up at them. "Mechas!"

"Woah, buddy. You can't possibly think of destroying those machines with your bow, are you?" Kaeii asked. "I've damaged them before!"

"Yeah, from more up close!"

I ran toward where the mechas were moving the blazing object in the sky exploded, creating a shockwave which sent animals running for cover.

The shockwave hit us hard, a rush of hot air that sent us stumbling back. I ducked, covering my head with my arms as the deafening roar filled the air. Zane had managed to keep his footing, his eyes locked on the falling mechas.

"Kaeii, Sarudei, we need to find cover!" he shouted over the noise. "Those machines are going to crash!"

I nodded, grabbing Kaeii's arm and pulling him along as we ran for the safety of the nearby trees. Zane followed closely behind, his eyes never leaving the descending mechas.

We reached the cover of the trees just as the first mecha hit the ground, the impact sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air. The second mecha followed suit, crashing into a clearing not far from us.

As the dust settled, I squinted, trying to make out the condition of the mechas. They were damaged, that much was clear. But were they beyond repair?

Zane seemed to be thinking the same thing. "We should approach with caution," he said, his gaze sharp. "If the pilots are still alive, they might be hostile."

Kaeii nodded, gripping his spear tightly. "And if they're friendly, they might need our help."

I agreed, drawing my sword. "Either way, we need to check."

With a collective nod, we moved out of the cover of the trees and approached the crash site. The mechas were massive up close, their metallic bodies scarred and dented from the crash.

The first mecha was still smoking, its cockpit cracked open. The second was in a similar state, though it seemed to have taken less damage.

As we neared the first mecha, a groan echoed from the cockpit. We exchanged glances before Zane stepped forward, his arrow nocked and ready.

"Identify yourself," he called out, his voice steady.

There was a moment of silence, then the cockpit of the more damaged mecha opened, revealing a blond boy who looked just like Zane!