
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 48: Closeness


I sighed as I left Lyra and Nera to go to the Titanos base. Wished I could spend more time with them. At least I could see them every morning and night. It was a small comfort that made the duty ahead bearable.

"Hey, Bud," Roan called out, his voice cutting through my thoughts as he jogged to catch up with me.

I turned to see my friend. He had his signature grin etched on his face.

"Morning, Roan," I greeted him, managing a smile. "Ready for another day?"

Roan clapped me on the back, his grin infectious. "Always ready! You know me, I never miss a chance to beat you to the training grounds."

I chuckled, the sound mingling with the morning air. "We'll see about that," I said, and together we made our way to the base.

The Titanos military base loomed ahead, a place that still stuck out like a sore thumb against the green and rustic background. As we entered, the familiar sounds of soldiers training and officers barking orders filled the air. It was a world away from the quiet peace of home, yet it was here that we trained to get stronger.

The day was long, filled with drills and strategy meetings, but my thoughts often drifted back to Lyra and Nera. They were the reason I pushed myself harder, the reason I never gave up.

I looked up at the mechas as we went to the hangar to finish off the day. This was my second time seeing them, but they were still as imposing as the first.

The hangar doors slid open with a hiss, revealing the towering mechas that stood like silent guardians. Their metal frames gleamed under the harsh lights, each one a testament to the might and ingenuity of Titanos. Roan and I, along with the other recruits, stood in awe, our gazes drawn upward.

Mirasa's General cousin approached us. His boots echoed on the concrete floor as he spoke. "Today, you'll take these giants for a spin," he announced, his voice carrying over the hum of machinery. "You'll fly over the fields and mountains. Keep formation, stay alert, and remember your training from yesterday."

Tessa gulped. "Isn't it too early to fly?"

He smirked. "Still afraid?"

She blushed. "A-am not!"

Roan sighed as he glanced at his cousin. "Tessa, no need to push yourself."

She grumbled.

"Anyway, go put on your suits."

We nodded and went to the locker rooms.

We donned our pilot suits, the material hugging our bodies like a second skin. I climbed into my mecha, the cockpit closing with a reassuring thud. The controls lit up, a myriad of buttons and screens that were now familiar to me.

"Goerld, you ready?" Roan's voice crackled through the comms.

"Ready," I replied, feeling the mecha respond to my touch.

One by one, we launched into the sky, the ground falling away as we soared over the lush greenery. The world looked different from up here—peaceful, untouched. It was hard to believe that somewhere out there, a threat loomed over this beauty.

Tessa flew beside me. Her movements were hesitant, her mecha wobbling slightly in the air.

"Tessa, just breathe and keep steady," I advised over the comms.

Roan chuckled. "Come on, Cuz, don't make embarass us."

She took a deep breath. "Shut up, Roan! I got it under control."

Roan chuckled.

Mirasa sighed. "Guys, stop arguing."

"Why? It's fun," Roan said.

"It's not!" Tessa yelled.

"Hey, you four! Keep moving!" the general yelled.

I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me. "Alright."

We followed after him. I moved the camera of the mecha. I'd seen the view of the town's surrounding before by being on top of on the craggy mountains not too far from where we flew. Yet, seeing it like this was a whole different experience, I could see a whole lot more.

I could kinda understand why Tessa got so nervous. Had I not been born with wind powers; I probably would've felt the same way she did.

"Relax, Tessa," I said. "If anything happens, I'll use my wind to catch you."

She giggled. "Aww, that's so nice of you, Goerld. Your girlfriend really is a lucky girl."

My cheeks heated up.

Roan's laughter echoed through the comms. "Oh, Goerld's probably blushing! Wish we could see his face right now."

Mirasa chimed in, "Roan, don't tease him."

I cleared my throat, trying to regain some semblance of dignity. "Alright, focus on the flight, everyone."

The rest of the flight went smoothly. We ran through several drills, testing our control and agility in the mechas. By the time we returned to the base, the sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the ground.

As I climbed out of the cockpit, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. It had been a long day, but we had made progress. We were becoming better pilots, better soldiers.

I watched as the others disembarked, their faces flushed with exertion but also with a sense of satisfaction.

Tessa almost tripped over, but the general caught her. Look looked up at him and blushed.

"S-sorry," she muttered.

He sighed and smiled back. "I'm just glad you're fine. You scared us a little during the exercise."

Roan chuckled. "Cuz is a klutz. Eep. I am sounding like Dad now..."

Tessa laughed. "Before ya know, ya gonna start saying a bunch of dad jokes!"

He grumbled. "Ugh. I hope not."

The general laughed. "All of you newbies are dismissed. Go to the lockers and get changed."

Roan and I left the girls and went to the boys' locker room with the other guys.

As I peeled off the pilot suit, my thoughts drifted back to Nera and Lyra. I couldn't wait to see them, to share the day's achievements, and to listen to their stories.

After finishing, Roan and I met up with Mirasa and Tessa. Together we left the base. As we walked through the town, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. Despite being taken over by Titanos, life went on. The people of our town were resilient, their spirits unbroken.

We said our goodbyes, and I made my way home. The house was alight with a warm glow.

I entered to find Nera and Lyra in the kitchen, the smell of a home-cooked meal wafting in the air.

"Goerld!" Lyra exclaimed, rushing over to give me a hug.

Nera turned, a smile lighting up her face. "Welcome home, Goerld."

I returned their greetings, my heart full. This was what I was fighting for. This was my home, my family.

"Now, hurry up and shower. Food will be done soon," Nera said, smiling slightly.

I nodded. I would've showered at the base, but it meant coming home later.

After a quick shower, I returned to the kitchen, the smell of a home-cooked meal making my stomach growl. Lyra was setting the table, her movements precise and careful. Nera was by the stove, stirring something in a pot. The sight brought a warmth to my heart.

"Smells amazing, Nera," I complimented, taking a seat at the table.

She smiled over her shoulder, her cheeks pink. "Thank you, Goerld. It's almost ready."

As we waited for dinner, Lyra filled me in on her day, her words tumbling out in a rush of excitement. I listened attentively, my heart swelling with affection for my little sister.

Nera brought the food to the table, her cheeks flushed from the heat of the stove. I couldn't help but steal glances at her as we ate, my heart fluttering in my chest. She was beautiful, her eyes bright and her smile warm. I was incredibly lucky to have her in my life.

After dinner, we cleaned up together, the task made lighter by our shared laughter and teasing. Lyra was full of energy, her spirits high despite the late hour. Nera was quieter, her presence a calming influence.

Once we were done, we retreated to the living room. Lyra curled up on the couch, her eyes heavy with sleep. Nera and I took a seat next to her, our bodies close but not quite touching.

"I'm really proud of you, Goerld," Nera said softly, her gaze meeting mine. "You're doing so well at the base."

Her words warmed me from the inside out, a soft blush creeping up my neck. "Thank you, Nera. That means a lot."

She gave me a soft smile, her eyes sparkling in the dim light. "I mean it. And I know Lyra is proud of you too."

Lyra, who had been dozing off, perked up at the mention of her name. "I am," she said, her voice sleepy. "Goerld's the best."

I chuckled, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Thanks, squirt."

As the night wore on, we settled into a comfortable silence, the soft sounds of the house around us a soothing lullaby. I could feel my eyelids growing heavy, the events of the day catching up with me.

Nera's hand found mine, her fingers threading through mine in a gentle caress. I turned to look at her, my heart skipping a beat at the soft look in her eyes.

"Good night, Goerld," she whispered, leaning in to press a soft kiss to my cheek.

My heart hammered in my chest as I watched her retreat to the bedroom, the memory of her lips on my skin sending a thrill through me.

"Good night, Nera," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

With a content sigh, I leaned back on the couch, my mind filled with thoughts of Nera. As sleep claimed me, I couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky. Despite the challenges we faced, I had my home, my sis, and a girl who made my heart race.

Standing up, I picked up my sleeping little sister and carried her upstairs to my room. I was ready to face whatever tomorrow brought, as long as I had them by my side.

Hope you enjoyed another chapter of Goeld and his family ^^

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