
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 40: Anger

Zane PoV

I surveyed my bow, making sure it was in good condition. We were fighting a war of independence. We couldn't fight without quality weapons.

The wooden grip of the bow, the color of rich emerald, felt familiar and comforting in my hands. I traced my fingers over the intricate carvings along the bow's body, each symbol representing a victory, a memory, a moment of survival.

I carefully inspected the emerald-colored bowstring, looking for any signs of fraying or wear. The string was as important as the bow itself; without it, the bow was nothing more than a decorative piece. To my relief, the string was still taut and strong, capable of withstanding the tension of a powerful draw.

Next, I turned my attention to the bow's limbs. They were made of sturdy wood capable of storing a large amount of energy. I checked for any cracks or signs of strain. A damaged limb could snap during a draw, rendering the bow useless and potentially causing injury.

The inspection was meticulous, a ritual I had repeated countless times since the war began. Every detail was important, every aspect of the bow could be the difference between victory and defeat, life and death. Each time I found the bow in good condition, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. It was one less thing to worry about in this war of independence.

Finally, satisfied with my inspection, I picked up a piece of cloth and began to gently clean the bow. I wiped away the dust and dirt that had accumulated, making sure to get into every nook and cranny. The wood gleamed under the light, resembling even more an actual gemstone.

My bow was more than a weapon. It was a part of me. As long as it remained in good condition, I knew I could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Suddenly, the door opened.

"Hey, Zane!" a shirtless Kaeii said, waving. His toned body was dripping with sweat. He must've done his workout.

I grumbled. "Kaeii, I've told you to knock! Also, don't go stinking up my room, you buffoon!"

Kaeii chuckled, a deep, hearty sound that filled the room. "Oh, come on, Zane. You know you love the smell of victory," he teased, flexing his muscles in a show of mock pride. His grin was infectious, but I wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily.

I rolled my eyes, trying to suppress a smile. "Victory? You mean the stench of sweat and ego?" I retorted, my tone dry. Kaeii's presence was disarming, and despite my irritation, I found myself fighting back laughter.

He sauntered over, a confident swagger in his step. "You're just jealous because you can't handle these guns," he said, lifting his arms to emphasize his biceps.

Kaeii was the epitome of a himbo—muscles, kinda dumb, and charm, with a heart of gold hidden beneath the bravado.

I shook my head, feigning exasperation. "Alright, Hergon, the demi-god of strength, what do you want?" I asked, placing the cloth down and giving him my full attention.

Kaeii's expression softened, and he took a moment before speaking. "I came to check on you," he admitted. "You've been cooped up since last night. Thought you might want some company... or a sparring partner."

The offer was tempting. Kaeii was one of the few people who could match my skill in combat, and sparring with him was always a good way to let off steam. Plus, it was hard to stay mad at someone who cared enough to check in on you.

I stood up, grabbing my bow and slinging it over my shoulder. "Fine! But I don't plan on losing this time!"

He laughed. "Like how you lost to that new girl?"

My face reddened. I'd lost to Sarudei. At least Kaeii had managed to defeat Ret.

"Shut up!"

He laughed as we walked down the hallway. "Speaking of her, her partner turned out to be a commander of Titanos, according to the boss."

I froze. Titanos... They had taken my little brother and the rest of my family from me.

The revelation hit me like a physical blow, and for a moment, I couldn't breathe. Titanos, the very name was a curse, a reminder of all the pain and loss that fueled this war of independence. My grip on the bow tightened until my knuckles turned white.

Kaeii's laughter faded as he saw the change in my demeanor. "Zane?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. He knew all too well the personal cost I had paid.

I swallowed hard, pushing down the surge of emotions. "It's nothing," I lied, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Let's just focus on the training."

But Kaeii wasn't fooled. He stepped closer, his usual playful demeanor replaced by a rare seriousness. "You can't let it consume you, Zane. We're fighting to make sure what happened to your family doesn't happen to anyone else."

I nodded, the weight of his words grounding me. He was right. This was bigger than my personal vendetta; it was about our future, our freedom.

"Thanks, Kaeii," I said, offering him a small, grateful smile. "Let's go make sure we're ready to face whatever Titanos throws at us."

He nodded.

"Although, do you know what happened to Ret?"

"Yeah, Hiesno detained him. He threw him into jail cell. Why?"

"The one where we usually lock any captives of war?"

He nodded.

"Thanks." I ran off.

"Hey! What about our sparring match!"

"That can wait!" I was gonna make that spy pay for what his comrades did to my family.

As I dashed through the corridors, my heart pounded with a mix of fury and determination. The thought of Ret, a commander of Titanos, being so close, within the walls of our stronghold, was both alarming and an opportunity. This was my chance to get answers, to confront the enemy who had caused so much grief.

I reached the jail cells, the heavy clank of iron doors echoing through the dimly lit hallway. The guards recognized me immediately, stepping aside with a nod. My reputation as a fierce warrior and a key figure in our resistance granted me access where others might be questioned.

There he was, Ret, sitting on the cold stone floor of the cell, his hands bound. His eyes, sharp and calculating, met mine. There was no fear in them, only the calm resolve of a soldier caught behind enemy lines.

"Ret," I said, my voice low and controlled. "You and I are going to have a talk."

He sat up. "About what?"

"Your people killed my family."

He frowned.

"Don't act like you care! You dirty invader!"

Ret sighed, lowering his gaze. "War always brings about casualties."

I gritted my teeth at how nonchalant he sounded.

The words were like a spark to dry tinder, igniting a firestorm within me.

"Casualties?" I spat out the word as if it were poison. "They were my family, not just casualties!"

My hands shook with barely contained rage. I wanted to reach through the bars, to make him feel even a fraction of the pain that I felt every waking moment. "You took everything from me!" I yelled, my voice echoing off the stone walls.

Ret remained silent, his eyes still on the floor.

"Stop with the stoicism! Look at me! You fucking coward!" I raised my bow at him. "Look at me or I'll kill you!"

Before I could act on my impulse, Kaeii's arms wrapped around me, pulling me away from the spy.

"Zane, stop! This isn't the way," he said firmly, yet there was a gentleness in his voice that I hadn't heard before.

I struggled against his hold, my emotions a whirlwind of grief and fury. "Let me go, Kaeii! He deserves to pay! All of them do!"

Kaeii held on, his grip unyielding. "And they will, but not like this. We're better than that. We have to be," he insisted, his words cutting through my haze of anger.

Slowly, the red mist of rage began to dissipate, replaced by the heavy weight of sorrow. Kaeii was right. This wasn't me. This wasn't how I honored my family's memory.

I stopped struggling, my grip on my bow slipping.

Kaeii's arms loosened around me.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, the fight draining out of me.

Kaeii turned me around to face him, his eyes earnest. "You have nothing to apologize for. But we need to stay focused. We need to be strong, for your family, for everyone who's counting on us."

I nodded, the truth of his words sinking in. "Thank you, Kaeii. I... I don't know what I'd do without you or the others."

He gave me a small smile, the kind that reached his eyes. "You'll never have to find out."

His words made my heart sink. I stepped back. "Don't say that. You're going to jinx yourself. All of us, even Arisa might die in the war to come."

"Indeed," a voice called out.

I turned and saw the boss.

She sighed as she walked over to me. Her arms wrapped around me. "Zane. I think you need to take some time off. You've been on edge for a while now. It isn't good for you."

I hugged her back. "Boss, please let me fight. I can still continue."

The boss held me at arm's length, her gaze searching mine. "Zane, I know you're strong, and your skills are unmatched, but even the mightiest warrior needs rest," she said softly, yet firmly.

I could feel the protest rising in my throat, the urge to argue that I was fine, that I could handle it. But the truth was, I was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of losing, tired of the constant weight of grief and anger.

"Please," I started, my voice barely above a whisper. "I need to be out there, for my family, for... you. For everyone."

"I understand, Zane. But think about it—what good will you be to me or anyone else if you're not at your best?"

Her words hit home. I knew she was right. If I wanted to protect her, to fight alongside her, I needed to be in peak condition, mentally and physically.

I nodded reluctantly. "Alright, I'll take a break. But only for a short while."

The boss smiled, a genuine smile that reached her eyes. "That's all I'm asking. Take some time, recover, and then come back stronger."

As she walked away, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Kaeii. "Let's go, Zane. A little break won't hurt," he said, his voice steady and reassuring.

I nodded, my thoughts still swirling. Arisa, the boss, was more than just a leader to me. Her strength and determination were the backbone of our resistance, and her belief in our cause was unwavering. But it was more than that; I admired her, maybe even more than I dared to admit.


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