
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 31: Family

Goerld pov

"Good, Goerld. Keep up the good work," the commander said as I completed another obstacle course.

"Thank you, ma'am," I replied, giving her a salute.

"You're doing well. But, don't get complacent. Complacency leads to mistakes."

"Yes, ma'am."

"All right, that's enough for now, go and eat."


I left the training grounds and headed to the cafeteria.

The morning's training had been tiring, but also satisfying. It felt good to be making progress.

I was glad the commander was taking the time to train us personally. She was a tough woman, but fair.

As I entered the cafeteria, I noticed Tessa, Roan and Mirasa.

"Hey," Roan said, waving. He had a faint scar running along his left cheek. His golden-brown eyes were always alert. He had a lean and muscular build from all the lifting he had to do growing up as the child of a merchant.

Tessa was the smallest among us, but what she lacked in size, she made up for in speed and agility. Her jet black hair was always neatly tied in a ponytail, and her purple eyes sparkled with an intense determination.

Mirasa, on the other hand, was an enigma. She was tall and slender, her long, red hair cascading down her back. Her green eyes were always calm and composed, but they hid a fierce spirit. She was a woman of few words, preferring to let her actions speak for her.

"Mind if I join?" I asked, setting my box down.

"Not at all," Tessa said, flashing me a warm smile.

I smiled. "Thanks."

"Say, that lunch box, did you make it?" Roan asked.

I shook my head. "No, my gi- uh, Nera made it."

"Nera? Is she your girlfriend? You were about to say girlfriend, right?" she giggled.

"Tessa, stop being such a gossip," Roan said.

She huffed. "Am not"

He sighed and turned away. "Can't believe we're cousins."

"You're cousins?" I asked.

Tessa nodded. "Yeah. Our dads are brothers. Dros is also my cousin, but from my maternal side."

"I see," I said as I untied the green cloth around my box and opened it up.

The moment I opened the lunch box, a delicious aroma wafted up, filling the air around us. There was a symphony of scents - the savory smell of grilled chicken, the distinct aroma of freshly cooked rice, and the sweet fragrance of pickled vegetables.

The lunch box was beautifully arranged, as if Nera had poured her heart and soul into it. The grilled chicken was neatly cut into bite-sized pieces, glazed with a shiny layer of teriyaki sauce. The rice was perfectly cooked, fluffy and white, a few black sesame seeds sprinkled on top for added flavor.

Beside the rice was a small portion of pickled vegetables - cucumber and radish, their colors vibrant and inviting. There was also a small portion of rolled omelette cut into neat slices, its yellow color contrasting beautifully with the rest of the food.

As I picked up my chopsticks and took a bite, I was immediately hit with a burst of flavor. The chicken was tender and juicy, the sauce adding a sweet and savory taste. The rice was perfectly seasoned, and the pickles added a refreshing crunch to the meal. The rolled omelette was soft and slightly sweet, perfectly balancing out the other flavors.

It was clear that Nera had put a lot of thought and effort into preparing this lunch box. Each dish complemented the other, creating a harmony of flavors that was simply delightful. It was a lunch box made with love, and it was absolutely delicious.

As I took my first bite, I noticed the sudden silence at the table. Looking up, I saw Tessa, Roan, and Mirasa all staring at my lunch box with wide eyes. There was an almost comical amount of drool forming at the corners of their mouths, their own meals momentarily forgotten.

I swallowed, feeling a bit self-conscious under their intense gazes. "Uh, is something wrong?" I asked, a nervous laugh escaping my lips.

"Wrong? No, nothing's wrong," Roan responded, his voice sounding a bit strangled as he continued to stare at my food. "It just looks so... good."

Tessa nodded in agreement, her eyes practically sparkling. "Yeah, it looks amazing. And it smells heavenly."

Even the usually composed Mirasa seemed to be affected, her gaze not leaving my lunch box. "It's... impressive," Mirasa admitted, her voice betraying a hint of awe.

I chuckled, feeling a sense of pride. Nera would be delighted to know her cooking was appreciated. "Well, would you all like to try some?" I offered, picking up a piece of chicken with my chopsticks. 

Their eyes widened even further, if that was possible. "Really?" Tessa asked, her eyes darting between me and the chicken.

I nodded, holding out the piece of chicken towards her. "Sure, why not? There's more than enough for me."

Tessa didn't need to be told twice. She quickly picked up her own chopsticks and reached across the table, expertly snatching the piece of chicken from my chopsticks. She popped it into her mouth, her eyes closing in delight as she chewed.

"Oh my god, this is so good," she moaned, savoring the taste.

Roan and Mirasa didn't waste any time either, each trying a piece of the chicken as well. Their reactions were similar to Tessa's, their faces lighting up in surprise and delight at the taste.

"Your girlfriend has some serious skills," Roan said, giving me an impressed nod.

I laughed. "I'm sure Nera would be overjoyed to hear your kind words." I looked down at my box and smiled. She wasn't always good at making food. Actually, until just a few years ago, she could barely boil potatoes. I had to teach her how to do so.

"By the way, Goerld, I don't think you've told us about your family," Tessa said. "We told you a little about us when we met. Do you live with them?"

"Uh, they don't live here."

"Eh? You live on your own?" Roan asked, looked up from his food.

I nodded. "Yeah. The neighbors sometimes take care of me, but I usually take care of the house myself. I'm a farmer."

"That sounds... suspicious. Are you secretly a prince or something?" Tessa asked, leaning forward.

I laughed nervously. Why would she think that? Although, I did find it weird that my parents left me alone when I was ten. They had paid Nera's parents to check up on me. I never knew where they went. But it wasn't like they abandoned me entirely. They did visit each year around my birthday. My parents... they felt like strangers at times.

"No, I'm not a prince or anything," I reassured her, my laughter dying down. "I just...well, my parents aren't around much. They travel a lot for work."

Tessa frowned slightly but nodded, accepting my explanation. "Must be tough, not having them around," she said, her tone sympathetic.

I shrugged. "It was hard at first, but I got used to it. The neighbors are kind, and Nera's family has always been there for me."

"That's good to hear," Roan interjected, his attention back on his food. "Family doesn't always have to be blood."

His words struck a chord with me. After all, Nera was more than just a friend or a neighbor to me. She was like family, and her parents were like a second set of parents to me.

"And besides," I added, my gaze falling on my lunch box again, "Nera helps me a lot. She's not just my girlfriend. She's my family too."

Mirasa, who had been quiet throughout the conversation, suddenly spoke up. "That's a nice way to think about it," she said, a soft smile on her face. "Family is not about blood. It's about who is willing to hold your hand when you need it the most."

Her words made me think about Nera, about her warm smile and her unwavering support. I thought about her family, who had welcomed me with open arms, despite having no obligations to do so. My parents had only paid them to check up on me. What they did for me went above and beyond that. Bet they would do it even if my parents didn't pay them.

And I thought about Tessa, Roan, and Mirasa. We had only known each other for a short while, but I already felt a sense of camaraderie with them. They were my comrades, my friends. And in a way, they were becoming my family too.

"Thank you all," I said, breaking the silence, "For being here with me."

Tessa grinned at me. "No need for the mushy talk, Goerld."

"Yeah," Roan chimed in, "We're all in this together, right?"

"Right," I agreed, returning their smiles.

And as we continued to eat and chat, I couldn't help but feel grateful. Despite the weird circumstances, I was surrounded by people who cared about me. And in the end, that was what truly mattered.

As I took another bite of the delicious food Nera had prepared, I couldn't help but feel excited about the future. No matter what challenges lay ahead, I knew I wouldn't have to face them alone. And that thought filled me with a strength I hadn't realized I possessed.

It was a strength that came not from rigorous training or sheer determination, but from the love and support of those I considered my family. That was the Uto way. And with that strength, I was ready to face whatever came my way.

Hope you enjoyed the ch ^^

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