

"What's our next mission?" I ask father as we storm into his office.

"Slow down Titan you boys need time to grieve." Father says.

"No we need to rip the throats out of every dog in existence for what they did to our brother!" Aries yells.

"You need a break." Father argues.

"We don't need a break. We need to break the necks of everyone who thinks this is okay! Everyone responsible for his death! Every dog man!" Anhur growls.

"Titan control your men!" Father looks to me.

"You heard them father. We want revenge. Are you going to help us with that or do we need to toss your office to get our next target?" I ask him.

"Southern California... it is a large group... you need to rest first! I don't want to lose you boys too!" Father says handing me a folder.

"We'll rest when it's done!" I say and we run out.

"It will take over a day to drive there." Aries tells me.

"Then we better get going... I'll take first turn at the wheel. You rest and we can drive non stop." I respond sitting in the driver's seat.

"Sounds good." Aries says leaning his head against the window.

"You too Anhur. Get some rest." I tell him as he climbs in the back seat.

"Yes sir!" He says laying across the seat.

I drive most of the way before Aries gets my attention with a hand on my shoulder.

"You're no good to us exhausted... let me take over. Get a couple hours sleep." He says.

"Fine." I pull over and we swap seats.

My body fights sleep as the sunlight streams through the window. I'm still on an anger induced adrenaline high so that doesn't help either. Eventually I must have drifted off because I am awoken by Aries shaking me.

"We're here... you ready for this?" He asks. I rub my eyes and look at him.

"Let's do this!" I say with a nod.

We hadn't taken the time to plan before driving here so we gather around the hood of the truck examining the file.

"It looks more like an apartment complex than a wolf man camp! I mean it's in the middle of a town!" Anhur says looking at the pictures.

"They are walled off tho so no humans will see us shift once we break in." I tell him.

"They aren't deaf Titan someone is likely to call the cops." He argues.

"You're right... no guns we can't risk human involvement... but this could be to our advantage. They can't patrol around the outside boarders. They will all be within the walls." I explain.

"We should go in as one... back to back and just rip through them. If we can't kill the guards before climbing separating seems foolish." Aries advises. They both look to me for a decision.

"Good call Aries let's do it... I'll take point." I say and we make our way to the target.

We jump the wall no problem but as soon as we are over people start rushing us. We keep in formation as we work our way into the center of the area. Farther away from the walls means less likely for humans to hear.

We are surrounded and at this point I nod to my men and we all change and start tearing apart every being we come across. Out of nowhere a wolf slightly larger than me jumps for Anhur and I pounce knocking him away before he can make contact. As I fought the wolf I didn't realize he was pulling me away from my men. Until a large man steps out.

"SHIFT NOW!" He orders. I chuckle to myself knowing it won't work on me until my body betrays me.

I try to fight it but I can feel my body breaking as my wolf form retreats. I fall to the ground out of breath.

"What the!?" I gasp as two men grab my arms.

"Titan!" I hear Aries call to me as he takes on his human form. Anhur follows looking at me in shock. They try to get to me but are blocked so they begin to cut through the flesh wall between us. I can see many more coming behind them. No way they can do this.

"Retreat!" I yell to them.

"Not leaving without you Titan!" Anhur yells.

"RETREAT NOW!" I command them they look to each other then at their surroundings. They find the clearest route and take it leaving me behind.

The men holding me have my arms straight out at my sides as they force my face in the dirt. I feel my shoulders twisted into an unnatural position as a board is placed across my back and silver cuffs lash me to it.

"So Titan... I take it you're the leader?" The man who command me asks. I don't respond.

"You don't need to answer that was a rather obvious one... but you will talk to me." He says.

"Lock him in a cell Ryan." I now see the large wolf I was fighting in human form come up to me.

"Come on pup!" He says lifting me by my binds.

As he throws me in the cell I hit the cement further pulling my shoulders  into an unnatural position. I pull myself to my knees as the cell is locked. The board across my back holds my arms straight out from my sides the silver cuffs burn my skin. This method of restraint seems mid evil.

"What you couldn't afford hand cuffs! had to borrow restraints from your great great grandpappy!" I yell. The powerful man walks in.

"No... you see the position of you arms means if you try to shift it will rip your arms off... plus it's harder to slip your binds when your hands can't touch... may seem old fashioned but its effective... Now you're going to answer my questions." He says.

"Yea right!" I scoff.

"How many are in your team?" He asks.

"Thousands." I respond.

"THE TRUTH!" I feel myself trying to answer him... what is wrong with me? I fight to keep my mouth shut. "NOW."

"Four... me, Aries, Odin, Anhur." I yell him fighting to catch my breath. "How?" I ask. I know I can command my men but no one has ever been able to command me.

"I'm your king." He answers.

"I have no king!" I hiss at him.

"You are a werewolf so... yea you do." He says bluntly.

"Shut it Dog Man! You are nothing to me!" No way he is king over me.

"I'd suggest you refrain from referring to us as dogs... some if the men around here would rip your throat out for that and I don't want you dead just yet." He tells me. I just roll my eyes.

"You can call me Alpha or king Alic... you will learn some respect boy... and you will give me information. If you survive and the degree of pain you experience is entirely up to you." He tells me and I just look at the ground. How am I going to get out of this?

"If you're team has four why did only three attack?" The "king" asks. I refuse to answer. I hear him sigh. "You know I can keep forcing the information out of you but the more you fight the sooner you'll lose conciousness. If you'd just answer me it'd be much easier on you."

"Screw you Dog king!" He said that was a good insult so why not use it? I am not going to give in to him.

"ANSWER THE QUESTION!" Stupid command!

"Odin is dead!" I yelp my head spinning.

"Sorry for your loss." He says. Is this guy serious? He locks me up and then seems apologetic over the death of my brother?

"Yea right!" I growl at him.

"How long have you boys been working for the hunters?" He asks.

"None of of your..." I see his eyebrows raise. He won't drop his questioning and I can feel myself weaken with every command. If I have any hope of getting out of here I need to conserve my strength. The boys will come back for me. As long as he is talking about the past it can't hurt us now. Plus I know I'll answer eventually anyway. "We don't work for hunters."

"Who then?" He asks.

"Government project." I tell him.

"Yea... you work for hunters weather you know it or not... how long?"

"Over 10 years."

"How old are you?"

"20...21... somewhere in there."

"What do you remember before you were with them?" Its good he's focused on my past. This line of questioning gives him nothing but stalls time well.


He continues to question me and I tell him my whole sob story avoiding any specific location. Can't have him knocking on father's door. Finally he seems relaxed so I ask a question of my own.

"Why would you take the drug? I mean I had no choice. It saved my life but you? You could have lived a happy human life yet you chose to be a weapon a terrorist."

"You don't know what you're talking about pup. I was born a wolf... so was my father and his before him. You were born a wolf as well. There is no drug to make a werewolf. They are using you."

"Father saved my life! He saved all our lives! We weren't born monsters we were made. This animalistic side effect sucks but he saved us!"

"It's not a side effect. You are not a monster. You are a werewolf. A confused pup."

"Why do you keep calling me that?"

"Pup?... it's what we call our children. You're about the age of my second son... I feel for you boy. Not knowing who and what you are is rough... anyway! Good night Titan. We leave at sun up sleep well."

"You're just gonna leave me like this!" My hands are going numb. I thought after I was behind bars they would release this contraption.

"I feel bad for you... I don't trust you." With that he leaves. I scoot over to the wall and put my back to it trying to find a way to rest. Eventually exhaustion takes me into a painful sleep.