
Chapter 7: An Idiot inside the dungeon

Say... when you find bees... you can find honey right?


In front of me is a hive of bees...huge bees. Appraising it resulted in this....

Buzzer Bee

It is a type of monster bee that incorporates hives in numerous frequencies, their numbers per hive would reach 100-150 individuals....

It was also on the book that i red that their honey...is a very delicious sweet ingredient for potions and for actual sweets. Yep, it is a woman's haven....except the fact that these bees can actually kill you with their poisonous stinger. As usual, people that have allergies usually die faster when stung by a buzzer bee.

Naturally one has to do a ranged attack, but that won't normally work since buzzer bees usually travel a speed of 40 m/s in just 5 seconds of flight, hence hitting that fast moving target is not guaranteed. One had to exterminate the entire hive to gather the said honey, usually with the help of magicians and professionals.

By the way, there was a job known as bee keeper, i mean the job of keeping the bee alive while gathering the honey by smoking the hive with special types of medicinal plants and herbs. This makes the bees lethargic thus the harvesting of honey is done peacefully....in one way or another.

[There were people here?] i can see 5 blue dots near the hive, yeah.....those are adventurers with the job class beekeeper. Their group is a 5 person group that is composed with 2 swordsman, 1 mage, 1 ranger, and a thief with a job class beekeeper. I remembered, adventurers with thief as their job are versatile regarding trap disarming and trap detection, the bee hive was a sort of sweet trap after all.

I decide to ignore that for now, buzzer bees are not red dot but rather green, in short passive monsters that won't attack unless you disturb them or their home.

I then made my way to the tree tops where i can see the entire vicinity of the 3rd floor. There i saw a flying monster called kowprah, a reptile like bird, i mean a lizard with actual feathers as wings. Those guys have venom glands so taking those out requires killing it on a distance.


And down it goes, the Longbow DMR hits it without missing. Quickly getting the drop, i then returned  to the tree tops to traverse the forest and while keeping mind of my presence. Just to keep in mind, killing one of them means that you are prepared to fight the entire hive. There are pheromones after all.

Safely avoiding such enemies, i then encountered some familiar monsters like slimes, kobolds, gnolls, goblins, some strays. Strays are undead equipped with a bow, their attacks has a chance to deal paralysis and slowness so they are the strongest individual at this floor.

Dodging an incoming arrow, i then fired a round from the smart pistol mk.2. Smashing the stray's head without any hesitation from the strong blunt force that came from the bullet, it was dealt immediately.

[Phew~ that was good. So i will probably encounter the same monsters until floor 5 huh....] on the book, the 5th floor are floors in which the enemy known as a sub-boss are to appear. The 5th floor becomes a large arena for a person to fight the sub-boss, the sub-boss are super strong and are dangerous to deal alone, hence most people tend to group up to eliminate the sub-boss safely.

Maa~ but at least i do have my trump cards regarding that matter. I can summon one out of the 7 available titan types after all. I just hope that it would not be useless inside this closed area. By the way...it seems to impossible for a titan to touch down due to the fact that there are no open sky...but a ceiling.


I'll just find a way...either way, if push comes to shove, i will just unleash a barrage of attacks with some good LMG i have at the moment....hmm....L-Star seems good.

[Oryahh!] *Dokun!*

Punching the shielded brute's shield, it was pushed back. I then tried using some fire magic i had in mind.

[Fire Bullet!] a small vermillion flame bullet shot forth from the finger that I pretended to be a gun, it travels fast enough for it to be considered an actual bullet...but it was made of flames.

[Guah———-....*thud!*](??) the brute was charred on its face, causing it to die from the sudden impact and heat that came from the fire bullet. It died in a cool way:

•it screamed

•it passed out

•it fall down collapsing on its knees then lied down belly flat

Like some villain you can find in action movies or such. Even anime have scenes like this which depicts the part where the protagonist defeats the villain, and the villain died cooly while the protagonist lived in shame....wait....aren't i siding the bad guys now?

Now back to the topic, i made my way to the 4th floor in a fast manner since i found a pattern regarding how to find the stairs to the next floor. It goes by this:

•1st floor: north

•2nd floor: east

•3rd floor: south

•the 4th floor was noticeable to be at the west.

The stairs follow a clockwise manner, that is why it is very important to know where is N E S and W, i am just glad that i had the map and compass on my view and it was an actual skill.

Proceeding through smoothly, i leveled up quite well since yesterday.



Name: Jack Cooper


Race: Human


Job:[Pilot] Adventurer

Job classes:-----









Summon:Titan (7):-/-


Pulse blade:-/-


Grapple hook:-/-


Holo pilot:-/-

Thruster jump:-/-



Game screen(map,compass,clock,calendar,inventory):-/-


Parallel Thinking : level 4

Spear fishing: level 1

Fire Magic: level 5


Abnormal state resistance:-:-



[Transported individual]


[Hoo~ it really is as described, dungeons are lace that offers high experience than those monsters on the surface] if i am to say how fast it is, it should be approximately....hmmm....5x the normal....

Rather than just experience, the success rate of drops are also high here. I was lucky with the goblins case before, but after reading some books...monster don't usually have monster cores. Those that have it are only monsters that have lived longer than usual, in the case inside the dungeon...monsters here are magically generated thru the dungeons magic supply, hence monsters here drop monster cores with a probability of almost 90%.

As the case is like this, the adventurers who want to train to rise their ranks occasionally come here and raise their levels. They can also earn money which is a win-win situation. But are cautious since rare monsters do also occasionally spawn on random floors.

Specially the one 100 meters from me. It was a rare slime called Forte Slime. According to the guide book, Forte slimes are slimes that are hard to kill due to having multiple nucleus. It is gold in color which is very noticeable, but its attacks are not to take lightly. Forte slime is an electric type monster, like a certain popular mascot of a certain childhood anime, pika!, it deals paralysis in every attack and can shoot lightning bolt ones every 10 minutes. Hence it is better to kill it quickly.

On my hand...is an explosive called satchel charge....yes o yes....it is the time delayed one. If i push the red button near the handle, it will detonate after some good 5 seconds and will explode with a diameter of 5 meters. So i should be careful when using these to avoid myself getting hurt.


I just felt my excitement well there, thinking how it would end whether bad or good. Gripping the smart pistol mk.5 strongly, i then rushed to it while activating CLOAK grappling from tree to tree, as i reached a distance of 6 meters near it. I then throw the satchel...traveling in a parabolic path, it landed near the slime....huh?....I forgot to press the button!!!!!!

The slime then became curious as it touched the satchel charge and occasionally tried attacking it, as it attacked it with its charged tentacle.....



[*Cough* that was...] it seems i was wrong regarding its area of effect, the satchel charge's tru AOE is actually 7 meters in diameter, so the soot created from that explosion reached me. The slime however....

It disintegrated, leaving me a yellow monster core. But damn....that was one sick explosion. It actually disturbed the monsters here at the 3rd floor, including the buzzer bees.....

[I should have not done that!] swarms of yellow and black giant bees are heading in my direction, they passed by the other adventurers and were just heading towards me, they seemed to have see me as a potential threat.

[Shit! I will really use that now!]

{Brace for TitanFall~} a monotonous robotic and lifeless voice resounded in my head as i used one of my pilot skills. I then hurriedly equipped the IMC pilot battle suit and looked at the ceiling.

[No...way....] what i saw was a black hole....and an approaching titan. Seems like my savior will come at the moment.

Falling at a constant speed of 9.8 m/s/s, the titan's descend was majestic.


[Board up Pilot—](Legion) what i summoned was the titan colored in black and gray, 10 meters in height, and was holding its Predator Vulcan Cannon in its right arm.

[This will be very....interesting]