
Titan - Humanity's Last Hope

Abel, a genetically modified human, is forced to travel between planets to get to Jupiter's second largest moon. TITAN. After humans for hundreds of years continued to pollute and neglect Earth. World leaders were force to come to term's, however it was too late, overpopulation and increase in global temperatures plagued the world, leaving only the rich and powerful unharmed. However, this would not work forever as earth was slower becoming more uninhabitable for humans, and the only option left was another planet. leader's started to fund research into research. After years of research, scientist Gregory Mendla, managed to find a way to genetically modify humans to allow humans to survive on Titan, only 10 people were able to be modify successfully, and John was one of them. Follow along as the last hope of humanity journeys across planets, with only his spaceship and 300 fertilised eggs, to restart human civilization on Titan.

grimygrim · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Number 0028

"Nice to meet you too 0028" replied 0014 before going back to admiring the comfy beds.

"Have you never seen a bed before?" questioned 0028.

" I have, but I've been living on the streets for the pass 2 years, so I haven't gotten the chance to enjoy such a comfortable sleep, *yawn*" explained 0014.

"oh" replied 0028 with a regretful look

"No need for that look" replied 0014, as he noticed her face, and fell into a deep deep sleep.


In the Research sector of Eden

" I've managed to modify rats, but I can't modify humans, what the problem?" Dr. Mendla asked himself

"Oh it could take I haven't taking into account the gene factor of human is drastically more different than rats" realised Dr. Mendla.

"Duncan, bring some the children we have been training for the past years, to my lab for some experiments"

"yes sir" replied the assistant Duncan.


"0014 where are you, we need to go to training!" shouted 0028.

" I'm here! I'll come in a bit just give me a minute!" I shouted back at 0028.

Over the course of the year I had become warmed to 0028 as a friend. I had fun when I was with her, and would always talk to her about how our day was when we were back into our room. It had become a routine for me at this point.

But that all fell apart on this particular day, when she was called by the guards.

"0028, 0054, 0034, and 0007! Meet the at the west wing after training!" everyone froze as the announcement rang throughout Eden's Training Sector.


"It probably just be the next stage of our training" said 0014 to 0028 to calm down her nervousness.


Her anxiety, about what would happen beyond the entrance of the west wing increased, even more so that she was going without 0014, her closest friend.

But I reassured that it was probably just the next change in training, as the people who were chosen were the highest scoring out of all of us.

0028 end up leaving, since if she did not she would most likely be taken by force. And that was the last time I saw 0028.

short chapter today.....sad :p

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