
Tired of Death

ZOMBIES!! Undead monsters or simply misunderstood? Follow the exploits of a group of dead and half dead, as they rampage across the realm, looking for their enslaver! Horror! Gore! Action! Humour! Romance! Adventure! Almost none of these things are present. But why take my word for it? See for yourself! First hit's free! ;)

Neil_H · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
144 Chs


Dreth felt like whistling a little tune as he walked through the woodland. He'd been underground for as long as he could remember, and to be outside again felt good, though it was more agreeable once night fell. He was an evil half dead being after-all. A pleasant stroll in the sunlight didn't seem right somehow."

You look happy," said Emerald, trying to keep up with him. "As far as that frightful grimace can portray such an emotion at least."

"And why not?" Dreth replied. "I'm finally out of my prison, heading off to somewhere that may have my contract, and I've outwitted my enemies. What's not to be happy about?"

"Well, I'm glad someone's okay. I still don't know who I am and where I come from, not to mention what this demonic Being is that's after my body."

"Don't worry," said Dreth. "Once we defeat this Overlord fellow I'm certain I'll be able to help you."

"That's very generous of you I'm sure," scowled Emerald.