
Tired of Death

ZOMBIES!! Undead monsters or simply misunderstood? Follow the exploits of a group of dead and half dead, as they rampage across the realm, looking for their enslaver! Horror! Gore! Action! Humour! Romance! Adventure! Almost none of these things are present. But why take my word for it? See for yourself! First hit's free! ;)

Neil_H · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
144 Chs


Dreth paused to pull the farmer's hood down further over his face and watched the large man mount his horse and ride off. The black cloaked figure was not a local, that was for sure, and the timing couldn't be a co-incidence.

As the beast disappeared into the ever lightening sky, he looked back at the door the man had walked out of. If he'd spoken to the person inside, it followed information could be found there.

Straightening his new farmer's clothes once more, and trying to hide some of the blood stains, he walked into the main street, which was thankfully almost deserted. Keeping to the shadows as much as possible, he trudged along the dusty road. A glance down made him pause for a moment. A hoof print, recent, was burned into the ground. A Nightmare steed then. He was right; the rider had been some kind of serious evil. Dreth shrugged. Ah well, so was he.