
Also a werewolf

Victoria's POV

"Wear this ". Sonia brought out a blue dress for me.

"I'm not wearing ". I murmured, 

Sonia hissed and sat on the bed 

"What do you want? ".she asked, 

"I just want to stay home ".  I murmured and lay on the bed 

"That will not happen, stand up "

She pulls me up from the bed and handed the blue dress to me 

"Wear this".

I hissed and collected the dress from her.

I changed into the dress and pack my hair.

"Sit, let me do you a light make up ". Sonia suggested.

"No, thanks ". I murmured and stared at the mirror one more time before going for the door.

"Have fun".  I heard Sonia's voice.

I hissed softly and left the apartment.

I got out of the apartment and saw Kelvin standing by a car I assumed was his.

"Beautiful". he muttered those words and gently kissed my cheek.

I felt shy and looked away.

He laughed softly and open the door for me.

"Where are you taking me to? ".  I asked as soon as we got into the car.

"You will find out soon ". he chuckled softly and start the car before driving out.

"Something is bothering you, what is it? ".he asked 

"Nothing". I murmured.

"You are lying". He spoke firmly, like he was so sure of it.

I hissed softly and stared outside the window.

"We are here ". 

I look around and noticed we were in a classic restaurant, a place I never dreamed I could come.

"I know you like this place, ". he muttered out those words and came out of the door.

I tried to open just door,, but he told me not to.

He opens the door for me and I walk out.

"Thank you ". I murmured

"You are welcome ". he smiled at me and led the way.

We got in and were about taking our seat when I heard a lady's voice calling out to Kelvin.

"Shit, I hope it's not his wife or girlfriend". I murmured to myself.

I turn around in the direction of the voice and to my surprise I saw him seated with the lady while staring at me with cold eyes that brought shivers to my body.

"Mine ". I knew that was what he said.

"Come ". Kelvin took my hand and led me to them.

"You are also here, ". the lady exclaims in joy.

I took a better look at her and realized she was the one I saw sleeping naked in Eric's room.

Seeing them together,, I felt jealousy and angry.

"We are here to eat dinner, ". Kelvin spoke up.

"Really that nice, why don't you join, us sir Kelvin".she smiled at him.

"We will, if she agrees ". he said those words while staring at me.

I stared at him with wild eyes, but did not say a word.

"Hey, hello". The lady smiled at me, 

“Hi”.  I whispered 

"Do you mind joining us? ". she asked while staring at me

"Not at all ". I replied.

"Then please sit ". she pointed at the chair opposite her.

"Thank you ".  I murmured 

How on Earth did I end up in such an awkward situation.

I stared at Kelvin, who gave an assuring smile before sitting beside me.

"How are you Eric? ".he asked 

"Good ". Erick murmured while staring at me with anger.

It was obvious he really hates me.

"I never knew you were in town, sir". She expressed those words to kelvin.  who only laughed softly and stared at me, 

I've told you to only call me Kelvin, ". he spoke calmly 

"Well I'm trying". She muttered out.

He laughed softly and shakes his head.

The menu was brought to us.

"What will you have? ". Kelvin asked, 

I stared at the menu and noticed the food were really expensive, and I was finding it hard to make a choice.

"Take whatever you wanna take, don't look at the price".he whispered.

I turn and stared at him in shock., how was he able to read what was in my mind.

"I'll take whatever you are having".  I said those words and handed the menu back to the server

"So how long will you be in town?". she asked 

"Four months". he replied 

"Wow that's nice ". she responded and peered at me with curiosity.

"Hey am Sofie.". she brought forth her hand to me.

"I'm Victoria". I took her hand in mine.

"Nice meeting you ". she smiled at me and took back her hand.

I stared at her and could notice how expensive the jewelries and dress she was wearing., indeed she was eating good money if not hers, then it's definitely from Derick.

The food was brought in, and we all ate in silence.

Occasionally, I caught Eric's gaze on me and all I could do was swallow nervously and look away.

"So Vicky, what do you do for a living? ".she asked, 

I swallowed nervously and took a sip of my drink.

"I'm a bartender". I whispered

"Bartender?". she asked in shock while staring at Kelvin.


“Wow”. She chuckled softly, 

"I never, Kelvin, will have anything to do with a person as low as that". She murmured but I could hear her.

"Sofie". Kelvin muttered out her name in anger 

"Am sorry, I don't mean it that way ",

"What I was trying to say is that I wouldn't believe that a person as high as Minister Kelvin will make friends with a bartender"

 She said those words while staring at me.

I hissed softly and took a sip of my drink.

"Excuse me, I need to visit the restroom". She stood up from the chair and walked away.

"What are you doing here with him? ". Eric asked in anger the moment she left.

"She is here with me, Eric ". Kelvin spoke calmly

"I don't care, I just don't want this girl anywhere close to me ". He muttered those words while staring at me with so much hate.

"Why? Because she is your mate ".he demanded in annoyance.

"Shit ".  I whispered

Kelvin was also a werewolf, that explains how he knew Eric.

"She is not my mate, and can never ever be my mate ". He expressed those words with so much anger in him.